Spooner Row Message Board

Post Info TOPIC: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road (postings on this topic have been merged)

Proposed Traveller Site on London Road (postings on this topic have been merged)



As you kniw SNCC recently refused the planning application for a traveller site on London Road and is pending an appeal. Yet work still continues to develop the site, right this very minute in fact and even sometimes in the cover of darkness. Residents have been in touch with the planning department and do nit seem to be getting a satisfactory reply.

Please can our parish council find out what is happening and why work has been allowed to continue here, and will our parish council be consulted when the appeal us submitted and what sway you will hold on planning applications of this type.

Thank you

Stephen Ward

RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

Daz, Thanks for messaging about the field proposed as a travellers site in Suton. If this comes up on appeal then the Spooner Row Community Council will have the opportunity to comment again.


In terms of reporting illegal development the Council has no more influence or different communications channels to use than a member of the public. I can teleohone the planning department on your behalf, but I would need evidence of the illegal development; in your message you have not defined what this was. If you have already provided evidence to the planning department what was there response?


If you want to have a chat, then give me a call on 07767 777 488. I am not in the vacinity of Suton this week so cannot go and look myself. I would also not know what has changed on the site over a period of time. More than willing thoigh to help if I can.

julian Halls


As ever planning is never straightforward

As the application has been refused and appealed it will be up to the Planning inspectorate how this proceeds. If there is a hearing called , this happens less and less nowadays, then it is South Norfolk who have to defend their decision as to why they did so . If it goes to a hearing we will be invited to comment further but usually what has already been said, does not need to be said again. previous comments remain 'live'

The norm is for a desktop review which sometimes results in the inspector visiting but please be reassured 95%+  are dismissed simply by consideration of the paperwork.

If the applicant decides to ignore permissions granted or not and if the appeal is dismissed then planning enforcement will require any works etc to be removed

I have had a quick drive past and am not sure there is much visible going on but I am happy to flag this up to the enforcement team , as a district councillor but I do need details please.

Wearing my Spooner row Wattlefield and Suton Hat the council can always consider this matter again and you are more than welcome to come to the next meeting where if you wish it will be discussed but please let us know at least a week beforehand, so it can go in the agenda. Such re consideration would be limited however to evidence of what is happening which we could then pass onto the planning enforcement team. 

I hope this helps

Stephen Ward


Daz, Not having seen Julian’s message yesterday, I also drove over to take a look at the site this morning and I can see no new development activity; the site looks the same as it did when the fences were first erected.  I have taken pictures of the existing fencing so we can tell if anything has changed in the future.  We cannot go to South Norfolk Planning enforcement and complain about fences in a field.  However, if you spot any further development like hard standings, drainage or electricity supplies being introduced let us know.



Hi all,

Thanks for the reply.

More fencing has been added over the last week with a running commentary provided by the residents in the immediate facility. This is very unsettling for the community as a whole as planning permission was refused but development of the site has been allowed to continue.

The residents have contacted the council about this and apparantly someone was sent over, but the council, despite knowing about it, have done nothing to halt the continued work on the site.

We have zero trust or faith in SNDC over this, and only need reassurances from our parish council that we are being treated fairly, and more importantly equally, in all aspects of this issue.

We can't afford to have high priced lawyers at our beck and call advising us how to proceed with this issue which us why we are relying on our duly elected officials to speak for us and to make sure our voices are heard, because they seem to be very hard if hearing in Long Stratton.



What extra work has been going on? Planning permission is not needed for installing fences. The planning permission was mainly refused because of highway issues and as nothing has changed, a planning appeal is unlikely to be successful. London Road has fast-moving traffic and would be a dangerous location for a traveller site for all the community. 


Traveller site Suton

Unfortunately this evening, a number of caravans have illegally moved onto the field in Suton

Can the parish council PLEASE step in on our behalf?

looks like about 10 structures


RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

Travellers are now illegally on the field.  🤷🏻‍♀️


Illegal occupation of site on London Road.

Hi, as expected, travellers have now illegally occpied and started the development of the site on London Road. Funnily enough on a friday evening when the council will not act.

This is not a suprise. With work being started and reported last week (and completely ignored) this was their obvious next step ahead of their appeal.

The residents of Suton are now becoming a minority in our village and outnumbered by travellers on 2 sites. And who cares about this? Noone. 

Why are they allowed to flout the law in this manner? 

With a fatal crash a 100 meters away from the site this week, and the planning permission refused because of this, the increase of traffic using this site in the middle of the longest and straightest stretch is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

But i suppose that our council do not care as its far enough away from them and their lives not to have an impact. 

What can our parish council do? 


RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

Stephan Ward.

How about going for a drive by now!!!! Today!!! 

Typical councils. Head in the sand. Ignore everything. React after the fact. 

So tell me, what can be done about this illegal occupation?

The police are too scared to get involved. 

The council are useless, they have probably been advising them all the way. Utterly incompetant.

2 sites in 1 small village. Is this someones idea of a sick joke or just a political move so our council can say 'hey look at us, we are diverse' all the way from Long Stratton. 

Why have we in Suton been singled out. You don't hear of other traveller sites being set up around here. Just us. 


julian Halls


This happened last night and I was advised at 2230

I have been to  the site and will be advising the Planning enforcement team as soon as possible but am unaware of wheher there is any mechanism to respond at the weekend

Move  was done on a friday evening obviously quite deliberately

Police are aware as ground vehicles blocking the road as they turn in



Illegal occupation of site on London Road.

The A11 is going to be closed for roadworks from next week and all the traffic diverted to the B1172/London Road, how can this now go-ahead with an illegal traveller site in operation? Highways England should cancel the works before a very serious accident happens. Has Highways England been alerted to this new situation?

Julian Halls

RE: Traveller site Suton

I can understand everyone's frustration here but the Parish council have no powers to act other than inform the Planners and the land owner. If the land owner is complicit with this, it makes life very difficult and the likelihood of immediate action very remote.

I have e mailed the planners enforcement team with photos this morning

If persons decide to act against the Law in an anarchic way, civil law remedies are at best weak and very expensive.



RE: Illegal occupation of site on London Road.

Drove past there late this afternoon (Saturday) and they are laying road surfaces on the field itself with machinery, while the district council is closed. It looks like they are intending to stay. Will it be another case of giving retrospective planning permission as with the one at Chepore Lane? The rest of us have to do things by the book by getting saddled with mortgages and paying council tax! Nothing changes.



I am very sorry this is happening - bully boy tactics as usual.    I do hope there is some redress here.

Stephen Ward

RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road


I have driven over to the site this evening and seen what the travellers have being doing today, in terms of now building a temporary road through the middle of the site and hard standings for their caravans.  You are probably right in the timing of this activity starting on a Friday evening and continuing through the weekend.  I believe this activity is now a planning enforcement issue which South Norfolk Council will have to react to.  Julian Halls has already emailed the planning department this morning, but they will not do anything until Monday. As a Council this will be chased up on Monday morning.

As Julian Halls has stated there is nothing the police, district or Community Council can do on private property.  If the land owner gives consent for them to occupy the field then it is not illegal activity.  If however, the Landrover objected to their occupation then they, the landrover, can go to court for an eviction order, your community Council or the District cannot do this as we do not own the land.

As a Community Council we can only continue to ensure that the South Norfolk Planning department do what we as tax payers fund them to do.



RE: Traveller site Suton

I think they are the landowners? Maybe I'm wrong? Why isn't there a planners enforcement team on standby at weekends and evenings to stop this type of illegal activity? No doubt the site will expand. It should be returned to a greenfield site at the landowner's expense.


RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

I just don’t get your comments. 
the landowner has sold/was selling the field in portions to them.

so you are now saying that there is nothing to be done about it and it’s only if the landowner objects?


righto, I am off to build a high rise/ a cafe and a granny annex on my land. I own my land and I give myself permission.


what is the point of planning law? 
they were refused!


RE: Traveller site Suton

Let me tell you from the perspective of a landowner who has no planning how this will go,

1. council tries to persuade you to submit an application, this will continue for months/years 

2. if you finally decide to submit one, that application can take another year or so

3. lets assume it gets refused, they will then appeal, this can take another 6-9 months

4. lets now assume this all gets refused, the council will then speak to the land owner over the next few months and ask them to clear the land

5. after many months they will serve an enforcement notice

6. if after many more months they still haven’t cleared the land they will have to take them to court, this is a big decision as it costs the council circa 20k and they need to justify this cost at the expense of the tax payer.

7. if they decide to do this, the land owner can ignore showing up as they are probably going to loose so whats the point.

8. it’s only after all this they either restore the land or face prison, if they leave the site then the council has to restore the land, in a lot of cases this doesn’t happen as they have no money.

As you can see this whole process can go on for years or infinity if the council choose it’s not going to do anything.

After reading this your realise the planning system is completely broken, ask the people who live in front of RJM Commercials who spent a fortune fighting that, won, yet the council did nothing, same with Newalls, the list goes on.

Read this article about a site NCC enforced, drive there and your see it’s still the same today, it’s gone on for years.




RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

The planning system is broken, it’s only there to make the council money. It doesn’t matter how many objections they receive they ignore them, it’s just a process with the decision being made made within hours of the application being submitted. They often decide to make more money to split the applicatio, end result is the same just takes longer and makes more profit for the council.

Want a solution, do what the people of Stansted have done, vote in local people who care about the area.


RE: Traveller site Suton

And to add to this, as the council doesn’t have the funds to return the land to its former use, it stays dormant, after 10yrs it becomes lawful and you then can’t do a thing.

Complete joke, my advice to people on here wanting to build a annex in their back garden, just go ahead the council won’t do a thing.

Stephen Ward

RE: Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

To clarify my comments about the land owner. In terms of travellers occupying the field with caravans and vehicles the only person who can take action is the land owner. So for example, if the travellers setup camp on the playing field in Spooner Row, which is owned by the Community Council, then we can apply for an eviction order.  In this case they are on someone else‘s land so it is a civil issue between the land owner and the travellers.  Unfortunately the land owner is content for them to be on his land.  Note that that the planning application was not submitted by the land owner, but the traveller community.  The land owner did not file an objection to the planning application as he wishes to sell the land to the travellers.

Once the travellers started to develop the site, which is what they have being doing since Friday evening, then the District Council need to get involved as it is now possibly a breach of the planning law.

I hope this makes sense.


Traveller site Suton

I think you could be wrong there as the council clamps down hard on homeowners if they try to erect a single property on their land or extend without permission. We are not governed by the same laws. 


Proposed Traveller Site on London Road

The planning system needs to be drastically updated. Our MP George Freeman should be helping us, you know, the people in his own constituency. He is a Minister of State at the Department for Transport. The highway situation on London Road is unsuitable for an active Traveller site. 

There are police signs about a fatal road accident that happened only a few days ago on Monday. This is only several meters away from where the Traveller site entrance is on London Road. It couldn't be at a worse location. 

Julian Halls


This e mail received this am from Phil courtier Director of Place at South Norfolk and Broadland

I am aware that there has been unauthorised activity at Suton over the last 24hrs and that a number of caravans and other vehicles have been moved onto the site. I am also aware that in summer 2019 planning permission was refused for a traveller site on this land.


I have spoken to Cllr Lisa Neal and the Assistant Director for the Regulatory service, Nick Howard, and I have advised that the first 2 or 3 days will often be very changeable and we need to make a full assessment of the situation at the start of next week once things have settled down. This assessment will include the number of vehicles and caravans, the people occupying the site and their status and/or needs. This assessment will then inform the Council’s response to this site. If there is criminal activity in the meantime or if vehicles block the road, etc then this is a police matter and the police should be contacted accordingly.


I appreciate that this is a concerning and frustrating time for the local community but I can assure you that officers from both planning enforcement and the community protection team will be involved in this case at the start of Monday morning. I will also ask to be kept informed of progress during the day and in the following days.


Feel free to let me know if anything changes significantly in the next day.








The G&T activity at London Road, Suton, has continued on the site again yesterday and today so we now require action to be taken by SNC to stop this work being undertaken. More large lorries have turned up on site this morning to deliver more supplies to the site.
It appears to everyone that they have been well planned in the operation of delivering aggregates to site for roads and hard stands for caravans and sheds.  This is obviously a repeat of other areas in the country and assume that the next step by them is to apply for retrospective planning. As per the House of Commons debate on 9th July 2019 this blatant unauthorised development needs to be stopped and the area returned to its natural state.
As many of you are aware the planning application was refused and we assume that SNC will issue a stop notice / enforcement notice to halt any further activity being carried out. As we have all been told from the beginning the issue is based on planning law and not the fact that it is a travelling community applying. This has to work both ways and assume that SNC will only base this on planning? Currently the amount of caravans on the site is making the local residents (settled community) feel like they are the minority.
We are led to believe that some of the land is owned by the travellers however the application for planning was based on the fact that the land would not be sold unless planning was given. Planning laws are being blatantly abused and regardless of who owns the land this needs to be legally enforced. If it is not stopped does this set a precedent for everyone else if they start building without planning approval?
Currently the need for additional traveller sites are not required and a surplus is available we would logically assume that as no planning has been granted they are required to be moved on?
The longer that this is not addressed, the longer they have to increase the activity and building works being carried out on this site.



As much as I feel for anyone near this, it will go on for ages.

Even if they stick an enforcement notice on there, that can be appealed 9months, then it can go to High Court yr+ then they can just simply ignore the result, then who is paying for the land to be returned ?

i am watching this as a true indictor of the failure of planning in this country.

Spooner Row Community Council



Andy Baines, part of the Enforcement Team at South Norfolk District Council, attended site earlier today.

The position is now being considered by SNDC and Andy will issue a statement outlining the Councils actions tomorrow.

Residents are asked to continue posting their timely observations here on the Message Board. 

julian Halls


I can confirm South Norfolk Enforcement team were on site this am ( Monday 10th) and we have been advised that an announcement /decision will be made either later today or early tommorrow on the next course of action.

I will advise you all when I hear

To be clear here the Council's viewpoint on this action is one which is very much opposed to what has happened, and from my district councillor's hat perspective, I am very much against the action taken by the travellers on this site which is just ignoring the law.

I will be doing all I can to ensure swift remedial action is taken and I am sure that is also the view of the Community Council. 

Spooner Row Community Council

Proposed Traveller Site on London Road (postings on this topic have been merged)

Please find below the update received this morning from South Norfolk District Council:


Following a visit to the site I can now advise you that the Council has served a Temporary Stop Notice to prevent further hardcore and caravans being brought on to the site. If the notice is breached it is open to the Council to commence legal action through the Magistrates Court.

For information a Temporary Stop Notice expires after 28 days. During this time the council will consider whether an Enforcement Notice and Stop Notice should be served.

I would like to assure you that officers will continue to monitor the site.  However, should you see any further activity take place please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Andy Baines

Compliance Officer 



shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, 



Today I note new wooden sheds erected on pitches and piles of panels on another pitch presumably a shed to be erected tomorrow. There are not planning to leave in 28 days. The residents have lost again. It is just no fair. I note the councillor saying we will assess their needs. Why when rules are broken by these people do we act differently? Surely the planning law should apply to all. The conditions of the other site were broken and then retrospectively changed.



What is the point of a temp stop notice preventing more caravans AFTER they are all on the site. All the hardcore is down and they were casually raking it this morning. Sheds going up too. Why can't the council serve notice to leave until after an appeal? Surely something can be done. If it was a bunch of white middle class business men the rules would be different.



Guys, nothing can be done, anything the council issues can just be ignored, planning is not a criminal offence it’s civil, therefore anything goes to court, it will go on for yrs + sorry to be the bringer of bad news.

Everyone keeps going on about one set of rules for one and another set for another, that is nonsense, if you choose to ignore the council you can get away with it just like this, simples.

You have a garden that has permitted development rights remove, that means you planning even for a garden shed, just ignore it, do you really think the council is going to take you to court over that ? No, planning is broken, if your prepared to ignore the process nothing can done, fact.

julian Halls


There is a meeting to discuss the matters you and others have raised  tommorrow with the Director of place. I will be attending wearing various hats but this is not a public meeting although I will communicate its findings with you as soon as possible

The office of the Deputy PM has issued some guidance on Temporary stop notices ODPM circular 02/2005 which at my first reading are very powerful in addressing this situation and I am very grateful to Mr Davis for pushing for this meeting to take place.

Can I please suggest that people read this before implying that more could and should have been done

The service of the stop notice would not have taken place if they did not think that an illegal act had taken place

The council have to act within the guidelines of the Law otherwise any action they do take could be compromised. In my experience the Traveller community are very well advised when it comes to legal matters.

I share all your frustration here and believe me when I say we are doing all we can legally to address this situation

julian Halls


Synopsis of meeting held at Broadland DC regarding the G and T unofficial site at Suton on 12th Feb 2020

This meeting was attended by 3 Suton residents, myself as chair of the Parish council and as District councillor , Phil Courtier Director of Place and the compliance officer Petra Maryon based at Broadland

The meeting was frank exchange of views and an update on where we are , what happens now and where we are going.

It was not sugar coated in any sense and not particularly good news but on the positive note, it was very abundantly clear to me that the Enforcement team know what they are doing, know the many traps that have to avoid and there is an acknowledgement that the Law ‘ is what it is and that it is not good law and that successive Governments have failed to grasp this nettle ‘

The service of the Temporary Stop notice, despite its wimpy title is in fact a very strong tool. Service any quicker given that no one works at the weekend might have helped but it was noted that a response did take place over the weekend and that the travellers deliberately timed the move that way.

The bottom line here is that all work should stop and that the Temp stop notice cannot be appealed against. A full Enforcement notice will follow which can be appealed against will follow BUT it is incredibly important that IF works carry on these are reported , SAFELY so a photo with time of arrival and details of activity with Reg numbers where appropriate should be passed to the enforcement team as soon as. Do not engage. The team have very powerful powers of entry .

The bad news and it is bad news is that due process dictates, if the Travellers appeal both the original application ( already done at the last minute) AND the Enforcement notice when served, they will be heard together by the very tardy Planning inspectorate, at best in six months time after appeal times , which are usually done at the very last minute , and assuming a favourable outcome which allows the travellers time to re locate the absolute best for their removal is 13 months. Re instatement of the land to the original will be considered when that happens.

I am absolutely convinced that the team know what they are doing and no amount of protesting with accusations of complicity is going to change things legally and can be very unhelpful.

The officers are very well aware of our situation and are sympathetic to it , which might NOT be being well communicated here for which I apologise but it is very hard to dress up bad news as good , when it clearly is not.

I am genuinely sorry to be the bringer of bad news


Stephen Ward


The guidance on Temporary stop notices ODPM circular 02/2005 which Julian has referred to has been now been replaced by the National Planning Policy Framework published on 27 March 2012 and revised on 24 July 2018. It sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The following link within the framework document covers enforcementhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/ensuring-effective-enforcement#Stop-Notice

I have lifted the following paragraph from the document, which is the reason it is important to collect any evidence of the temporary stop notice being breached. Noting that there is no limit on any fine, it also indicates the seriousness of the offence.

What are the penalties for contravention of a temporary stop notice?

It is an offence to contravene a temporary stop notice, and a local planning authority should always consider prosecution as soon they have evidence of an offence (section 171G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).

A person guilty of an offence is liable on conviction to an unlimited fine.



The Nppf was revised again in Feb 2019



So how would you differentiate between the illegal works that were undertaken on the site AFTER the Temporary Stop Notice was issued on Wednesday in order to gain evidence, to what was undertaken over the weekend before? Is not setting up a campsite over the weekend without planning permission also illegal?? Last Friday morning on 7 February the site was green grass, now its covered in hardcore and caravans.

Is it fair and cost-effective that councils have to put right this type of difficult and illegal planning problem at our expense? The Government should take a good hard look to make the system fairer for everyone in the community and not just for a select few. What is the MP doing to redress the broken planning system when things get ignored?



As I said before this is an optimistic view of what might happen in reality it can go on a lot lot longer.

Your notice these quotes  'a local planning authority should always consider prosecution' and 'reinstatement of the land to the original will be considered when that happens'

Lets see how that goes nono




Where's the sewage and household rubbish generated from the site going to go?

julian Halls


Not sure on the sewage but rubbish collections will be arranged and provided by the council as is normal policy in these situations



I hope they will be charged council tax like the rest of us for the waste collection service



Today I note that they are building up the entrance to the illegally occupied gypsy site. Concrete posts are going in and 6 foot fence panels. I assume that the stop notice can not be enforced for this. Once they have a 6 foot fence around the entrance they can do what they want behind it. What is being done by the authorities? Nothing can be done I suppose.

I totally understand that the COVID-19 takes priority but G & T people always get away with everything. They find every loop hole and exploit it. The common man always looses. 

Stay safe everyone.



Who likes the new building that has appeared?

So has planning been passed?



A new building!? There's no planning application or permission for this. What action is South Norfolk Council taking? No one else has the luxury of building new homes without due process and payments. 

julian Halls


I have asked the compliance officer to investigate this and let me know.



Home owning resident


I hope that South Norfolk Council follows its planning procedures fairly to reflect all of the community and does not just allow this situation to go on and on. Allowing retrospective planning permission for such a significant development would not be acceptable as there are many problems with this unlawful situation including those identified as highway safety issues.

julian Halls District councill


a reply from the housing lead at South Norflk is respons to a question as to what help the travellers are getting


' Hello Cllr

The Council has initiated procedures regarding Travellers in accordance with Government Guidance on Coronavirus and reduce the spread of the desease

The preference to move travellers on has been dramatically reduced, in addition water supplies and portalloos have been provided. The reasoning being to reduce movement and promote isolation.

Discussions with partners have taken place including the County liaison team and the Police regarding each individual encampment and procedures to conform to Government Guidance.

The Councils Temporary Stopping Place has been used and additional facilities provided.

If you require further information do not hesitate to contact me.




Kevin Philcox


Whilst this generic reply is clearly in relation to travellers who move on quite quickly can you clarify the position please in respect to the Suton site which as you are probably aware in currently the subject of an enforcement notice

1. Have portaloos been provided at the site please?

2. If not what arrangements have they in place for the hygienic disposal of sewage?

3. What is the position regarding water supply ? have this been provided or as has been suggested illegally sourced ?

4. What arrangements are currently in place regarding their refuse disposal and collection


I assume as is the norm they are not paying any precept for any of these services, much to the annoyance and chagrin of local residents who feel that the current situation is TOTALLY biased towards the Travellers who are in breach of Planning Law and have appealed the notice, yet continue to dig in at the site, no doubt trying to convince the Planning inspectorate that butter would not melt in their mouths, whilst constantly pushing the envelope.


I have copied in Petra, Andy and Phil and understand that the Law in incredibly shambolic in this area and whilst we are doing and have done all we can, as we wait for the Planning Inspectorate to get off their backsides, the residents , the voting and precept paying legally compliant electorate, understandably are getting very agitated at this constant on going breach of Planning Law and disregard for the DCLG guidance in respect of ANOTHER Traveller site in Suton


The recent addition of a concreted in fence line at the front gate has brought this matter to the fore, and the suggestion that yet another unit has been added to the site in breach of the notice , is now impossible to verify and know/understand what else is going on on-site, which might be in breach. Visits shall we say for local residents are a complete no-no.


At the very least , from whoever, can I have an update on the current situation in writing please so I can pass it onto the residents and the community council and include a clarification in respect to the 4 questions above


Yours sincerely


Councillor Julian Halls ( South Norfolk ) Wymondham South ward

A full reply is awaited but I diud geta response form the compliance officer See below

From: Andy Baines [mailto:ABaines@S-NORFOLK.GOV.UK]

Sent: 12 June 2020 11:34

To: julian.halls@talktalk.net

Cc: Petra Maryon

Subject: London Road, Suton


Dear Julian,


Following our recent telephone call I had a drive past the site and spoke with one of the occupants on the telephone.


I saw no evidence of any brick construction and this was confirmed by the occupant. As you are aware trenches have been dug to install water pipes and fencing has been erected. This may be where the assumption that a brick construction is being built came from. The erection of fencing and installation of the water pipes do not require planning permission or breach the Notices.


I can advise you that some caravans have been removed from the site and some new caravans have been brought on. Provided the total number of caravans (this includes mobile homes/static caravans) does not exceed 12 there is no breach of the Stop Notice.


Kind regards,






Clr Halls, thank you for the update.

I can't believe the reply from the Compliance Officer "some caravans have been removed from the site and some new caravans have been brought on. Provided the total number of caravans (this includes mobile homes/static caravans) does not exceed 12 there is no breach of the Stop Notice."

Why have there been caravans moving on and off the site, what about conforming to the lockdown like every one else? Why is there no breach of the Stop Notice so long as the caravans do not exceed 12? This is ridiculous as there is no permit for any caravans at all. The REFUSED planning application was for 8 caravans now there's a limit of 12. 


Comparison Traveller Site

On a village road in Essex, similar layout to London Road Suton, there was a  travellers site set up. more or less the same as one on old A11 Suton. Same size, same fence etc.

They had roughly 20 caravans on site.

They were living on site for about 18 months . First there was fence went up. Then large Field shelter. Then several lama animals.


After 3-4 months caravans started turning up, 1 by 1, over next few months. They had council bins. post man etc. They were living on site for 6-8 months, 

Most left the site Christmas time. A few stayed until Feb.They have not returned and all Caravans, animals etc have gone. All thats left is the Fencing and large double gates.

I spoke to several local people and they said Chelmsford council had evicted them as its Green Belt Land? Im sure it was more complicated than that.

Personally im not against the travellers site in Suton. I think its in a good place and i have sympathy for them.  

What i am saying is that from what i can see Norfolk council are spineless. and Essex take no prisoners.  



Proposed Traveller Site on London Road (postings on this topic have been merged)

I can't see this site moving off any time soon. The point is that the London Road site was refused planning consent and UK laws are made for all to follow. I would like to see Norfolk council making things happen.

julian Halls


As discussed previously , we are in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate who deal with appeals and they will not be hurried and do not respond kindly to pressure from the District council 'to get a move on'

The matter is entirely out of the District council's hands  so all we can do is wait and Covid is not helping

Pressure from the MP MIGHT help but I suspect that like most MP's he will not touch this or get involved in any shape or form



I didn't know a planning appeal had been submitted. There is nothing on the council's planning website about this, just the decision of refusal. Has anyone been contacted by the Inspectorate?


julian Halls district council


FYI all


from Debbie Lorimer at SDC and I have queried why only 8 although apparently Touring van status may affect this



Dear Julian


Under the local member protocol I want to inform you that, as required by law, the Council will be applying the Council Tax legislation and charging the occupiers of the above encampment for Council Tax. As part of this process the Council will be informing the Valuation Office that there are 8 pitches on the site.


I want to stress that the Council Tax legislation is completely separate to the Panning legislation and us carrying out the Council’s obligation regarding Council Tax will have absolutely no implication or bearing on the outcome of the forthcoming planning appeal. To be clear, paying council tax and receiving a waste collection service in no way legitimises the occupation of the site for planning purposes.


The other outcome of recording the encampment on the council tax system for billing purposes is that it permits the depot to provide a waste service to the site and fulfils the Council’s duties in respect of protecting the local environment. The process of raising the Council Tax bills will begin this week which will then enable the depot to engage with the occupiers regarding the delivery of waste bins and then the ongoing collection of waste.


I wanted to let you know that this was happening in case you were asked questions when the bins arrive on the site and so that you can correct any misconceptions that might be raised. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries in relation to this at all.


Kind regards





Debbie Lorimer

Director of Resources

t 01508 533981 e dlorimer@s-norfolk.gov.uk




Please can I ask has the appeal been publicised for the G & T site? Has it happened in secret? Are they legally occupying the site now? Today the site is having BTopen reach services. Traffic lights were in operation to allow works to be completed. Can anyone give the residents an update please.



Drove past it yesterday - it looks permanent. Has the council granted retrospective planning permission? Shall we all just go ahead and build on land we own?



I’ve said it before, planning is like a tv detector van, it uses scare tactics, once you see someone who isn’t scared the system falls apart. 



Yet another “ mobile home “ going onto this site this morning !! What is happening to stop this ?



I am very concerned that this site is going to extend. Who owns the land on either side? what is south norfolk council doing about this situation as its been going on for months? is the planning inspectorate considering this or has a conclusion already been made? 

Concerned Resident


South Norfolk Council has now received a start date from the Planning Inspectorate for the Planning Appeals Process.  The timetable is as below.


Interested parties consultations out by 19th October for comments 16th November

Statements due by 16th November

Final comments on Statements by 7th December


To date no hearing date has been set but SNDC assume that it will be after 7th December 2020.


Point of Contact at SNDC

Andy Baines
Compliance Officer
t 01508 533840 email abaines@s-norfolk.gov.uk



Received a letter today, dated 15th stating there is to be an informal hearing regarding an appeal against refusal. If anyone wishes to make a formal comment, it has to be submitted within 6 weeks from 5th October. (2 weeks lost before letter received).

Comments can be made online at http://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk

The DCLG ref. APP/L2630/W/20/3246540

Each of the 8 plots will have a mobile home, a hardstanding for a caravan and a stable building.

I assume if no one comments it will pass. 



The travellers have submitted 2 appeals.

One is against the Refusal and the other is against the Enforcement Notice. 

I do hope the Council performed the Enforcement correctly.

They are appealing against the breach saying it didn't happen.

They are stating that a breach of planning never occurred.

That at the time of the Enforcement notice was issued, it was too late.

The Enforcement notice wasn't properly served on everyone.

The steps to comply are excessive and lesser steps would overcome objections.

The notice was too short for them to comply.

Please send your comments to http://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk


Ref: APP/L2630/C/203250478




APPEAL details on the S. Norfolk Council website: 




The Appeal is still in progress.

julian Halls


To keep you all in the loop . An e mail from the local councillor. My rather taciturn e mail to the Enforcement team in consequence and the reply

Hi Julian

You will be aware that due to COVID the timescales for appeals have increased, and they were quite lengthy prior to COVID due to understaffing at the Inspectorate. We have no powers to exert over the Planning Inspectorate over these delays, the process has started and will continue to the timescales already set. Whilst the appeal is in train the Enforcement Notice is essentially held and does not apply, The owners and occupiers can therefore continue to undertake works to the site at their own risk, there is therefore no offence until the Enforcement Notice is confirmed as being in place by the Inspectorate and the timescales for compliance with the requirements of the Notice have expired, without compliance being achieved.

I will ask Andy Baines to confirm to you the timetable set out by the Inspectorate for the appeal to be heard, so that this information can be passed to the nearby residents. Alternatively residents can make their comments direct to the Inspectorate over their frustration with the process.

Kind regards



From: Julian Halls <julian.halls@talktalk.net>

Sent: 27 February 2021 20:38

To: Petra Maryon <petra.maryon@broadland.gov.uk>

Cc: Sue Hewitson ; clerk@spoonerrow.cc; Phil Courtier <pcourtier@s-norfolk.gov.uk>

Subject: FW: London Rd Suton Illegal traveller site

Importance: High



We are in a situation here being created by the planning inspectorate who are being incredibly lax and the travellers are extracting the urine big time and do not do anything unless it is at a weekend when they know you will be short staffed or have no staff

Is this illegal, and in breach of the Notice??

Can we please send a reminder to the PI and ask them what the hell is taking them so long? The residents are getting VERY fed up and are watching them dig in, and I do not blame them. The travellers are in continuing breach of planning law and Govt guidance.

Julian Halls


From: sue.restoration

Sent: 27 February 2021 12:21

To: julian.halls@talktalk.net

Subject: London Rd Suton Illegal traveller site


Morning Julian,

Have driven past the illegal traveller site on London Rd, and I have taken the attached photo of the tarmac vehicle.

Could you establish where we are with the planning on this site.

It's looking like they think they are staying.




-- Edited by webstation on Monday 1st of March 2021 01:35:38 PM



Thanks for bringing us up to speed with the progress, or lack of it. What a disgrace this situation has been made worse by the planning inspectorate taking so long.



Even if they loose this, it will be the councils job to enforce and I can tell you now they will do nothing. All the while this is going on they hide behind the process, when the process falls into their laps ie their pot of money it will go nowhere.



See all there bins were out today , who pays for the bin collection I wonder ! 



reply from Andy Baines

Good afternoon Julian,


Unfortunately I have no further information on when the informal hearing will take place. As Petra has advised we are awaiting a date from the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). I will ask my colleague who deals with the appeals to contact PINS for an update. Once we hear back I will update you.


Kind regards,




Andy Baines

Compliance Officer

t 01508533840 e abaines@s-norfolk.gov.uk




how come they have been allowed to install street lighting on the site and have a tarmac entrance?



Complain about light pollution. It is against the character of village life. The street light on Chepore Lane have been turned off to accomodate the traveller/immigrants site. 

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