WTC have been advised that Norfolk Highways Rangers team will be working on minor road repairs in our area soon.
The only way they get to know what needs to be done is local people telling them. I've copied the text of their email below.
The Highway Rangers are coming to Wymondham soon.
If you have any work you would like added to the list (see typical items below) please e-mail us at
Note: Please could all items of an enquiry type or requiring substantial works be sent separately to the attention of the area highway engineer.
Please can you send your requests to me before Friday 28th February 2015.
To help identify them from other enquiries it would be helpful if you can place “RANGER” and your PARISH in the subject field and provide as much information as possible about the exact location and specific concern.
Typical Items:
Side out a carriageway or footway (overgrown grass/weeds or soil encroachment)
Strim grass verges
Clear verge grips
Rod and flush drains
Clean out drainage gullies
Clean out drainage chambers
Rod and flush kerb drainage off lets
Wash signs, bollards or reflector posts
Minor sign/post repairs (such as straightening and reattaching)
Repair minor kerb defects
Clear mud and soil from the carriageway
Soil and seed verges
Repair minor footway surface defects (such as potholes although these should be raised with the Highways Dept when noticed as these are repaired by separate gangs)