In view of the recent incidents in the village I thought people might be interested in a company recommended to me which offers some cost effective and straightforward home and personal security products - UltraSecure
Good for ideas and knowing what kind of products are available even if you don't get them from here.
We clearly have a number of issues going on in the village at present, cat shooter, people being followed and prowlers.
As this is the time for holidays and properties get unoccupied for a week or so, please do not be afraid to advise your neighbours if you are going away, remember to lock things up such as sheds and cars and I know, because I forget sometimes, and do not be frightened to ring the Police. Even items in a locked shed such as cycles can be individually locked together as an extra protection to make them less easy to remove.
Leave a lounge light on, preferably on a timer if you are away so it looks like someone is in and turning it on and off
Using an indelible pen to mark your property with your postcode, even if in a locked shed as this can also prevent its 'resale' and also take registration numbers of 'suspect' vehicles. In these days of computerisation, innocent 'offenders' can be very quickly identified, such as council officers who might be looking for flytippers for example and in consequence acting oddly, if you are really motivated take a picture which even with a phone can be quite high quality.
Approaching individuals is not to be recommended unless you are mob handed and confident in doing so. Anyone with a weapon of any kind leave well alone. Whilst we all know the Police are stretched, it is not our job to Police for them or put ourselves at risk by doing so, and unreported incidents simply encourage the myth that there is no crime so more cuts can be made !
My apologies if this is coming across a sucking eggs but in a small rural village(s) we all need to look out for each other, and if anyone spots anyone using an air rifle or firearm in a public place immediately report it, day or night using 999.