ORDER prohibiting the use by vehicles of the C140 Station Road (in the village of Spooner Row) from its junction with U78284 School Lane for a distance of 119 metres south westwards in the TOWN OF WYMONDHAM
1. Save as provided in Article 2 of this Order and whereas the Norfolk County Council as Traffic Authority for the Administrative County of Norfolk is satisfied that:-
(i) trial holes for drainage works are required at the C140 Station Road (in the village of Spooner Row) from its junction with U78284 School Lane for a distance of 119 metres south westwards in the TOWN OF WYMONDHAM (hereinafter referred to as the said road) and:
(ii) that in consequence traffic over the said road should be prohibited with effect between 08:15 hours and 15:15 hours from 1st May 2018 to 2nd May 2018 for the duration of the works expected to be about 2 days within the period.
2. Nothing in Article 1 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle which requires access, to proceed to a final destination situated within the length of road specified in Article 1 of this Order.
3. This Order has a maximum duration of 18 months and will be revoked upon completion of the works. Where exceptional circumstances are encountered during the performance of the works specified in this Order the operational period of this Order may become extended to allow completion of the works after obtaining consent of the Secretary of State.
NOW THEREFORE the Norfolk County Council DO HEREBY ORDER, that with effect between 08:15 hours and 15:15 hours from 1st May 2018 to 2nd May 2018 for the duration of the works the said road SHALL NOT BE USED by any class of vehicle.
These works are in connection with Phase 2 of the earlier drainage scheme for Station Road. Phase 1 of the scheme was that conducted outside Warren Bank last year. The test holes will provide information necessary for the main works to be undertaken in July/Aug. The main works are likely to see Station Road closed for a week and conclude with the resurfacing of this Road.
I would like to let you know that the above letter including diversion route plan about road closure has been issued to the local residents and businesses. The trail holes have been programmed to be completed on the 1st and 2nd May, 2018. To minimise the disruption the road closure will be in place after 9:15 and removed by 15:00 enabling school drop-off and pick-up to occur.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.