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Post Info TOPIC: Planning 2019/0330 – New Travellers Site (8 mobile home pitches), Land East of London Road Suton
Julian Halls via Webstation

Planning 2019/0330 – New Travellers Site (8 mobile home pitches), Land East of London Road Suton

Planning letter sent to Wymondham Town Council.  For details see: https://info.south-norfolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PMK787OQ0FJ00&activeTab=summary:

Planning Traveller site letter-page-001 (1) by spoonerrow, on Flickr

Planning Traveller site letter-page-002 by spoonerrow, on Flickr





julian Halls

RE: Planning 2019/0330 - 8No travellers pitchers each with mobile home, Land East of London Road Suton

Please refer to the South Norfolk portal for details of exact location which will opposite Morley Hall Farm the other side of London road the nearest property being Strathern.

Numerous letters of support already listed which would suggest this has been bubbling for some time but only became aware of the yesterday 26th Feb

Not aware yet as to when the Planning sub committee at Wymondham TC will consider this but I will post as soon as I know and please be advised this is a forum which is open to comment from the public both in support, against or neutral.



Very strange that there are already 13 letters of support (not all are listed) from people and organisations from outside of Suton. No one has doubted the integrity of the applicants and this planning application!

My main concern is that there are already two gipsy/traveller sites very close to this proposed site, within about 1/2 mile. 



The fenced off paddock areas are already in place, no doubt planning approval is already in hand. 

julian halls


date to be considered by WTC planning sub is 19th March Can you please let me know if you intend to attend so that we can book an alternative ( bigger) venue if needed

If you have views you may of course log them at South Norfolk AS WELL before that meeting and I would recommend this as the Planning sub meeting will be on the day in question  but probably will be okay unlike members of the public where the planners might be strict on the date outlined

WTC Planning sub will be giving their own views of course at that time and their is no mechanism in place whereby we can pass on individual responses at the meeting  but we do listen to all representations at the meeting when forming a view



Well that explains why they can’t sell the house next door.

lots of support from Norwich and someone who uses a false name at the council (professionally of course) to promote settlement, not forgetting someone from a young offenders department sending praise. Quite frankly it Carries about as much weight as me sending support to someone wanting to move to Thetford.

We already have our fair share of travellers sites. Granted I am not aware of any trouble or tension, but I feel others should also be given the opportunity to demonstrate their inclusiveness and their welcoming nature as well.

remember, Dale farm had planning permission as well. 

julian halls


Please note my neutrality

I have made a complaint to South Norfolk this am about this application and the manner in which the 'evidence ' has been presented

Adding the word 'supporting' to comments is in my view out of order as they never do it for others and why have they numbered them, incorrectly as there are at least 3 missing. As a busy councillor one might be tempted just to simply think I do not need to look at these then, and we have 13 already !!

And as this has been the pattern in this case , why not include the word 'objecting' to comments which are in that category as well? The one that appears, so far does not have this wording .

The short comment window when the applicant has clearly been gathering support for some while, ( from far and wide!!)  also is out of order and it is for that reason that the Town Council is not considering this , this Tuesday. This was a decision made by the Town Clerk not me and one with which I concur .

Level playing field this is not and I have told them so but I suspect I will get nowhere as normal.




I agree. Why not publish all the supporting letters? What are they hiding? (Incidentally, when the Top Common planning application was lodged for one dwelling by a local resident, there were plenty of local supporting letters for that which were ignored and the plans promptly refused). We really do need a level playing field, this constant unfair treatment by the Council is getting a bit much. 

Just a few years back when a similar application was submitted, residents objected on perfectly reasonable planning points, yet received nasty personal letters from the agent. South Norfolk Council's behaviour was also unacceptable. The insulting names which residents were called were appalling and the way we were treated including a representative from SNC shouting at the top of his voice in the face of a resident (a woman) at a meeting - many of us were scared and shocked by this behaviour.  Are we going to be subject to that again?

I also object to being labelled a 'member of the settled community' because I live in a house. 



I see that Morley primary school has sent a letter of support. As Morley doesn't have a traveller site, perhaps this planning application should be transferred to a location in that parish. It would be in closer vicinity for the children to attend.



Planning 2019/0330 – New Travellers Site (8 mobile home pitches), Land East of London Road Suton

Does Morley Parish Council know there is this strong support in Morley? It would make more sense for the children to be closer to their schools. Morley can demonstrate its inclusive and welcoming approach for the traveller site to go there as we have previously done.



Well Wreningham had more than 170 objections and the council still approved it, what’s the point ?





To all who live in the so called settled community.

Please acknowledge by objecting to this planning application for the following reasons ;

1There is already a traveller site approx 250 metres away in Suton (chepore lane) which would create an over concentration

of such sites in one rural area.Various government & council reports refer to “over concentration in one location “and this application would be disproportionate  in size to its local community & the residences imediatelly close by.

2.This is a green field site not brown field .

3.Road safety ,National speed limit of 60 Mph.accident black spot.More vehicles turning on. & off a busy road. No pedestrian paths. I also note that the field gates were extended last year with a drive way made off the B1772 ?was planning permission sought for this .

4.No natural screening & therefore will have an adverse effect on the natural landscape of fields ,farms,farm residences Having an adverse effect on the views from nearby homes & road users

5.Not close to local amenities e.g Shops ,Doctors surgeries.

6.Will harm the character & appearance of existing settlements & nearby housing.

7.Local wildlife reduction .



On the SNC planning website, the letters of support were numbered 1 to13 with several missing - which begs the question of why were some not published? Now all the numbers have been removed to hide the fact that some were not published. What a way for a Council to carry on!

I am unable to find any reference to the planning application for the site entrance extension made last year.



The whole application needs to be questioned.

The Location as stated by SNDC on the Planning Portal is misleading.  Morley Hall Farmhouse does not exist on this site and never existed on the site.  The location statement implies that a property is no-longer fit for purpose, thus the application for change of use.  This is a green field site onto which the applicant commenced works prior to the making of a planning application.

I also picked up on the somewhat odd document numbering and what appeared to be the missing letters of support.  I am now concerned to see that the numbering has been removed, with no explanatory note from South Norfolk Council. 

So what happened to accuracy and transparency?



Is there another informal traveller's site further along London Road? It's on the same side of the road and been there years. I know there's a traveller site at Chepore, but I thought there was another nearby?




i was looking on google maps this morning.

the Chepore site is just over 300m across fields away.

there is also the circus folk site which is just over 900m away down the London road.  this Site is set so far back from the road tho, the only evidence is the large vehicles coming and going



Can I ask a question....


i have been looking for for the Town Plan that covers Suton and Spooner Row and have not found it.

the Wymondham town plan seems to explicitly exclude Spooner Rown and Suton.


any suggestions?



Previously Spooner Row and Suton have been allocated differently in local plans to Wymondham Town and treated separately, and therefore not on the same map as Wymondham. 




As far as I am aware there hasn't been any issues with the existing two sites and there is no evidence there would be any problems with this proposed one either, if its a family. What I am very annoyed about is it appears there's been an ongoing discourse between the applicant and the council and at the same time the site has been prepared with subdivided allocated fenced-off plots in place and ready to go.  It seems the planning decision has already been approved by this pre-empted activity with the planning process being just a formality so the council can say the local community has been informed.



How SNC could approve such a scheme is beyond me when you look at the specific location of the site in relation to the neighbouring properties.

It seems that any other resident can have all planning applications turned down due to the countryside and views across this area, however, when you mention 'traveller or Gypsy' its generally a given that they have to recommend it!

By building anything on this site whether it be houses or a traveller site will spoil the look of the village and the countryside.

Suton is classed as a Hamlet and the fact that the proposed scheme could give rise to nearly 100 people on a 3hectare site is a major concern as the whole Parish only has around 530 residents. 

I feel sorry for the few properties adjacent to the land as they are on the border of the parish with Morley but will be a 'settled' minority to the large amount of proposed occupants.

It appears that the applicant is assuming that planning is a formality as the site has already been divided into plots by new fencing to match the submitted drawings and the position of the entrance to the land altered complete with a new gate.

London Road is a 60mph road which is busy at all times. The introduction of a new site will lead to major issues with cars and caravans turning into the land. Cars overtake on this straight piece of road which is only going to lead to more accidents.

Other issues such as wildlife, noise and light pollution are all going to be issues caused by this development.

Hopefully the council will visit the site and genuinely look at the major issues this planning application will cause.

I really do hope that they will listen to all of the residents in our village and help keep it a wonderful place to live.

Whilst I understand the need for traveller sites around the county I feel that any development of any type on this land would be a major concern. The fact that an existing traveller site is only 300mtrs away on Chepore Lane means that we have met our obligation according to the NJCS.

I urge people to post valid comments in regard to the proposed planning application on the SNC web planning portal ASAP.



julian halls


The planners did reply and ate a fair chunk of humble pie and removed ilogical numbering of supporting statements
WTC will meet to discuss this on the 19th at the office at 1800
I urge those who have views to attend





This stretch of London Road is long and straight and prone to speeding. Having a new entrance will create a new hazard with vans and other large vehicles using the new entrance and likely to cause a future hot spot for road accidents.

I am sure this planning submission will be approved as the Council seems to allow travellers to get what they want. The Council MUST put in place proper highway safety measures! Maybe a roundabout, traffic lights or slip roads?



Who owns the field adjacent to this? Do the travellers intend to purchase this?

Lynn Kingsley


Hi Julian - Just to let you know that Peter and I will be attending Wymondham Town Council's meeting on March 19th.   See you at the meeting!

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