Spooner Row Message Board

Post Info TOPIC: Positive Vision of the Future - Ideas
Stephen Ward

Positive Vision of the Future - Ideas

Whilst we await the minutes of South Norfolk’s Full Council meeting held on Monday 19th February 2018, where the council voted for the establishments of a new Community Council for our area, I think we all need to being looking towards the future.  To that end, whilst we await final confirmation of the order from the Boundary Commission for England, and the appointment of a ghost council by South Norfolk Council, I think we should actively start to collect the communities vision and priorities.  Obviously the team who have walked around our community and spoken to people already have some good ideas.  There is also  a plan being developed to conduct an official survey and consultation of everybody prior to a new council going live.

Everybody should have a valuable perspective on what they want from the environment they live in and wish their council to deliver.  Therefore please use this thread to post your views I want you want.

Please try and keep this post positive, as this is how we will gain most as a community.  We can always start up specific threads to debate contentious issue.

If possible please put a name to your post so that your ideas can be followed up on by future members of your council you vote for.

Stephen Ward

RE: Positive Vision of the Future

One of the improvements I would like to see is greater safe routes for pedestrian and cyclist within and linking our communities.  This could take the form of improved paved footpaths between key facilities like the school, village hall and bus routes.  In addition, increased engagement with local land owners to increase the footpaths in our rural area with a view to linking the three areas of Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield closer together.  This will encourage people to get out and about and possible bump in to other residents.




I would like the new proposed council to get the trains to stop 6 times per day, start a  bus service to Wymondham, build a swimming pool in the Village, deal with planning applications and extend the school.

Stephen Ward


Thanks for your anonymous input. I think what you are saying is that you wish to improve the transport links to and from the village? Can you expand a bit more on how and when you would wish to use the transport?  For example is a access to a train more important than a bus. Is this for work related travel, domestics like shopping, social events or in order to get to a swimming pool or leisure facility for exercise?

In terms of planning, what do you want out of development in the village? Do you want more or less?  Are you happy for more if delivered in a sustainable manner with an associated uplift in other services like for instance a larger school or a shop?  Would you be supportive of the community putting together a local development plan?

From the school perspective can you explain why you believe the school needs an extension?  If you are knowledgable on this issue then for the benefit of others on the forum could you start a school thread?  This could be used to raise awareness of their needs, for example parking or outside play area, or how you see the school being developed in the future.

Thanks again for your input.






Happy resident


The majority of residents have been successful in having their wishes granted to form our own community Parish. This is a very positive step forward in my personal opinion. We need to be realistic in our aspirations. I would like to see a village sign to celebrate this occasion; perhaps a competition for the best design?  I also like Stephen's idea of having more footpaths and cycle routes linking our three villages together.

Stephen Ward


To assist you with a vision of the future, I have copied this from another thread I posted last year.  The link is to the Parish Plan for Bunwell:


This should give you an idea of how we can focus our community to provide a better environment for everyone.




What would be useful for me and I am sure others as well, is a 'beginners guide' to what powers the Parish Council will actually have.

A guide to what falls under the Parish Council's responsibilities, what it can influence and what it can't would be great.

E.g. does it have a say on future development or can it just pass on opinions to Wymondham TC?

Well done to Robert, Stephen, Julian and all who helped get us this far. I think it is a positive step forward and I am sure the new Parish Council will be inclusive and progressive. 

Let's put broadband top of the list though!







Our family have just had a quick discussion about what we would most like:

- most importantly a greater push for improved broadband as we run a business, and have teenagers in the house, and everything takes longer to achieve at our current speeds and some days it's difficult to run the business at all from home

- an improved footpath from the A11 sliproad to allow access to the bus stop on the far side of the A11 (used most days to get from sixth form)

- goals on the grass of the playing field

 Those are some specifics - and generally we will welcome more say for locals about what happens in the village.


julian Halls


Very helpful response from Anon Why are you anon?

A swimming pool I suspect will have to wait

Trains stopping 6 times a day in both directions or just 3 in and the 3 out of Norwich?

A school extension obviously has to have the input of the Academy to fund this along with the car park extension which of course is currently in the ownership of the Town Council as is part of the land where the portakabin is located so there will be legal ramifications which will also have to be paid for.

This does however raise the thorny issue of loss of amenity space for the village and clearly would compromise a full size football pitch

The new Council will, as now with Wymondham have a completely independent input into planning applications BUT as now and in exactly the same way as Wymondham, the recommendations can simply be ignored. There will be no requirement whatsoever to involve Wymondham Town and responses will go directly to South Norfolk , NCC or whoever, unless there is a shared development on the boundary and we will not be beholden to them or necessarily share their views.

I hope that helps explain that this matters have issues which are not always that easy to address 


Stephen Ward


This is another copy of one of my post from June last year, which describes some of the remit of a Parish Council and specifically its role in planning.  For those not aware, Wymondham Town Council is the same level of governance asa Parish or community council.  The only difference being their size and therefore income from a larger resident population.  Once split the next level above a Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield Community Council will be South Norfolk.

To give everyone a feel for what an active parish council can do under the Localism Act 2011 I have cut the following from a website.

With the advent of the new neighbourhood planning process, Parish Councils will soon play a key role in determining the type of development in their area. 

Where previously they played a consultative role on applications, under the Localism Act 2011 they will lead the creation of Neighbourhood Plans and may promote a Neighbourhood Development Order and will be able to put forward their own ideas for development.  Whilst this new role will be governed by the Localism Act, what other powers and responsibilities do Parish Councils have?  We think it will be vital for developers and others involved in development to have a broader understanding of how Parish Councils work. This article sets out the key points.

1. Establishment of Parish Councils

Parish councils are the most local form of elected government and represent the first tier of Local Government. Parish councils were established by the Local Government Act 1894.  Since then there have been numerous Acts which have increased their powers and their constitution is now governed by the Local Government Act 1972.

2. Powers and Responsibilities of Parish Councils

It has wide powers to provide and maintain certain amenities within the parish. These include (amongst many others too numerous to list in this article) providing recreational grounds, public open space, community facilities, allotments, bus shelters, burial grounds and maintaining public footpaths and bridleways.  It may also ask a district council to compulsory purchase land on its behalf if it is unable to acquire land by agreement.  

3. Current role in relation to planning

Parish councils must be notified of any planning applications for the area (if it has requested the authority that it wishes to be notified).  Any comments submitted by the parish council to the local planning authority must be taken into account.




Very similar ideas being put forward. I think most of the villagers hope for a few core improvements;

Safety - extended footpaths (and this we have to remain clear and useable) and the possibllity of looking at a more permanent solution to the issue of drivers speeding through the village (signage/ long speed bumps??)

Internet - it’s laughable how bad it is...if I didn’t want to cry 😢

Transport links - personally, the train stopping more frequently to allow commuting and leisure would be brilliant. Increased buses would be great for those residents who use them.

Community - I love the idea of sports clubs being able to use the field, with the re-introduction of a clubhouse (I think someone mentioned a cricket pavilion once being located on Spooner Row sports field?)

The possibility of having more control over what happens in a village is brilliant. We love living in Spooner Row, but we were beginning to worry how long we would be able to live here with positive changes looking like they were never going to be looked at and, what feels like, the huge amount of houses and proposed planning sites continually being given the green light. Hopefully our views will stop being ignored in the future.

Thanks to all of those involved!



Let’s go full circle and encourage someone to set up and run a shop again,on a week like this it would be a god send.I for one would use the shop all year round.There is certainly enough traffic passing through!



I would like to see a return of more sports use on the playing field with a fairer and more realistic hiring fee for all users.



Having just read a few of the comments on this site, I think that we will have a lot of help and  common sense when we become independent of WTC. 

Please, let this be the beginning of a great Spooner Row, Suton & Wattlefield future.



Could we have more dog bins in the Village. 



As there are a number of local wildlife enthusiasts, could we create a nature site of some sort? Aswellthorpe has its wood and there are Norfolk Wildlife Trust churchyard schemes in many villages in Norfolk, as a couple of examples.  These could link up with new pedestrian walkways.

I feel positive about the future of the new community parish.

Stephen Ward - Spooner Row


An excellent and enthusiastic start to building our community.  Remember that we don’t just have the village precept to fund our future aspirations, with a community Council focussing our ideas we can also access numerous sources of funding like South Norfolk Council Community Action Fund (See Roberts new message thread), lottery funding and other charities like Sport England www.sportengland.org  Thsee organisations could make our resource go twice as far.

To ensure we are reaching out to everyone please advertise this message board to friends and neighbours.  Also, if possible please post against your name which area you live in so that we can start to see the spread of ideas and the differing priorities.

Thnaks for engaging on this subject



A regular community newsletter would be nice. It could have local advertising to generate an income. It would reach and include those within the 3 villages who are not online. 



Could we have shop and an off licence .



I wouldn't have thought these were the type of things a council would provide. 



I would like to see the Spooner Row playing field put to better recreational use for local people: White lines, goal posts, a running track marked out (as roads without pavements are not safe to use for running), a changing hut etc. A parish council has a responsibility to provide such. I am happy to support applying for grants to attain these.



To have a parish council working in the interest of this rural community, where residents are actively listened to and the outcome represents the majority's wants and needs.   To avoid self-serving egos and excessive political interests.  

julian Halls


Excessive political interests ??

Can you please elaborate.

Local elections are about local issues or rather they should be and of course any thing can be deemed political but I have very rarely referred to Party advice and have made it very clear that where  there is a conflict with a local issue as opposed to a 'Policy' the local issue will win out and I have been careful VERY careful to deal with proposals on that basis. Any suggestion that this is not the case I am more than happy to discuss. This has upset some in MY Party

Interestingly I noted that even our MP who opposed the new houses at Mattishall has basically been told to take a running jump by the heavily influenced ( Govt central office dictats)  Planning Inspectorate  and despite fierce local opposition , Plans etc etc approved them anyway. Welcome to our world Mr Freeman. 

Re reading the post I may be being over sensitive as it could be directed at any 'politician' but would genuinely be happy to discuss further.

We are all a bit in limbo until the Boundary commission decides what happens next but plans are afoot to co ordinate the comments from this site and throw it open to those who do not read it or have a puter so we can identify what matters to all of those who live in the three settlements. I would like to think that that that counters any suggestion of self serving and is genuinely altruistic. 



i would like to have safe circular walks in and around the villages for leisure walking. Currently, most fields are inaccessible or there are no pavements. the same for cycle routes.



I too would like to have access to footpaths around the village. 

As things are at the moment I can't see this happening anytime soon. Cars block the footpath on Bunwell road, sometimes completely.

In other places hedges have been allowed to encroach over the pathway, causing parents to walk up the road with small children.

The awful parking near the school almost caused an accident when the driver of a large white lorry refused to wait, he came down on the wrong side of the road, and traffic was stopped on the level crossing. yes, the lorry driver was in the wrong, but sheer frustration at having to wait so long caused the problem. 

it's time that children were walked to school! If they live more than 3 miles away they should be registered at a closer school. I don't think that there is any house in Spooner Row that is more than 3 miles from the school.  

julian halls


Footpaths ( Green ones)  which were permissive ( in other words tolerated ) were almost instantly closed and ploughed up when the brilliant decision was made bt County as part of the cuts to remove the support given to landowners to keep them open , and then remind landowners that to keep them open may make them liable under H and S law . I have some sympathy with that position.

I am NOT however sympathetic to footpaths ( public ones) being closed illegally with barriers and via the back door, having  'accidently' knocked down the signs indicating where they are. I have reported several breaches BUT the Footpaths officer at County works part time on this and so it just gets 'prioritised' to disappearance

There has been also a wonderful new strategy produced by the County to keep the countryside open. I was very critical of this document with its laudable aims as it but said nothing about enforcement other than trying to get the local community to take action. BRILLIANT NOT. No powers to do anything if landowners decides not to co operate.    

I would like to think that once we are given the green light to form our own council ( we hope) that footpaths ( hard ones and public) and safety for the children would be high on the agenda and the matter can be referred directly County without any reference to WTC.

Parking by the school has been an issue and no doubt will continue to be one BUT once again we have to remember that not all the children who attend the school live nearby and some well over 3 miles away , which to be frank is an unenforcable distance in any event.  It rains and everyone gets in the car

Use of lorries on the road and their frustration however is potentially a useful weapon to force a change but it will be a fight ( NIMBYism from where you need to re direct) and no one wants a tragedy in the meantime.

In the interim, however just allowing more and more houses to be built near the school, an issue which the planners clearly think is irrelevant I personally think is tantamount to criminal.

Sorry . Not much positivity here



My vision for the future, and I am not the only one, is to not have the 3 villages ruined by excessive and damaging house building or other unwanted development. The existing infrastructure is sub-standard. I would like the 3 villages to remain a pleasant environment where the simple things in life such as wildlife sightings on open fields can be enjoyed. This is why I moved here.



It would improve the safety of pedestrians  and drivers greatly if we had more street lighting in the village, especially along the Bunwell & Station roads. Trying to determine objects & distances on a dark night ,whether your walking or driving ,can be hazardous to say the least. aww



Spooner Row is the envy of Wymondham townspeople for it's lack of street lighting on both Station road and Bunwell road as we in our village can see the stars, satelites and the skies in all their glory on a clear night.

To put in artificial lighting would ruin all this, as well as make drivers even more reckless charging through at 50, 60 or more.

We have lived in this village for many years, our children, grandchildren and soon great grandchild learnt bike riding safely, using the now overgrown footpaths when safe to do so. 

It's a bad idea to introduce street lighting as the motorist feels all is safe, people can see him/her; the 30mph limit is rarely stuck to, there's no policing it. 



I agree with the last post.

you move to a village because it doesnt offer the amenities of a town. You want a quiet ,peaceful way of life! 

Street lights are not needed,developmant we can’t seem to stop but they will have to put up with our way of life.

dont move to the Village if you don’t like what it offers! There’s plenty of other places to live.



Stop the smelly bonfires



At the next local election, to have a District Councillor who will live in the newly formed parish and one who has the commitment to support local people with the real issues.

julian Halls


Because of our crazy ward system which was put in place before the final decision now approved by the Boundary commission  which only relates to the new Community council (CC) and Wymondham Town the new DISTRICT WARD of South Wymondham will consist of Cromwells as it is now, plus Harts farm. That probably means bu**er all to most, so all Silfield, Suton Spooner Row , Wattlefield and the new Estate of Harts Farm. We will get two district councillors but they can live anywhere above and within two miles of the boundary if they wish to be considered as candidates. So the suggested likelihood of that or those persons living in the new Community Council area , whilst still possible is not a given at all and based on numbers where the majority of persons live ( voters ) it is heavily loaded towards the Town.

To be specific as I can be, all numbers approx,  600 in the new CC area and approx 2000 in the remainder.

For a candidate to be sucessful they will have to be seen to working for the whole new ward and dare I say it , more for Silfield.

How many Town councillors there will be after the change is another matter altogether but let us say 13 in total ( there are 15 at present) , 3  possibly for the new ward of South Wymondham (minus the new CC area)  1 of which will be Harts Farm in the new sub ward of East Wymondham and 2 for Silfield. The other 10 councillors will be the new wards of Central and North BUT this is me speculating but I am guessing will not be far wrong.


I would not be a bit surprised but blame the Boundary commission and if there is any aspect of this that you want clarification on,  I will do my best to help



Thank you. Is it possible that the organisers of the new Community Parish could contact the Boundary Commission to explain about this anomaly and get it altered? As the existing Town Council was so unhelpful and obstructive with the result of the future new Community Council, it may not be beneficial for us to continue to be controlled by the Town Council at District level. It could result in split loyalties and what meetings would these District Councillors give priority to attending between 2 separate parishes? Most decisions are made at the District Council and if we don't get this necessary change then it is likely to be another 4 years, from the date of the local elections next year, of neglect and pandering to Town Council's party politics. I would rather the new parish was about people rather than more of the same old unsatisfactory system and sharing with Wymondham would just cause confusion. I am sure the Boundary Commission would consider amended this in the circumstances.

julian Halls


The current position is that the new Community Council will not come into existence until May 2019. The organisers have no status until that time but I take your point.

However, I did 2 years ago point out the stupidity of our current( ward)  electoral arrangements where County is different from Town , which is different from District which is different from parish, a situation you could argue is now even worse 

To cut a long story short the Boundary commission were utterly intransigent and refused to budge AND having completed the District review late last year are very unlikely to review the proposed arrangements for the District , BUT stranger things have happened.

That said there are currently several instances where multiple parishes and councils are represented by a single District councillor. So for our new Community Council to be treated any differently is be frank unlikely even though the influence of the town would clearly remain AND worse still,I do not think will change in 4 years either as reviews are not necessarily tied in with elections.

I have axe to grind here , this is just how I see it ...sadly

julian halls


I must read my posts ! It should say I have NO axe to grind

That said , perhaps I have been a bit unkind to the Boundary commission amd let me try to explain a little further the logic they use to decide how many councillors they have and for what areas

The simple and in my view far too simplistic driver is numbers of voters. They look at the total populace , look at the number of councillors and do a simple sum saying we will have this many councillors to represent this number of people. 

Asking them to take into account the geography of the situation and illogicalities this number allocation throws up is something very low on the agenda ( apparently ) and this goes right across the board , which is why Wymondham may or may not end up in South Norfolk parliamentary ward as opposed to now where it is firmly Mid Norfolk.

Obviously the higher we go up the Governance chain the larger the number of people the candidate represents. 

Because of the ever rising population of Wymondham we have actually got six district councillors ( proposed to come in May next year) as opposed to the five we have now and that , with the adjustment for Harts Farm to bump the numbers up is why we will have two. Where the voters all live is quite literally academic as far as the BC is concerned even if this skews who and what the voters consider is important.

For example , quite rightly the voters in Silfield think the stupid bottle neck of the railway bridge and access to the A11 is for them a priority but for most of the residents of the new Community Council area they are simply not that bothered. Any decent candidate will have to consider the views of the majority for DISTRICT matters if they wish to be elected and do something about the problems that that level of Governance can and must address if they are to survive.

Lecture over and no magic answers I am afraid




The Boundary Commission's logic sounds a bit Heath Robinson to me.

Well done for trying to explain it.

Perhaps we should look at joining up with Morley or Bunwell for district council representation. We are closer and have more in common with these villages rather than Wymondham, being that we are semi-rural communities rather than an urban town.

Bunwell Rd


Happy resident wrote:

The majority of residents have been successful in having their wishes granted to form our own community Parish. This is a very positive step forward in my personal opinion. We need to be realistic in our aspirations. I would like to see a village sign to celebrate this occasion; perhaps a competition for the best design?  I also like Stephen's idea of having more footpaths and cycle routes linking our three villages together.

 A village sign sounds like a great idea!🙌🏻



Set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme because of recent thefts and strange people weighing up properties and the damaged phone lines. Last night on the Norfolk Police website it said that the police were doing overnight patrols in Bunwell and Carleton Road because of a recent spate or rural crime in the area.  This is just down the road from here.


Jo Aldred


Have only just found this site. Rang South Norfolk this morning following Parish boundary changes letter to enquire about why the changes '..may also affect the annual Council Tax bill'. The lady could only refer me to our new Parish Council which I said we hadn't got yet and that the C. Tax charges would be out before the elections. Any thoughts?

On a positive, post e-mails to Highways (I'm aware mine weren't the only ones) after our house was flooded in June's heavy rain and a long conversation on site with an inspector, the crossroads drains have been 'sucked out' again and a run off ditch into the stream on Queen's St. has been dug out, the Inspector thought it was done annually, I assured him it wasn't.

 If our new parish councellors are able to do anything to steady the selling off of land for building of huge, expensive houses - wonderful. A bus route (even once a week) into Wymondham, and a small shop would be on my 'wish list'.

I've lived here 5 years, virtually no street lights, a few pavements to get youngsters safely to school, nothing urban, we love it here... stop the HUGE lorries elbowing their way around the crossroads and crushing the tarmac and it would be perfect.  



Once the new community parish council is in place, I think it is important that the public have access to the committee meetings. Transparency. 

julian Halls


No issues re access or on line streaming if you want as required by Law. Council can bar public when discussing staff salaries but this is rare. 

How the council once formed will allow public comment is a matter for future deliberation



Bunwell Rd wrote:
Happy resident wrote:

The majority of residents have been successful in having their wishes granted to form our own community Parish. This is a very positive step forward in my personal opinion. We need to be realistic in our aspirations. I would like to see a village sign to celebrate this occasion; perhaps a competition for the best design?  I also like Stephen's idea of having more footpaths and cycle routes linking our three villages together.

 A village sign sounds like a great idea!🙌🏻

 I would rather the funds for a village sign was made from community fund-raising rather than a cheap bribe from a developer. Where's the community respect in that?

Stephen Ward


I was involved in a conversation this morning, with regards to what we as a community want our council to deliver for us. The discussion centred upon what are the key principles they should work to, which should be taken in to account when making decisions or prioritising effort.  To continue this discussion with a wider audience, I have the following proposal of 4 key points:


Increase Community cohesion and spirit

Protect the rural characteristics of our villages

Increase safety

Be cost effective


Feel free to come up with others or reword these as you see fit.


Stephen Ward


It is now the time we have all been waiting for, as we now have the authority as an elected community council to start making a difference.  Therefore, we need you all to start engaging with us, initially through this forum, to tell us what your vision of the future is.  We need to understand what you want from your council, what your priorities are and where you would like us to invest the precept on your council tax to really make a difference.

Thank you to all those who have posted thus far.  We have captured everything you have already suggested, prior to this post, and we will use this information to start planning for the future.

Daz, Suton


Please lets not forget that this council is not just there for the residents of Spooner Row but all the communities. As a resident of Suton i would like to see closer cehension between all of us.

May i suggest a foot/cycle path from the A11 into Spooner Row so that we can travel to the school and the pub in relative safety, instead of risking our lives dodging cars and lorries.

I feel the school parking is at best a travesty. Nobody, except the school has used the playing field for anything other than dog walking since i moved here. Lets extend the carpark and double yellow lines from the school to the train crossing.

I would like to see a restriction for articulated lorries from using the village as a short cut. These monsters are driven by lunatics past the school endangering the safety of everyone in Spooner Row.

Any chance we could improve the juntion on Eleven Mile Lane to London Road. Since the expansion of the industrial area the number and nature of the traffic has increased. The junction paving edge curves inwards, reducing the width of the junction. Very difficult to maneauver with a big lorry sat there. Perhaps get the owners of the industrial area to pay for it as they are responsible for the increase in traffic. Restrict lorries and vans from turning left and using Chepore Lane as a shortcut to the A11. Nothing worse than meeting a lorry head-on on a single farm track and having to reverse 100m to let it by. Will also stop the huge increase in littering on Chepore Lane as well, which can only be a good thing.

And if there is any chance of getting the foot bridge across the A11 from Eleven Mile Lane to School Lane, that was promised when they divided our communties with a dual carridgeway, then that would help bring our communities together.



The A11 foot bridge was not built at the time as Highways did not have the funding for it and considered it would not have enough use. Although it would be nice to have, but unlikely as Highways still doesn't have any extra money.

I disagree with you about the recreation playing field and its car park. The reason the field hasn't been used in recent years is that the previous parish council at Wymondham made it too expensive and did not encourage clubs to use it. The car park was extended a few years ago and is plenty large enough to serve the village and other recreation ground users and doesn't need extending. I am looking forward to the recreation playing field to resume its use for sports and other community leisure in the future like it used to.

I think more should be made of the use of Chepore Lane as a connection route between Suton and Spooner Row.

My wish is to stop HGVs using Station Rd and Bunwell Rd. Last summer when the road was closed for several weeks, they found an alternative route to use - this could be reinstated and Spooner Row made safer and quieter again.



Unless I have missed it somewhere amongst the many posts on this message board...

It would be useful to know what exactly the Parish Council has responsibility for and what it can make decisions on.

Also an idea of the funds the Parish has at it's disposal.




Stephen Ward



I have lifted the following text from the website of the National Association of Local Councils, which is also accessible at the following link: https://www.nalc.gov.uk/about-local-councils. This should give yo a feel for what a local council can get involved in.

Local councils work towards improving community well-being and providing better services. Their activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs; striving to improve quality of life and community well-being.

Through an extensive range of discretionary powers local councils provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services including allotments, bridleways, burial grounds, bus shelters, car parks, commons and open spaces, community transport schemes, community safety and crime reduction measures, events and festivals, footpaths, leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, public toilets, planning, street cleaning and lighting, tourism activities, traffic calming measures, village greens and youth projects.

The answer to your question on funding is approximately £24,044.80 in FY 2019/20. This figure is from the South Norfolk Counci, document at the following link:   https://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Council%20Tax%20and%20Budget%20Information%202019%20V1.pdf

We will should also receive some money from the Community Infrastructure Levy for new development in our area, some of which has been ring fenced already in an account for us.  Finally there is still to be an agreed settlement with Wymondham Town Council,  as our area makes up just over 4% of the population of the Wymondham Town Council area of responsibility, who we have split from.  On separation we are owed an element of any uncommitted funds which Wymondham Town Council have previous collected from us.

I hope this helps out any future vision in to context.  Don’t forget there are othr source of funding which we can bid for to make our funds go further.




Do we still include 'Wymondham' in our address now that we are no longer part of Wymondham? Does it become 'Nr Wymondham' instead? Can we leave the Wymondham part off? What's the line on this?

Stephen Ward


Although we have a new level of local council we have not geographically moved location. I believe in terms of postal address, this is based on where our local sorting office is located which is Wymondham. 



This has been mentioned, but I do agree that we need better footpaths.

In particular from the end of Top Common down to the school. This is a route used by dog walkers, joggers and not just Top Common residents.

When the road is busy it's dangerous.




I agree with you Toby, Station Road is becoming increasingly dangerous. The status of it being an HGV route needs to be revisited by NCC as the circumstances from when it was originally set up are now very different. It's so much busier now and there are more pedestrians. HGV's queuing up at the level crossing close to the primary school spewing out pollutants is no longer acceptable. A footpath needs to go the length of Station Road as it is the main route up to the London Road bus stop, which is used by young residents attending school, it's not safe. I hate walking on the highway to Top Common amongst speeding cars and HGV's, the grass verge is too uneven to walk on. Norfolk County Council needs to address this before a serious accident happens.

precept payer


why does our precept remain so high now that we are not part of wymondham? we no longer contribute to wymondham town projects. can our precept be reduced ? most other village parishes pay less than us.

julian Halls


The precept is set for the next year early in the year and this was done for us by WTC and in agreement with SDC as the SRCC did not at that time exist .

I am sure discussions will take place to consider a reduction in precept for next year in council and it it always good to have little in the way of reserves in the Bank which for this year we have.


Julian Halls Chair SRCC

Julian Halls


I have been asked to clarify WTC did not set our precept, SNDC did so but used the WTC precept figures rather than do us a proper calculation as they should have done

Apologies to WTC



Size and weight restrictions on the lorry route through the village. Its getting worse.



How about Spooner Row in Bloom? Or at least lots of spring bulbs and flowering plants. The Village Hall always looks nice.



How about some outdoor gym equipment for adults on the recreation ground? This is growing in popularity.


Positive Vision of the Future - Ideas

To see other ideas on an alternative thread (now closed) on this site visit: https://spoonerrow.activeboard.com/t66143077/positive-vision-of-the-future-precept/




Keep tracks and footpaths open to residents and reinstate public rights of way.

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