Just been for a short stroll in our village and thought it would be nice to know what wildflowers anyone else sees in our area. I saw the most wonderful display of Primroses in almost every ditch and the churchyard also had loads. Apart from wildflowers, I also love to grow garden flowers and vegetables and hope to hear successes and what does do so well in our soil. Can't wait start sowing more seeds now its properly spring (got broad beans growing and potatoes chitting)
Hi Viv, Are you going to put your potatoes in this weekend? Our first earlies have been chitting since late January so ready to go, but debating whether we still might get a frost. Broad beans planted in November have survived the winter well.
There are some fresh wild flowers on the verges in and close to the village. Lots of the delicate white Stitchwort flowers among the Cowslips which have taken over from the Primroses. Also mixing with the Cow Parsley is some very pretty Red Campion. When the verges are left alone, it's amazing how nature takes over.
This is a recipe for Spiced Nettle soup which is best at this time of year when the nettles are at their most potent and great as a spring tonic;
8oz Fresh nettle tips
2tbsOlive oil
1/2 tsp Cayenne
1tsp Turmeric
1garlic clove chopped
1 leek chopped
2 potatoes cubed
1 carrot chopped
2 tbs flour
3pts veg stock
salt and pepper to taste.
Pick and wash the nettles (gloves needed) steam them in a little water until soft then chop finely. Heat the oil, add the spices for 1/2 minute then add the vegetables. Stir fry gently for a few mins, sprinkle on the flour mix well then add the stock. Bring to the boil simmer fro 10-15 mins then add the nettles with its cooking water. Heat through and simmer for 5mins. Season and serve!
Just walked down Station rd and was admiring the lovely wild flowers in the field opposite the Barley field. Noting Meadowsweet, Knapweed, Great Willow herb, Lady's Bedstraw, two types of Vetch, amongst others.Top marks to the field owner who is leaving things to nature.
Chris packham today , says we may see a mass migration of painted lady butterflies this summer,as Europe is already seeing them in mass.Do people rember the ladybird mass in the 70 s? And was it greenfly? I was on the back of my dads bike and it suddenly came over!
I watched three hedgehogs in the garden yesterday evening, one large and two smaller ones. I've been leaving out crunchie hedgehog food, water, and a little cat food (NOT fish-based) for several weeks.