Over the last few weeks, our broadband and telephone line have been going done for hours and sometimes days on end. They went down this morning. Hardly able to get a mobile phone signal either, so its back to the dark ages.
Hi Alison, we have broadband but about a month ago we had same issue no broadband. We rang our provider within the end of the day it was back on.They sent someone to the box in the village or exchange where ever they go and it was promptly back on within a few hours.
Thanks everyone for responding. Back on now, although our provider (EE) say nothing to suggest super fast broadband is anything other than "planned" at the moment.
We have been without broadband for just over 1 year now. We were with itswisp but they took it away and couldn't reconnect us. The traditional firms won't connect us either because the speed is too slow for their reporting figures. Much waving around of phones to get connection. We have obviously been crippled by this as everything is done online now. The new cabinets can't come quick enough for us.