A Traveller's Shetland Pony appeared on our land on Tuesday - police were made aware who, in turn, informed the Travellers. They did make an attempt to catch it later that day /night - but failed. Since then no one has been near and the pony is still on our land - I therefore, by law, issue the following:
ABANDONMENT NOTICE for a Black Pony with White Saddle Markings. Location: Great Expectations, London Road, Suton. If you are the legal owner, or if you have any information regarding the ownership of the equine please ring 07378 352 541
This is to notify that the equine is being detained under Section 7B and 7C of the Animals Act 1971, as introduced by the Control of Horses Act 2015. Following four working days of detention, ownership of the equine will pass to the person detaining the horse, who may then retain ownership, or see that it is re-homed, sold, or humanely destroyed.
Date Notice Period Starts: 6th February 2020 Date Notice Period Ends: 11th February 2020
Police Incident Number: 221 (launched on 4th February 2020)
It is very lucky that the pony escaped onto your land and it didn't escape onto the London Road or even onto the A11 instead. It is clear that the recent "grazing" land is not suitable to be at that location on the London Road site. I don't think I have even seen horses grazing on that land. Is this the first pony on there?
I don't know for certain but I assume Chepore Lane - there are horses in a field by Gurney Reeve - but there was also a little pony that was grazing on the "proposed" site a while back - but since they changed the fences I haven't seen it - however, I don't go that way very often. The worrying thing is that, whichever site it came from, it had to walk on the B1172 to get to ours - and if it takes off on it's own, it will have to walk on it again to get home!!