Please see the attached and make sure you check the planning portal every 3 nanoseconds in case you miss something. For my part I will try and let the SR message board know of any contentiuos issues. The info is repeated here in full unaltered. Just astonished they haven't called it an improvement although they suggest it will speed up the process of dealing with applications?
Dear Parish/Town Clerk
You may recall in 2014 we notified you of changes to way we consult on planning applications for householder applications and explained that a site notice for this type of application would not always be erected. As from the 15 February 2016 the Council will only be posting a site notice for where there is a statutory requirement to do so, to help speed up the process in dealing with all types of application. We will still be consulting you on all these applications for your views. The new process will be as follows:
• Site Notices will only be posted if there is a statutory requirement to do so i.e. it is in a conservation area or is a listed building (in both these instances we also have to put and advert in the local press), a major application ((defined as residential - 10 or more dwellings or site of 0.5 hectares or more; non-residential – new floor space 1000sqm of a site of 1 hectare or more); has an Environmental Impact Assessment; Affects a public right of ways; does not accord with the provisions do the development plan or is adjacent to open land (i.e. where there is no address point)
• We will continue to notify in writing all neighbours adjacent to the boundary of the site, or opposite the site if it relates to any front alterations, the selection of any other neighbours will be a judgement call by the case officer (as is the case at present), and whether they are materially affected by the proposal.
This level of publicity together with press adverts, where required, satisfies the statutory requirement for public consultation on applications.
In addition to the above the Council also publishes the weekly list of applications on its web site and also residents can sign up to ‘My South Norfolk’ on the web site to receive alerts on what is happening in their area.
All District Members have been notified of this change and it would be helpful if you could also pass this message on to as many of your residents as possible.
Kind regards,
Helen Mellors
Development Manager
t 01508 533789 e
This appears to be the thin end of the wedge. What happens if a very controversial dwelling is proposed and nobody is aware of it ? A site notice placed at the point where the planning application is proposed is absolutely essential and the best way forward. I cannot believe that this has been proposed by South Norfolk Council. Not everyone has the benefit of broadband or can manoeuvre their way around the website or indeed take the local paper. Who is the person to write to about this please Julian ?
You can copy in your district Councillor Jack Hornby
I think my opposition to this fait accompli ( another one) is clear but the reference to statutory requirement makes it obvious, sadly, that they are not going to move on this.
Everything is about saving money and time, but I fail to see how this will speed up applications unless it is hoped, perhaps ( cynical sorry) that less objections will result, and once again why do they not admit to the real reason or are they that worried that this might be seen at Central Govt as critiscising austerity and more cutbacks.
It is a bit of a jump but if we end up with less staff dealing with applications the only result will be delays or ill considered decesions.
I notice that the SNC website format has changed and it is more complicated to find the lists of planning applications. If you want to do a general check on local planning applications; click on this link:
Click on 'Advanced', then under 'Ward' select 'Cromwells' from the drop down menu.
You will need to select two dates from the calendar under 'Date Received' eg. '01/09/2015' to 'Today'