In a recent copy of Computeractive there was an article about poor rural broadband. Sound familiar? Well a new company is looking for customers to provide a faster broadband signal than we are getting at the moment. Their website is they need to people to sign up to make it worthwhile. A better speed of up to 53Mbs is possible! {We can only hope!!}
I have spoken with Gigaclear as part of my search for a workable broadband solution in the village.
One of my contacts at John Henry Group suggested speaking to Gigaclear when I was looking for a cable infrastructure partner. Having explained the layout of the village and housing numbers to Gigaclear they went away but their subsequent response was no; not enough houses to make it commercially viable.
Morley has just had their fibre upgrade. Spooner Row is supposedly on the same OpenReach upgrade list but no one will tell me when the Cabinet at The Boars will be upgraded. The roll out period is Oct 2017 to June 2018.
South Norfolk Council keep telling us how they have spent £570k to improve broadband in South Norfolk (it's in the Link magazine again this month) but it was SNDC that withdraw the grant for my community wireless broadband project, having told me not to continue to seek additional funding partners because they would fund all of the shortfall and then nothing.
I am speaking with Karen O’Kane at least once a month and have been for over a year now.
Can I suggest that you email Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) and explain your frustration?