Just to let you know we the community council has now received the Speed monitoring machine half paid for by yourselves and the other from half from county ( also you by the way) for just under £3,400 pounds
The holding brackets are in place on the 3 poles , Bunwell road , Station road and Chapel road and the unit will move randomly from each site to the next on a weekly basis. Monitoring will take place in BOTH directions and a record will be made of how many road users chose to ignore the reminder that this unit is designed to impart.
At this time the unit does not record number plates but for high number of transgressions and the times they occur , can be passed onto the Police who can do their own moinitoring and of course issue fines.
It is very sad to say that the unit will not display any speeds in excess of 40 MPH in a 30 to avoid pueruile competitions by boy racers of both genders to see how fast they can go.
Before we get howls of protest regarding infringment of human rights, which is of course nonsense, the unit is designed to remind and educate. Children hit by a car at 40 are far more likely to die raher than being hit at 30. Please remember that
Unfortunately the unit had developed a fault which told everyone to slow down whatever speed they were doing ! but that has now been rectified.
Early morning speeders through the village from Wymondham are still happening who obviously think the law does not apply to them and sadly are probably not readers of this message board.
However we are gathering the data which records excessive Speed , time and numbers of trangressors which we WILL use to pass onto the Police so they know when to attend.
You have been warned and if anyone has contacts with message boards or FB pages in adjacent villages then please pass this on.
The unit will move fairly regularly at an interval yet to be decided
I see that the unit has now been turned around to display speeds as people are leaving the village. Surely, it should be positioned to encourage people to slow down as the enter the village or am I missing something.....
We have to move the unit at intervals to comply with local council requirements. The unit has recently be relocated, and will from time to time face in different directions. This enables us to monitor traffic both in and out of the village.
the unit is picking up the driving speeds in its current position well BEFORE the crossing but does not kick in until 27 MPH up to 40 when the speed recorded disappears to stop 'competitions' between speeding morons. The slow down message will stay however
Hate to say it, but I think the speed monitoring unit is useless as not many motorists take notice of it. I witnessed an idiot speeding through the Station Road chicane about 50mph. Past the school at that speed then screeching to a halt at the crossing. Then speeding off again as the barriers went up . I was walking, so he was too fast to get his number. I think the only solution, though I hate to say it!. Is speed humps!! At least three on Station Road, and four on Chapel Road!
David - this is something that is seen on a daily basis. It is clear that the authorities acknowledge that there is a speeding issue in the village for them to have installed the chicanes in the first place, but as we all know, they do not work.
I agree with you entirely that the only way to truly slow traffic is to install speed humps - Chapel Road, Bunwell Road and Station Road, I would suggest. There was an accident just the other morning at the Boars crossroads. I don't know any details, but I expect speed was a contributing factor....
Does anyone know what the criteria for getting humps installed is? How would such an issue be approached and which body would undertake this?
Sorry to say entirely the province of County council who claim they never do them, but some recent additions in Cringleford I note. Speed humps usually set just wide enough to trip up cars but not wide vehicles such as lorries or ambulances.
I agree this is what we need in case you are wondering and would suggest Bunwell road as well and all I can do is ask our County councillor.
I think we have to disagree with the installation and the fact that they rotate is try and refresh memories
Sadly you will never slow down the petrol heads and those determined to kill either themselves or more likely a child
Unfortunately due to some rather sloppy work by our provider the blue tooth unit that would have recorded the numbers of speeding cars has not been working but is now fixed, with grateful thanks to Martyn Lemon for sorting this.
Payment for this unit has been delayed in consequence of this and by reason of the fact that the unit stopped working properly just two days after installation.
The gathered information we hope to use to persuade the Police to attend in the village who can issue on the spot notices with subsequent fines. The unit will tell us NOW when the speeding most often occurs. Fair warning
Living very close by, I've been watching the camera monitoring. Have observed that most vehicles approach the level crossing faster than the speed limit, cross the level crossing more slowly then accelerate again near the camera. Some vehicles slow once they've noticed their speed but often not. Camera is facing towards the school now so can't watch now. Also, the police did do a short speed gun session much earlier in the year (possibly late last year) but as it was a Sunday morning, a complete waste of time. Needs to be at a peaked time to get the idea!
happy to release the data BUT it is very long winded and reports , which record every car speed and time are of several pages downloaded via blue tooth. If you want electronic copies please let the clerk know you e mail address