A car has crashed into the chicane coming into the village from Bunwell (8.30am). Yet again, highlighting the issue of speeding into and through the village. Thankfully the driver is unhurt, but could easily have been worse. When is something going to be done? With houses now being built adjacent to the road with the worst example of speeding drivers, how long before there is a more serious accident?? Didn't the local council say they would only do something following an accident in the village directly linked to speeding? Or would they claim that due to the fact the car went into the chicane fencing, it didn't actually happen IN the village!
I nearly had a head on crash with someone I know lives in the Village because he decided he would ignore the right of way and just come at me (forcing an emergency stop) instead of stopping. Needless to say he wont be getting any landscaping or tree surgeon work from me ever again......