(The following is a general consultee letter from South Norfolk District Council providing informing on their public consultation. Webstation):
Dear Consultee,
Subject: Gypsies and Travellers Local Plan (GTLP) Issues and Options Consultation 29th August to 24th October 2014
I am writing to let you know that the Gypsies and Travellers Local Plan (GTLP) Issues and Options Consultation will take place between 29th August and 5pm on 24th October 2014.
The Gypsies and Travellers Local Plan Document is an important part of the Council’s emerging Local Plan. It seeks to set out how the Council will meet the accommodation needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community across the district in order to meet the identified future need and satisfy the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
The Issues and Options version of the Local Plan Document is the start of the process and the Council is inviting comment on the key issues and priorities that should be considered when identifying and assessing potential future sites. In addition it provides you with the opportunity to suggest any issues that you feel should be addressed, comment on which options you believe are the most appropriate, or tell us about any other options you consider appropriate. You can see the consultation document, the background documents, and make a response at the link below.
This Issues and Options stage of the GTLP offers an opportunity for the Council to seek input and views from the widest range of statutory consultees, Gypsies and Travellers, interest groups, and residents on the issues and priorities that should be considered in assessing the appropriate level of pitch provision and site selection criteria. The document does not indicate any specific site allocations – these will be in the next iteration of the GTLP later in the year.
Alongside the consultation there is also a call for sites. If you have a piece of land you would like us to consider for allocation as a site for Gypsies and Travellers, please fill in the form on our Gypsies and Travellers Local Plan web page at www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/gtlp and provide a site plan.
Full details of all the documents and response form are available on the Councils’ planning web page at http://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/gtlp with hard copies available to view at the Council offices, in Long Stratton. A CD containing the relevant documents as also been made available at the libraries and contact centres listed below.
The Council’s preferred method for receiving representations is through the online consultation system from the above link. However forms can be returned by email to lp@s-norfolk.gov.uk as well as by post to the Planning Policy manager, South Norfolk Council, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE.
For further information, please contact a member of the Planning Policy team.
Hasn't SNC got better things to spend our money on than churning out one policy document after another on everything and anything? It's Local Plan this and Local Plan that... this is all part of the previous Labour Government's planning requirements and now very much out of date and things have moved on.
One of SNC's previous gypsy and traveller policy documents was thrown out by a Government appointed Independent Inspector because he rightly had serious concerns about it - the unsound policy document resulted in its failure and money spend on it wasted. Was anyone at SNC held accountable for this and what was the total cost of it all including public consultations?
The Independent Inspector's findings were reported widely in the local press at the time including this EDP news article.
This document is monster and in my humble opinion is very poorly drafted around a report prepared for the Council , at OUR expense where the only consultees were the Travellers themselves , who not surprisingly said there were not enough sites. Other Council's Housing officers supported more sites in the South Norfolk area but it is interesting to note that they have provided none of their own and have no intention to do so in future.
The report is very long winded , as is the South Norfolk ( SNDC) consultation document , which also refers to a sustainability assessment document of 109 pages and again in my humble opinion it concludes with a need to provide 35 more pitches. I do not believe this is justified or adequately evidenced. To be fair the report's authors almost say this but SNDC seem hell bent to drive on with this process. Why?
If you get time and can stay awake for long enough to read this report please do submit a comment.
The real travesty in my view is the truly terrible scoping assessment document by which submitted plans wil be judged. It appears at Appendix 1 . A cursory glance reveals a document so biased towards the application being approved that one is left wondering why SNDC even bother with the Planning process and let us hope this is not accepted as the final version.
If anyone wants a copy of my response please let me know and I will send them a copy in an e mail as an attachment. ( 3 pages )
SNDC already provides more sites ( pitches ) than any other Norfolk Council, so I believe approval for more is simply not justified and we in South Norfolk should not be providing these apparently needed extra pitches on our own. Other Councils are ignoring this and have simply disengaged for the wider G and T planning process.
This is my view and my view alone and not that of Wymondham Town Council who have decided not to comment.
Does SNC actually care what the public think... highly unlikely. The Council legally has to provide a public consultation but that's where it ends. They collect the views, do a bit of statistics on the response to prove they have gone through the motions, then just continue with their own agenda. The EDP article hyperlinked in Anonymous's posting above explains it well. The article says that the Inspector, "was not satisfied with the way the council took account of residents' views." Need I say more.