This may have implications for Cromwells ward and it might even be a process we could influence. I am not sure whether at this stage we qualify as a 10% variance but with Silfiled getting another 1220 houses ...........
That is the good news ?? but the bad news is the Govt declared aim to reduce numbers of MP's and elected members. Some cynics might think this is a hidden agenda. However .....
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) will be undertaking a review of the District Ward Boundaries for South Norfolk Council as we have variances of over 10% in the number of electors, in some of our District Wards. The LGBCE is independent of government and political parties, and are directly accountable to Parliament through the Speakers Committee. They are responsible for reviewing local authority electoral arrangements, administrative boundaries and structure. Their recommendations for this review will be implemented by Parliament. For further details on the LGBCE please visit
The South Norfolk Council website will have a page set up closer to the beginning of the review, to assist our residents in finding information on the review and how to get involved with the consultation via the LGBCE which begins on the 28th June 2016.
District Warding Patterns Consultation Starts 28th June 2016 – 5th September 2016
Draft recommendations consultation 8th November 2016 – 9th January 2017
Final Recommendations published 14th March 2017
Implementation at the District Elections in May 2019
I hope you find this information useful.
Elections Team
t 01508 533704 e