I am very sad to hear that our Village and the other settlements within the whole Parish of Wymondham are to be split up. We should be building bridges and not creating a situation where we will be cut off from the rest of Wymondham. It will only create divisions with our community and most of the funds raised under the proposed new council will be spent on admin and not on services. I believe it is wrong to break away from the main Parish as been part of a bigger unit we were able to get funds from WTC for a number of projects within the Village. By splitting up we will no longer have access to WTCs funds. A very sad situation.
I think you are missing the point it is not only about money, although much of our high precept is spent on Wymondham Town and little here. The majority of Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield want to run their own affairs and the purpose of the boundary review was to consider feasible options and this was one that was successful. We are not a town but a semi-rural community We have little say within the current arrangements. I believe it is the right choice to carry what the majority of this community wants and establish a new community council.
I am looking forward to having local sports clubs playing on the recreation ground again, rather than local people being turned away because the fees quoted are untenable.
I am very sad to hear that our Village and the other settlements within the whole Parish of Wymondham are to be split up. We should be building bridges and not creating a situation where we will be cut off from the rest of Wymondham. It will only create divisions with our community and most of the funds raised under the proposed new council will be spent on admin and not on services. I believe it is wrong to break away from the main Parish as been part of a bigger unit we were able to get funds from WTC for a number of projects within the Village. By splitting up we will no longer have access to WTCs funds. A very sad situation.
Has this come as a surprise to you? You were not aware of the campaign on this site, or the people who went door to door missed you out? i Hope that is not the case
It is very sad news indeed. Well done to the poster for having the courage to challenge the proposal. We should remain one Parish for the good of the whole community. It may not be all about money as such but it would be foolish not to take this point into account. What I am worried about is that it will end up splitting up our great Parish and cause community tension for no real benefit.
I helped out and called at a number of houses in Spooner Row and found that most people who I spoke with were very keen and supportive of breaking away and setting up a local community parish. I think you need to accept that a majority of people want this and many have wanted it for a long time.
I am sorry but I have take issue with this post that we are a cohesive community , when half the settlement's occupants gravitate to Attleborough ( Doctors and Shopping) rather than Wymondham and when was the last time someone in the Villages used the play areas in Wymondham? Of course they do have the use of the expensive Leisure centre owned by South Norfolk, but once again could choose to go the Attleborough or as I do, go to Old Buckenham to play Badminton .
You have to admit we are a ribbon rural development and not part of a larger Town with sprawling narrow streeted Estates .
We have come under Wymondham for many years that is true and as such have been paying Wymondham Town rates but do we enjoy the same level of service the Town gets ?
We have 3 street lamps , not that we want any more, a link to the A11 which is an HGV route into the village and a ratrun from Bunwell and Carleton rode who clearly do not believe in any speed limits and have hardly any footpaths so we have been looked after really well haven't we?
We were supposed to have limited development in the Village, as a Service village, with strict maximum numbers of houses and have been royally shafted by South Norfolk given the current numbers passed AND incidentally no one can afford them. We also 'enjoy ' abysmal broadband as well as Trains that do not stop and a bus once a week BUT apparently this does not matter.
Wymondham has been shafted as well on Planning but at least the Train and Bus stops and they have footpaths.
A local Council acting and shouting for the local Community has to a be a good thing locally as they will not be drowned out by the Town and WTC who, regretfully at the last moment thought it appropriate to attempt to block the change and asked the residents of Wymondham how they felt about it, who stopped , thought about it for a minute, then realised less money coming into the town so all of sudden did not like the idea. It will ACTUALLY make no difference given the appalling level of development allowed.
It will have clear benefits to the three villages and I would be very surprised if the other ANON was not a resident of Wymondham. I admit there might be a small increase in Admin but not as much as is is being claimed and the District Councillors ( we will have 2 unless things change) , who I suspect will have the Community Council under the NEW South Wymondham Ward who, as now, can still give grants to whoever they wish .
Can we move forward with this please rather than attempt to stir it all up again.
I too very much regret the proposal to split up the Village. No matters whats happens planning will remain a District function . I am concerned that all it will do is split the community and that cannot be good for anyone. All Parishes in Norfolk have urban and rural area. However, under the present structure we have always received funding from WTC for various projects in the Village. As regards rail and bus we chose to live in a Village therefore the frequency of the bus and train service will not be as good as those who live in the urban bit. I am sure the trains will stop if people use them.
I think the issue is that the train CAN’T be used. Even if we wanted to. With the speeding traffic and multiple lorries going through the Spooner Row, it’s hardly the village experience people would be hoping for 😂 The wonderful school, field views (for now) and beautiful village pub, however. make it a lovely place to live. You must agree that pushing to increase the ability to use the train and buses for transport could only be positove, especially if it gave older residents the ability to maintain independance for longer, whilst also giving an alternative option for commuters working in Norwich.
Well done for all of those who gave up their time to make this happen!
When do we start our wish lists?!👍🏻 I love the idea of the reappearance of sports clubs on the field!
I was delighted by the news. As a resident of the village who has also lived in Wymondham for 30 years before moving to Spooner Row a couple of years ago I have been stunned by the attitude of WTC towards the residents of Spooner Row. I am very hopeful that the changes will enable us to move forward and to protect and preserve our wonderful village.
If you want to get an idea of the current parish council charges and fees, see the recent Finance & General Purpose Meeting Agenda for 20th February 2018. Go to the last page where there is a table which includes Spooner Row. The School field hire is £250 and £100 for NCC mobile.
This is an example of fake news. You have not mentioned the cost to maintain the area per year. If this was taken into account there would not be much left of the £250.
Where were all you anti-SPRexit campaigners when the people were going door-to-door getting signatures, or at the fete with the information board? Or when the huge multi-page messages were on this very notice board. There have been loads of posts on here about the campaign and process, and I honestly cannot remember seeing a single post about anyone being unhappy about the changes. A couple of posts about what is happening and how it will work, Loads of posts about benefits , and websites we had to visit to make our desires known, even some thanks for the people doing all the work on our behalf, but nothing about people not being happy. I accept I may have missed them, but I don't think i have. It is usually the way that if you have some active villagers who have a vision they are driving toward will be more vocal, but simply saying nothing and then complaining when a change you silently disagree with about to be implemented is not going to get you anywhere.
I accept that you have a right to be unhappy, and not support a change, we after all live in a democracy, but after all the work is done and the decision has been made is not the time to do this, I am sorry to say, you should have been raising your hand, or at the very least posting your thoughts months ago.
Personally I am very happy with the result, please do not read bias into this post because I am sure if the feelings which have so far been expressed below here had been expressed a year ago more debate could have been entered into before the crunch point with SNDC, and perhaps the result would be different. Its all very familiar isn't it
Now, how do I put myself forward for a place in the new Spooner Row Parliament? I fancy the role of King, or perhaps Admiral of our Navy ( do we get a Navy? ), it is my assumption that the Airforce is already covered....
For anyone who wants to be more active in our community, either by standing for a community council position in elections, or just offering support in whatever form, then please email us using the email address below and we will add your name to the growing list to ensure you are kept informed of progress.
The email address can also be used to ask questions or express a point of view you do not want published on the message board. We will also use the email account to push information out to anyone who may be interested in being kept informed. So if you email us we will add you to the distribution list.
This post could in several places but I felt this was the best
At the Town Council last night the result of the South Norfolk vote to allow the formation of a seperate Community council for the three settlements of Suton, Spooner row and Wattlefield were discussed
Whilst noting the result, the Town Council resolved to write to the the Boundary commission re iterating the Council's majority position to oppose this formation
3 councillors were absent, 2 voted against ( Nuri and Halls ) 1 abstained Jack Hornby and 9 voted in favour
We still await the outcome of the Boundary commission's deliberations when the Order from South Norfolk is sent to them to approve or otherwise
Wymondham Town Council's actions here are an embarrassment. What great lengths they are going to, in order to stop what the majority of residents want, and also a move against the Government's rules on Localism.
I note at the meeting, Nuri and Halls (Lib Dems) voted against WTC contacting the Boundary Commission to reverse the Boundary Committee's decision for a new parish and all the others (Conservatives), voted in favour (actively against Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield). It looks like party politics are playing a big part in the parish council's decisions. I want Localism in local councils, not party politics. Thank you, Councillors Nuri and Halls for supporting us.
As for our Parish and District Councilor Jack Hornby, why isn't he supporting and promoting his constituency's aspirations rather than sitting on the fence and abstaining?
Would it be possible to capture any of the discussion from last night’s WTC meeting on this message board? For example what was the main thrust of WTC‘s discussion that they felt it was necessary to write to the Boundary Commission for England? What is WTC trying to achieve from blocking the split? From my discussions with some councillors they have not convinced me that they are focussed on looking after any element of the population who live in our community whatever side they have taken on the Community Council proposal. Also, who tabled the topic and proposed the requirement to write the letter?
My reason for requesting accurate feedback from the meetings is to ensure that members of our community understand what drives our current parish councils behaviour.
The item on the agenda was simply a report of what had happened at the Full ( District ) Council meeting.
Councillor Broome asked the Chair whether there was anything we could do about this and suggested we write to the Boundary commission to express the views of the Town Council to opposed this. Councillor Mooney agreed and only one of the arguments previously used ( as reported as I was not present) was expressed which was the breakup of the existing parish ( Town ) is not a good thing for the Town as it breaks up the existing co hesion . I have addressed this argument elsewhere as I believe it to be a fiction.
This then morphed into a vote although I was invited to speak before hand and simply said that this request to split away was as a result of several surveys in the three settlements with a large majority in favour of a breakaway and that I was doing as my electorate wished. I also made the point that much mileage was attempted with a report to the District that the decision was unanimous. I pointed out that if I had attended it would not have been. ( Slightly embarrassed smirks was the only response to this ) To be clear I share the view of the majority but in these circumstances one's personal views should come second.
Councillor Mooney acknowleged and accepted this position, but nevertheless the vote proceeded and the outcome was as reported.
Re visiting the arguments was clearly going to be a waste of time and whilst at least one of the absent councillors might have changed his mind he was not present so it was academic and would have been a pointless exercise.
As for the real reason I am not sure at all and can offer no evidence to support or otherwise the position adopted.
As WTC has just voted to write to the Boundary Commission in an attempt to damage and reverse what has been achieved, maybe the organisers for the local breakaway community parish should also write to the Commission with the strong evidence of why we want to break away. WTC has offered no valid reason why we need to remain part of Wymondham. How accurate will their submission to the Commission be? Would it be a load of baloney made to look convincing?
How can you say it is political. The Labour member was not present at Tuesdays meeting but voted in favour of WTCs position to keep the whole parish together at a previous meeting. At the meeting SNC members from across the political divide both voted in different ways. To brand it political is just scaremongering. No it all about staying together because united we stand divided we fall.
With the large population increase in Wymondham, it is expanding fast and surely, so now is the time to split away from Wymondham. It will become too cumbersome with outlying areas like here being ignored more than ever.
Silfield would do well to break away from Wymondham too .
The reason why I signed the petition to go independent was to stop Spooner Row becoming a town. I hope that the new Parish Council will agree, otherwise we may as well stay shackled to Wymondham.