The parking of customers using the pub is totally dangerous, both to road users and pedestrians, who have to walk in the road. This morning,(Saturday) at about 10.30 a wheelchair had to be pushed along the road because the footpath was blocked. This cannot be allowed to continue! I will be writing to both the Police & the EDP to draw attention to this situation.
Also, the stupidity of the driver of the small grey car that parks across the dropped kerb 5 feet into Station road will get a mention, (a note on the window has had no impact on this habit).
The parking of customers using the pub is totally dangerous, both to road users and pedestrians, who have to walk in the road. This morning,(Saturday) at about 10.30 a wheelchair had to be pushed along the road because the footpath was blocked. This cannot be allowed to continue! I will be writing to both the Police & the EDP to draw attention to this situation.
Also, the stupidity of the driver of the small grey car that parks across the dropped kerb 5 feet into Station road will get a mention, (a note on the window has had no impact on this habit).
Surely also the fire officer and the pub licensing authority at the council
I appreciate they were busy over the weekend for Mother's Day, however several vehicles parked all the way along the path- not even slightly bit most of the car / vehicle was on the path so we had to walk into the road.
The multi Bunwell Rd / Station Rd / Queen St / Guillers Ln / Chapel Rd junction is a dangerous junction at all times. I dread walking pass there as it can be busy and lorries have difficulty turning. Parking on the path and blocking the way forces pedestrians into a situation of taking a high level of risk. I also think it is getting worse. It is not right that even a wheelchair is forced onto the busy road when the path is blocked.
Cars on the path and people on the road? It is meant to be the other way round
The multi Bunwell Rd / Station Rd / Queen St / Guillers Ln / Chapel Rd junction is a dangerous junction at all times. I dread walking pass there as it can be busy and lorries have difficulty turning. Parking on the path and blocking the way forces pedestrians into a situation of taking a high level of risk. I also think it is getting worse. It is not right that even a wheelchair is forced onto the busy road when the path is blocked.
Cars on the path and people on the road? It is meant to be the other way round
Isn’t this where our new active parish councillors should be making a comment? I would expect this is exactly the kind of issue to be dealt with. Don’t parish councils have input into pub licensing?
Yes, this is a job for the parish council to sort out, which is still Wymondham Town Council. You should contact the town clerk and he should take it from there. The traffic and pedestrion situation along the HGV route is deteriorating and something needs to be done.
Some things which would help with a few car park spaces at The Boars:
staff could use "owners" property along Bunwell Road for their parking thereby creating customer parking
the abandoned/broken down BMW needs to be towed away
the circular wooden table is unnecessarily taking up parking space so could be removed/relocated to the rear
And as for residents parking on this perilous junction, there needs to be more responsibility/accountability for making space in their own gardens/driveways for their own, their spouses/teenage/young adult offsprings multiple vehicles. I'm so fed up with having to navigate these vehicles I frankly look forward to the day a lorry takes the whole lot out (without any harm to people, of course) as that may be the only thing which will wake these folks up to the danger they are creating on this junction.
If I lived at the house on the corner of station road, I’d empty my driveway and any parking space I had and put the lot on the road. The idea I should make the road safer by not parking there is ludicrous, at least two of the main HGV vehicle companies don’t have planning to be there, sort them out not me.
Get everyone to park their cars outside their own houses, it will slow traffic as everything is narrower and the HGVs will have a nightmare getting through, you can add the tractors to that list too who think they own the road.
The posts on this topic all have a point and it highlights the many issues that are causing a highways problem because of the lack of a proper highways infrastructure in Spooner Row::: More parking on pavements, more heavy vehicles, more traffic in general, poor road surface (where the repairs don't last), pedestrians/ wheelchairs and pushchairs forced in the road, flooded drains leaking onto the highway, more houses to come (which is what the landowners together with the council/planners want) which will magnify all these problems. It can't go on.
....(edited).... The person who lives at the end of station road and parks feet from the path is irresponsible! It is completely dangerous for pedestrians espevitally with children and dogs. You cannot see round this car and it is a complete hazard.. let alone vehicles having to break sharply round the bend when it's parked there and nearly getting hit up the rear.
-- Edited by webstation on Tuesday 13th of March 2018 06:32:39 PM
Any vehicle that has to brake suddenly to avoid the car parked on the corner is travelling to fast, simply. If that car wasn’t parked there the HGVs would go right up to the fence it is parked next too, it would make it no safer for pedestrians and you know one day the HGV would end up in their garden.
Lets get to the bottom of the problem, too much traffic, get the new Parish to get onto the council and ask why nothing has been done about two sites that have planning refused yet still continue.
I’d put money on the fact if you followed any for the regular HGV traffic they are probably going to sites that also operate without planning, apart from the poultry people but logically this route is longer than going through Attleborough so that makes no sense.
i have also noticed on Rightmove some commercial units for rent, they state great access to the A11, which is totally nonsense, how can you have great access if you go through a village ?
Isn't it a sad state of affairs that residents feel they have to park their car in such a way to stop speeding traffic and HGV's from ending up in their garden in order to protect their home? Everyone is entitled to protect their home. This parking then causes upset to other drivers and pedestrians as it is parked on a dangerous, tight junction. Which one is right? Both I would say as both are trying to deal with a dangerous highway problem caused by bad planning.
Why have the Authorities allowed so much traffic to use unsuitable roads through the heart of the village? All they care about is building new houses and the lack of suitable highway provision and road safety is ignored. Look at School Lane, they will be building houses without the crucial path needed and where the entrances to the play area on the recreation ground and primary school are located - this is a disaster waiting to happen. The new development on Bunwell Road has caused no end of problems also. New houses generate revenue for the Council and generate more traffic problems for the village.
The HGV business sites which do not have planning permission are allowed to carry on operating and nothing is done. About 4.30pm every weekday, loads of open-topped lorries from a certain company head back to base in the direction of Bunwell, spreading dust and debris everywhere. Now we hear on here, that Rightmove is advertising more commercial units to access the A11 through our village - this is our home!! HGV operated sites need to be based close to the A11 where the roads are wide enough and of suitable design to accommodate them.
I don't believe for a minute that the parking on the corner of Station Road/Queen Street is anything to do with protecting properties. It's to do with having insufficient driveway space for the number of vehicles in the household. We would all be complaining about the hazardous junction parking regardless of the HGV traffic. The HGV's are just an added complication that is foisted upon the village.
The reality is, as a community, we are all in this traffic situation together. Sadly, instead of doing anything which might help ease the danger to the members of their community on this junction, the household/s concerned carry on parking regardless. In an ideal world, yes, they along with the rest of us should be able to park on the road but this isn't an ideal world and is very unlikely to become one.
Can I make some corrections please to these posts.
Forgive my brevity but a great deal on at the moment
Imput to Licensing occurs only when there is a change and relates only to the building in question ( not the road outside) and at the beginning of the Licence application. The ultimate decision lies with District Council but parish can have an input at the beginning
Matters in relation to Highways come under County Council and where they appear to be in breach of traffic Laws, the Police
The HGV route through the village was put in place when the link to the A11 was provided and this was a gift to those villages the other side of Attleborough who were more than happy to have HGV going past our doors as opposed to their own ( A cynic would say there are more votes in the larger vilages than the small ones)
Slowing vehicles down, via Sleeping policemen is a county Function and they do not want to know given current austerity measures , with the notable exeption of County Councillors expenses which does not apply, of course.
There seems to be an awful lot of disquiet going on in our village with problems of excessive traffic and pathetic infrastructure that cannot cope with it. People are clearly sick of the development that is going on which has made things worse and will no doubt continue to get even worse. Nobody seems to be listening to anybody's concerns of what's happening to our lovely village.
For the last couple of days the parking problem at the corner of Station road has been eased. The cars that were causing the obstruction haven't been there ) It has been so nice not to have to pull out onto the centre of the road to avoid the car on the corner, thus, no chance of a collision with oncoming traffic, or backing up Bunwell road to let folks out, I hope this is a permanent solution to a dangerous problem. (edited)
-- Edited by webstation on Saturday 17th of March 2018 07:55:20 PM
I completely agree I had noticed this too. It makes such a difference being able to to get round the corner, not stop, and see ahead. A lot safer all round just hope it stays this was and the owner of the car doesn't park it back there for days on end again!
Today it was a bright and dry, if cold, Spring day and a trip out to visit friends seemed a good idea as I had read that the vehicle causing the obstruction on the corner of Station road had moved; so off I went on my electric scooter, confidant that all would be well. WRONG! The grey car was waiting for me, completely blocking the dropped kerb. After reversing back along the overgrown hedge to a place where I could get onto the road again I gave up & went home.
The sooner the police take action the better, the car owner needs to obey the Highway Code and respect the needs of others.
The pub visitor parking is ludicrous.. one car is fully on the path. Black toyota Yaris.. and opposite another car. How are children meant to walk safely... does no one have common sense??