We have had our village defibrillator for 2 years.
Do you know how to use it ? Could you give CPR to a neighbour, friend or family member ?
We are holding training sessions on Monday 28th October in the Village Hall.
3 sessions throughout the day.
9:30am, 2pm, 7pm
Its free, informal and fun.
To book a place contact Lyn Rout 01953 605450
We still have places for this training.
It’s free and lasts about an hour.
Just give me a call if you are interested.
I've been on this course and it is very worthwhile.
Another successful day..... we now have another 8 people trained. That’s now over 30 local residents that have attended the British Heart Foundation sessions. 🤓
Well done and thank you Lyn for organising these sessions