Road Closure for Footway Works, Station Road, Spooner Row, Wymondham
Work starts on Monday 28 July 2014 to improve the surface of the footway at Station Road in Spooner Row, Wymondham.
The work is to overlay or reconstruct the existing footway with new kerbs and edgings on Station Road, between its junction with Chapel Road to the existing level crossing.
It is hoped that all the works should be completed within 6.5 weeks, weather permitting.
To ensure the safety of the workforce and other road users, four way traffic lights will be set up when working at the Station Road/Chapel Road crossroad for the first week. A road closure will be required on Station Road between Monday 04 August 2014 and 03 September 2014. After that, there will be two way traffic lights on Station Road for the last 3 days for the remaining works. The County Council apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.
The work which will cost £26,500 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Environment, Transport and Development Department and their contractors.
For Further Information
Richard Munro, Site Agent, Lafarge Tarmac, on 0344 8008020.
Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at
I live on station road and did not even receive a letter about this. Having the lights there is causing people to speed even more as once they get over the railway line, they see a green light then put their foot down to try and get through before they change. There's also the odd driver who thinks they can just go even if lights are red!!!
With the roadworks going on beware of large lorries coming over Top Common railway bridge , today I was nearly taken out by an Eddie Stobbart lorry . I was in my vehicle and had to reverse pretty sharpish otherwise he would have gone straight into me because he was going to fast. The weight limit is 7.5 Tons so he should not have been there !!!!
What really winds me up is villagers who insist going through the road closure because they live the other side of the works. Only yesterday I heard a motorist insist that the workmen move their machinery because he lived in school lane and didn't want to go miles around. he obviously doesn't know about top common! Now this morning an HGV driver moved the cones and signs to go through. Cannot people read? Road closed means road closed unless for access to the relevant houses not just because it's a short cut to your house!
I notice that there are already roots breaking through in the new resurfaced public footway in several places! Does someone come out and check on work done?
Yes, I also noticed that some bumps had appeared already and that weeds were poking through. I just wondered what thickness of tarmac had been applied ?