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Post Info TOPIC: GNLP planning and new development until 2038 + details of Public Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020
julian Halls

GNLP planning and new development until 2038 + details of Public Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020

Dear All

I have added my comments in italics

This is the press release issued just before the break by the GNLP

The Greater Norwich Development Partnership will be considering the next steps in the formulation of the Local Plan for the area at their meeting on the 6 January 2020. (Broadland DC at 1400)


The Greater Norwich Local Plan is being created by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, working with Norfolk County Council, as the Greater Norwich Development Partnership.


The plan sets out a vision for growth, identifies sites for new homes, jobs and infrastructure while protecting the area’s unique environment and habitats.


The Greater Norwich Local Plan will provide the basis for planning decisions for the foreseeable future. It provides opportunities for around 44,500 new homes to meet the needs for housing in both urban and rural areas over the next 20 years. 82% of those new homes amounting to about 36,500 are being carried forward from existing plans that are already in place meaning that sites for about 8,000 new homes need to be identified in this round.


Over the past two years, the partnership has made two requests for new employment and housing sites to be put forward resulting in 800 new site submissions from landowners to meet the additional housing numbers and employment sites, which will take us to 2038.


For those of you who live in Wymondham the 100 additional definite houses which sounds okay BUT it goes onto list 6 sites which are listed as REASONABLE alternatives. They come to 9780 houses !! No I have no idea what reasonable means in this context but sure as hell will be asking.


These proposals have now been evaluated against the evidence and the National Planning Policy Framework. The results of that evaluation for the plan’s strategy and sites in the City, main towns, ‘Key Service Centres’ and the village clusters in Broadland will be published, as part of a consultation, for people to have their say.


Although the Local Plan is for Greater Norwich as a whole, it still takes into account the unique requirements of the individual partners and South Norfolk is one of the most rural of the authorities. To reflect this South Norfolk Council is carrying out further work to find suitable sites for housing in its smaller villages. ( Buried in the report is a clear requirement for a minimum of 1200 houses in SDC )


To avoid holding up the rest of the plan, South Norfolk Council will now be preparing a separate plan for these sites.


If the draft Local Plan is endorsed at the Greater Norwich Development Partnership meeting in January it will then be considered by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council later that month. If all councils agree a public consultation will start on the 29 January.


The consultation will be the final opportunity to put forward sites to be considered as part of the Greater Norwich Local Plan.


Councillor Shaun Vincent, Chair of the Greater Norwich Development Partnership commented “Greater Norwich is a great place to live, work and invest. We need to make sure that future growth brings benefits for all and provides for a sustainable future. It is really important that people get involved in this consultation and have their say on the Plan and the sites proposed across Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk”.


To find out more about the plan visit the Greater Norwich Local Plan website:




RE: GNLP planning and new development until 2038 NOW

Thank you Julian for posting this;  it is really is up to us all to comment on the plan when it is ready in order to air our views/objections :

  "The plan sets out a vision for growth, identifies sites for new homes, jobs and infrastructure while protecting the area’s unique environment and habitats."

I do hope that the above statement is true.     There are over 1400 houses alone proposed for Norwich Common Wymondham in the near future.    One proposal contained in this plan is for 400 houses in Cavick which is one of the loveliest rural areas in Wymondham and on the edge of the Tiffey Valley.      There are others contained in the plan for Spooner Row also.

I understood that South Norfolk Council now had their 5-year land policy ?



julian Halls


I would like to ask the following question at the forthcoming GNLP meeting to be held in Broadland next Monday

Can the board please explain what exactly is meant by ‘reasonable alternatives’ as outlined in the report and what weight will the respective planning departments be expected to give to developers using this category in applications?

By way of illustration the preferred allocations for Wymondham are for a minimum of 100 houses but the report goes onto give a list of so called ‘reasonable alternatives’ which total nearly 10,000. How can this be in anyway considered a reasonable alternative?

Developers will simply see this as an opportunity and planning Departments will be under pressure to accede to applications otherwise what is the point of them being listed.

Julian Halls

Wymondham Town councillor and Wymondham south District councillor

Answers given by the Board Exactly as typed

The sustainability appraisal and plan making process require the consideration of reasonable alternatives to help inform choices and demonstrate why the preferred options have been chosen

Q 42 of the consultation specifically asks for comments on growth issues for Wymondham and the other main towns. Comments received will help firm up the final plan for submission to Government.

Any planning applications determined before the adoption of the GNLP ,scheduled for late 2022, will be determined in accordance with the current adopted plan unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise. The inclusion of sites as reasonable alternatives in the emerging GNLP would be expected to have very limited weight in determining planning applications

My comments

Thank goodness for the last sentence but the rest is gobbledegook or simple avoidance.

Para graph 1 Why do they have to so many ’reasonable’ alternatives and what choices will there be made if we are only supposed to get over a 100 houses? The question as to how this can be considered reasonable is completely avoided, as is the comment as to why so many are being listed in the first place.

The second paragraph answers nothing

No opportunity was given at the meeting to comment upon the response given

 Meeting today at SDC decided to proceed with seperate  village cluster plan,

New community council area is our village cluster and looking for 1500 NEW houses over ALL south Norfolk area, about 100 parishes and anything larger than 30 houses per cluster is UNLIKELY to happen but work in progress . Implementation date if all goes well is 2022 and valid until 2038




Thank you Julian for this.

With tens of thousands of new houses destined to be built in the greater Norwich area and beyond, what plans are being considered for an enormous hospital enlargement or even a new hospital to cater to the large population increase? The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital hasn't coped for some while and has continual problems with one thing or another. the latest problem is it has the worst results for A&E patient delays in the whole of the country for the FOURTH month in a row. I have just been reading about it in a recent paper report. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/n-n-hospital-has-worst-a-e-delay-target-times-in-country-1-6457551

There's too much house building proposed and not enough services to support it.




Perhaps the penny has dropped.   According to an article in today's Evening News,  entitled "Will our city need a new hospital"? it expresses concerns over the impact of so much proposed development contained in the GNLP.   These concerns were apparently raised at a Norwich City Council sustainable development panel yesterday.   How many  people have been telling them that the current N&N is inadequate and it is quite understandable that it cannot cope now with the pressure of patients.  Why haven't we seen an article like this months/years ago ?    It is not rocket science.


Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Draft Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020

Now is your chance to comment on the following up until 16th March 2020 :

Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Draft Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020


Greater Norwich Local Plan <GNLP@norfolk.gov.uk>

11:30 AM (6 hours ago)
from:Greater Norwich Local Plan <GNLP@norfolk.gov.uk>
reply-to:Greater Norwich Local Plan <GNLP@norfolk.gov.uk>
date:Jan 29, 2020, 11:30 AM
subject:Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Draft Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020
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cleardot.gif:Important according to Google magic.

Dear Consultee

 Greater Norwich Local Plan

Regulation 18 Draft Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020

 The Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) is being produced by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council working together with Norfolk County Council through the Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP).

 Regulation 18 draft plan publication consultation on Document 1: The Strategy and Document 2: Sites Plan will commence at 9am on Wednesday 29 January and will close at 5pm on Monday 16March 2020.

 We are seeking your views on the draft strategy and site allocations for consideration for future development in the GNLP. You can find further information and make comments online at www.gnlp.org.uk. Note, the draft plan does not contain any sites in smaller South Norfolk villages as South Norfolk Council intend to prepare a separate village clusters plan covering new and carried forward sites for housing in their village clusters.


This current consultation follows the ‘Call for Sites’ and ‘New, Revised and Small Sites’ consultations. More details about these consultations can be found at www.gnlp.org.uk.


Hard copies of consultation documents and maps are available to view at the following deposit points:

·         Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich (main reception)

·         Millennium Library, The Forum, Norwich (reception at Norfolk Heritage Centre on the second floor)

·         Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich (use telephone in main entrance hall to request)

·         Broadland District Council, Thorpe Road, Thorpe St Andrew (main reception)

·         South Norfolk Council, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton (main reception)


The quickest and easiest way to respond to the consultation is online at www.gnlp.org.uk but if you are unable to respond online please email your comments to gnlp@norfolk.gov.uk or contact us on 01603 306603 to request a response form.  You can also email or phone us if you need consultation information in large print, audio, Braille, an alternative format or a different language.  All responses must be received by 5pm on Monday 16 March 2020.


Kind Regards


Mike Burrell

Greater Norwich Planning Policy Team Manager 


General Enquiries

Tel: 01603 306603  or Email: gnlp@norfolk.gov.uk  

Footer for docs





Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Draft Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 20

For reference, here is a link to a thread on this message board for a previous public consultation dated October to December 2018 https://spoonerrow.activeboard.com/t65047528/greater-norwich-local-plan-regulation-18-public-consultation/

The Spooner Row Site numbers are GNLP 2082, GNLP 2101 and GNLP 2181

Julian Halls


I sent an e mail asking when exactly we will get to hear about the village cluster report being held back by South Norfolk. This is the reply I got which basically says talk to South Norfolk which is incredibly unhelpful.

Dear Mr Halls


Thank you for the email you sent to Jessica Ransome, which she has referred to me.


The South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Site Allocation document is being progressed by the South Norfolk Council planning team separately from the Greater Norwich Local Plan. The timetable for its production is being worked up and you will be able to get more information from the South Norfolk team on 01508 533805 or email lp@s-norfolk.gov.uk.


The consultation for the Draft (Regulation 18) Greater Norwich Local Plan started today and runs to 5pm on Monday 16 March. We are consulting on the proposed overall numbers for South Norfolk Village Clusters as part of the overall Strategy for Greater Norwich, as well as windfall policies which will affect the villages. To take part in the consultation please visit: www.gnlp.org.uk.


Kind regards.



Jean Brittain

Project Manager

Greater Norwich Local Plan

Room 063, County Hall, Norwich NR1 2DH


Telephone: 01603 223413


General Enquiries: 01603 306603 gnlp@norfolk.gov.uk




I also contacted the GNLP about the lack of a South Norfolk Village Clusters document (whatever that is) to comment on in this Consultation. This is the reply: 

The decision has only recently been made to pursue the separate South Norfolk Village Clusters document, so at the moment there isn’t a set timetable.  A call for additional small sites is being made through the main GNLP document (consultation 29 January to 16 March), so to a certain extent the timetable will be influenced by the number of extra sites that come forward and need to be assessed; however, the aim is to follow as closely as possible the GNLP timetable.  When the timetable is agreed the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) will be updated accordingly.

A separate Regulation 18 consultation on the South Norfolk Village Clusters will be held in due course, although for the reasons set out above this will be after the close of the current GNLP consultation period.

Kind Regards,

Kate Fisher
Senior Planning Policy Officer
533801 kfisher@s-norfolk.gov.uk 



RE: GNLP planning and new development until 2038 + details of Public Consultation, 29 January – 16 March 2020

Just a reminder that there will be a Roadshow in respect of the above at the North Wymondham Community Centre this Friday 14th February 2 - 8pm and also at The Forum on 26th February and 5th March  2 - 8pm.

Planners will be on hand to answer questions and there will also be detailed plans.

julian Halls


Update of Reg and Planning committee which was held yesterday at South Norfolk, FOR THE VILLAGE CLUSTERS. Please note , given the vast number of previous updates from our District councillors in council matters NOT, that this is happening and I hope keeping you in the loop , even if the loop is very confusing.

This is my summary of the KEY points although like many Planning documents there is MUCH scope for intepretation and dare I say bending of the rules to suit. That applies both for development and against

There are a number of issues to consider and I have listed them below as bullet points BUT please read the Reg and Planning committee notes and aganda on the south Norfolk website if you want the full picture which yesterday entered the public domain

  • The starting point seems to be the existence of a primary school and takes into account its accessibilty and numbers in attendance but for South Norfolk this is not the only key driver as we have almost twice the number of parishes (118) when compared to Broadland. It is the school that that largely defines what a cluster is.
  • Bearing in mind the above there is also reliance placed upon what other factors are deemed to be important called the Land assessment. In summary called the HELAA. Using a traffic light system it looks at  number of constraints and impacts when assessing site suitability. They are respectively:- access to site, access to local service and facilities,, Utilities capacity, Utilities infrastructure, land contamination, Flood risks and market attractiveness ( also coastal impacts!) and for impacts :- Landscape/Townscape, Bio and Geo diversity, Historic environment, open sapce , Transport and roads and compatibility with neighbouring sites. ( Unfortunately there are no simple rules like 3 red flags and you are out and the example given was one single amber was enough to bin the application at Chapel lane in Wymondham)
  • Each site will be assessed against these criteria
  • Windfall developments which do not count to the overall delivery but looking at 1-3 houses per cluster are to be permitted in addition to allocation
  • SMALL sites of a minimum 12 units up to 24 per hectare only to be allowed . VERY rarely anything bigger which is why all the submitted sites TO BE considered are all being written to see if they still want to proceed. This does not apply to anything already approved.
  • A MINIMUM of 1200 new houses for the South Norfolk village clusters up 2038
  • The final list of shortlisted sites to be ready by july 2020 ( I have my doubts that is achievable )

It is hoped , but I doubt this, that we will be able to play catch with the rest of the GNDP consultation programme

Lots more I could say but by now I suspect you are all losing the will to live so I will stop




Julian, thank you for updating and explaining the latest situation. So glad someone at the district council has a realistic perspective of this overly complicated and ridiculous process.



Yet another EDP news article about how the local hospital isn't coping with long patient waiting lists for operations. Why does the GNLP still want more and more houses to be built, where are these future patients going to go? This isn't looking good at all.


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