To: Office | Wymondham Town Council <>
Subject: Highway Ranger Defects
Dear Mr Gurney
The Highway Rangers are coming to Wymondham soon.
If you have any work you would like added to the list (see typical items below) please e-mail us at
Note: Please could all items of an enquiry type or requiring substantial works be sent separately for the attention of the area highway engineer.
Please can you send your requests to us before 18 December 2017.
To help identify them from other enquiries it would be helpful if you can place “RANGER DEFECTS” and your PARISH in the subject field and provide as much information as possible about the exact location and specific concern.
Typical work we do:
• Side out a carriageway or footway (overgrown grass/weeds or soil encroachment)
• Strim grass verges
• Clear verge grips
• Rod and flush drains
• Clean out drainage gullies
• Clean out drainage chambers
• Rod and flush kerb drainage off lets
• Wash signs, bollards or reflector posts
• Minor sign/post repairs (such as straightening and reattaching)
• Repair minor kerb defects
• Clear small areas of mud and soil from the carriageway.
• Soil and seed verges
Typical work we don’t do:
• Repair carriageway / footway surface defects (such as potholes/ cracking), these should be raised with the Highways Dept when noticed as these are repaired by separate gangs.
• Clear ditches (in private ownership)
• Trim hedges (in private ownership)
• Street Name Plates i.e. “High St” (these are the responsibility of the District Council)
• Clear large areas of mud and soil from the carriageway (District Council is the Street Cleaning Authority)
• Clear build-up of leaves from footway / carriageway (District Council is the Street Cleaning Authority)
• Rubbish / litter pick (this is the responsibility of the District Council)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Mollie Hayden
Business Support Assistant
Community & Environmental Services
Direct Dial Telephone Number: 01603 819814
Norfolk County Council
Highway Enquiries: 0344 800 8009 or
For Business Support information and forms please see Business Support Net
Having walked the Village with a highways person a week or so back and identified a number of drains to be flushed, repaired and rodded, could I please ask anyone with an issue to add me as a cc when emailing. I am happy to then maintain a complete list of village concerns and keep an eye on the outcomes.
The only one request I have would be the pathway from Bunwell Rd round to Queens Street, opposite the new development. The hedge is overgrown and you have to walk on the road, however by looking at the info shared above it looks as though they are unable to rectify this (private hedge).
If you speak to Highways they will contact the householder and request that it is cut back if it is affecting the highway. If the owner doesn't do it then Highways will send someone out to do it for them and send them the bill.
There is a joke about a 12“x 8” x 4”deep on Guiler’s Lane. We have logged it 3 times, they have drawn lines round it at least twice. Also, the drains are blocked as usual.
There is a joke about a 12“x 8” x 4”deep on Guiler’s Lane. We have logged it 3 times, they have drawn lines round it at least twice. Also, the drains are blocked as usual.