The contractor is expecting to be finished later today.
The emergency closure of the crossing was brought about by Network Rail, after their on site Safety Officer raised concerns over the possible risk of stationary traffic blocking the lines if unmanned traffic lights were used. So, stop go boards during the day and closures at night.
I received yesterday an emergency notice of roadworks/ closure via WTC fromm NCC legal team. I pointed out in fairly robust terms that the road had already been closed for a day. The order was signed and dated the day after the works started and I also pointed out it was referring to Station road in Wymondham, and the attached map in consquence made little sense .
I got a fairly shirty response saying it was an Emergency and it clearly was of a tone suggesting that I had no right to dare to criticise. As the works have been going on here for over a year.................Emergency???
Yes I know this is horribly negative but we have to remind ourselves sometimes that we pay for these people via our rates and that they need to be accountable for their actions. What is the point of road closure/works notice for two days which arrives 1/2 a day before the works finish?
Glad you queried them, Julian, as it would seem the left-hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing Never heard of an emergency that's been on-going for a year!