Planning Application 2015/0816 forScreening Opinion for proposed development of ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels and associated works, Land East Of Rookery Farm Silver Street Besthorpe. This Planning application is close to the outskirts of Spooner Row and next to the remains of Wick Hall.
So a Planning app right next door to Wick Hall which is where Dinahs lane leads to and which has recently and almost certainly illlegally barriered off. See other message below
Planning Application 2015/0816 Screening Opinion for proposed development of ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels
I have often wondered why more was not made of the heritage and historical value of Wick Hall and its moat as part of Spooner Row. Records say that the moat was medieval. Was this where the lighted beacon used to stand before Wick Hall was built within the moat's grounds? Records say that Wick Hall was once owned by Lord Byron, but now only the ruins remain. There was the old folklore ghost of Dinah of Dinah's Lane, was she not condemned as a witch? Its a shame to let this local site go by with hardly any recognition.
Solar panels are the future,dont block them> know off many of these and all homeowners swear by them as they are a great source of electricity and they are free from NOISE.The sun is our friend and it will be around for a few years yet and it is FREE to all.
The issue I have here is the sheer number of them. The government has tried to incentivise your average joe to do their bit by making the bitter pill of the huge investment in green energy a little sweeter by paying householders to install the systems. What is happening is corporate entities are gobbling up the incentives by investing millions in huge great solar farms which is not the intention of the subsidies. This is why they have reduced the incentives, I am surprised it is still a viable option for these huge fields of panels, but there you go. All that will happen now is they will reduce the incentives further, meaning the small guy will loose out all together
The problem with Solar systems is it never generates the promised amounts, and when it does generate, it generates when you don't need it ( i.e. when its cold and dark outside you need the power, and that is when they don't work). This ultimately means UKpowernetworks still have to provide dirty generating capacity in the form of fossil fuel burning power stations, or localised diesel generators which produce power on demand ( in fact there is another incentive scheme where you can install a diesel generator in your own property / land /commercial property etc. where you can be paid by UKPN to make it available to them, and paid even more to produce electric for them, such is the problem with the power mix in the country today, i.e. too much when its sunny, not enough when its dark)
To be clear here this is not a planning permission but a question being asked by the Agent as to whether the application will require an Environmental Impact assessment.
Using the detail provided in the Agent's report which is on the SNDC website, Wymondham Town took the view at the planning sub committee meeting that an assessment should be called for given the juxtaposition of Wick Hall.
The Agent's report was clearly against this, so it is now in South Norfolk's court to make a decision