As we head towards the end of the calendar year, your Community Council is again starting the process of setting the budget for the next financial year, which is paid for through your Council Tax. This charge within your Council Tax is known as the precept. As the local level of governance for your area, the Spooner Row Community Council must inform South Norfolk Council what level we wish to set our precept at for the next financial year by mid-January 2021. This precept will be paid to the Spooner Row Community Council in the financial year starting from 1st April 2020.
At our last council meeting, held on Saturday 31st October 2020, we discussed the plan for setting the precept. This was agreed unanimously by Councillors as a proposal to put out for public consultation. As the Community Council does not meet in December, we will be finalising the Spooner Row precept at our next Council meeting to be held on Thursday 26th November 2020, to which you are all welcome to attend and put your perspective across.
Details of the budget proposal can be viewed on the Community Council website: