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Post Info TOPIC: School expansion / playing field takeover

School expansion / playing field takeover

Residents of Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield have you picked up on the proposal from Enrich Learning Trust to fence off a significant element of the village playing field using 6ft metal fencing?  Enrich is the academy that controls Spooner Row Primary School.  I only found out about it by chance at last month’s Community Council meeting.

I understand that this proposal was first muted in early2020 as a safeguarding project but you will not find any significant detail of it mentioned on any website.  Nothing appears to have been made public by Enrich Learning Trust and certain members of the Community Council have successfully kept things very quiet (more on this later).

Matters are well advancedboundary plans have been agreed and this appears no-longer a proposal but a certain project.  So much so that the agenda for this month’s meeting of the Community Council now contains a session “closed to the press and public”.  This meeting will likely confirm the level of rent to be paid for the lease that is close to being signed.  Aindependent market value rent had been submitted to the Council but this has not stopped Clr Julian Halls and Clr Martyn Lemon from submitting a motion to slash the rent payable to little more than that being paid at the moment.  Some of you might know Mr Lemon as also being the Head of Governors at Spooner Row Primary School.  Some of you might call this a conflict of interest.  If the motion is successful, the loss of rent to council taxpayers will run into thousands of pounds over the likely 120-year lease term.   Other financial elements may be discussed at the next council meeting on 25thMarch but you will not be told; the clerk of the council is now claiming “commercial interest” protection in order to lock out public scrutiny.  

There has been no consultation with all residents.    

The playing field was gifted to us as residents many years ago.  It is a green space made available to all.  Why have we not been told of this project to fence off a significant section of the playing field? Why are council meetings now being held in closed session and why are we as residents (and taxpayers) not being told of the financial implications.  I am not against a proposal to safeguard children, what I object to is the secrecy and underhand manner in which this proposal is being handled.  If we are to lose this space it should be on fair terms for those of us that live in the village.

So, were you aware of the proposal?  Well, you are now.  The loss of green space should be discussed and agreed with residents.  We should not be kept in the dark on such an important matter.



Whoever is briefing you ANON clearly has their own agenda and shall we say,  details of fact are incorrect. You suggest it is a done deal and to me it would appear to be still under discussion and as the school itself is under threat what exactly are the council supposed to do ?

This has been on the agenda for months if you bother to check, (....edited....)

Do you want the village to die? If you do, fine but there will be those with young children who do not and if the rent to be paid is reasonable and works to retain the school for the village then it that such a bad thing ?

Enrich Trust is a business as are many schools nowadays, so why would this not be commercially sensitive with a big school being built up the road looking for children to occupy it?  You suggest that it is the decision of the Clerk to keep it in confidence when it is not. It is for the council to decide this, guided by the Clerk and by the Law and the agenda just posted, clearly says this.

Whoever is briefing you needs to get their facts straight (....edited....) 

-- Edited by webstation on Thursday 25th of March 2021 09:05:37 AM



if this is not publicised the the committee MUST refuse, to do anything else is corrupt



I am sure that anyone who is a governor of the school will not be able to vote on this matter

Stephen Ward


School Expansion Project History To assist with the history of the School Expansion proposal I have pulled together the dates of all the Community Council meetings where the project has been discussed in a public forum. These agendas have all been published in advance on noticeboards, the Spooner Row message board and on www.spoonerrow.cc. Please read the minutes from these meetings which are available on the website: 27th July 2019 - Item 15: Councillor Liaison with Spooner Row School 26 September 2019 - Item 7a: Liaison with the School 28th November 2019 - Item 9: Presentation to Councillors by Enrich Learning Trust proposal for reviewing Lease options and enhancements to Spooner Row Primary School. 21 February 2020 - Item 23: Lease options and enhancements to Spooner Row Primary School. Item 24: Update from the Trust by Peter Jordan, Enrich Trust CEO 27th August 2020 - Item 14a: School Project 24th September 2020 - Item 13: School Expansion – Sub-Committee Report 31st October 2020 - Item 13: School expansion proposal 16th January 2021 - Item 12: School Expansion update 25th February 2021 - Item 9: School Expansion update and lease At this stage no decisions have been made and the Council has only stated an intent to work with the School to progress the project in both the interests of the School and the Community, noting that our children's education is a community interest; please note though that the current proposal only takes up less than 15% of the playing field area and this may be open to community use outside of the School's core hours.



Where do we read the minutes of the meetings as the last one published on the Community Councils website was November 2020 and nothing since. Why is this? Unavailable items are Item 13: School expansion proposal 16th January 2021 - Item 12: School Expansion update 25th February 2021 - Item 9: School Expansion update and lease.  




Anonymous wrote:

I am sure that anyone who is a governor of the school will not be able to vote on this matter

 Silly thing to say. I thought all councillors declared their interests at meetings and didnt vote on those declared matters. Dont they leave the meeting as well?

Stephen Ward


For anyone wishing to access the minutes directly they are at this link: https://www.spoonerrow.cc/?page_id=655

I will chase up with the person responsible why the the January Minutes have not been uploaded. There was no meeting in December 2020 and the February 2021 minutes cannot be uploaded until agreed in Council at tomorrow’s meeting.

Stephen Ward


I though it might be worth sharing some facts on what a Councillor has to declare and why.  The following text is taken directly from a government website and the link to the complete document is: Pecunary Interest

Do I have any disclosable pecuniary interests? You have a disclosable pecuniary interest if you, or your spouse or civil partner, have a pecuniary interest listed in the national rules (see annex). Interests or your spouse or civil partner, following the approach of the rules under the 1972 and 1989 Acts, are included to ensure that the public can have confidence that councillors are putting the public interest first and not benefiting the financial affairs of themselves or their spouse or civil partner from which the councillor would stand to gain. For this purpose your spouse or civil partner includes any person with whom you are living as husband or wife, or as if they were your civil partner.

Martyn Lemon has always declared his interest as a Spooner Row School Governor at every Council meeting where a discussion on the Spooner Row School has taken place.  He does this even though it is not required by the letter of the law as he, his wife and none of his family stand to gain from his voluntary role as a School Governor.  He can therefore take place fully in any debate as an elected member of your community and vote on matters specific to the School. The Council also voted unanimously on 27th July 2019 for Martyn to be the lead Council of liaising with the School, although in this role he has not led on the School Expansion Project.

I hope this helps people understand the rules that your Community Council has to abide by.





I think the problem here is that the community itself has not seen what is being voted upon and the financial implications of the decision.

Publish the plans for open discussion and confirm that although the rules allow ML to vote that he will abstain.



Stephen Ward wrote:

For anyone wishing to access the minutes directly they are at this link: https://www.spoonerrow.cc/?page_id=655

I will chase up with the person responsible why the the January Minutes have not been uploaded. There was no meeting in December 2020 and the February 2021 minutes cannot be uploaded until agreed in Council at tomorrow’s meeting.


The minutes of the meeting were not agreed for February 2021 yet your previous comment suggests we read them. How can we read something that is still unavailable?

Is it good practice for the Head of school governors to be voting at council meetings on school Items when he is wearing two hats?



I've lived in Spooner Row for many years. The recreation ground is constantly under pressure from the school. First there was the mobile in the car park which then had to be extended. The school also has a fenced off area. What is this extra 15% the school now requires for? Building? Play area? I doubt it will be open to the wider community. The recreation ground was gifted to the whole community and the school has full use of it anyway. It is not the Community Council's responsibility to help extend the school.



Are the councillors going to be voting on this tonight without any public consultation? The clue is in the title 'Community' Council. It looks like our council is behaving like Wymondham. What was the point of us going independent if this can get forced through without the community providing consent? 

julian Halls


so shall we sum up.

  • Nothing appears to have been made public is demonstrably a lie
  • Declared interests if not pecuniary ( financial ) are not a bar to voting  or taking part in the discussion
  • Clerk has not decided that it is commercial in confidence , and to exclude the public, the councillors have yet to vote in this issue. As someone is clearly attempting and succeeding at getting this all out when as YET nothing has been decided keeping it out of the public view is probably now academic.
  • Be aware that the rules on public commentary are not a free for all. Up to now I have always been relaxed about this but such is the vitriol in play here that I be applying the rules as stated in our standing orders. Public commentary at item 4 will be 3 minutes . Councillor commentary discussion will be 5 minutes each
  • Someone clearly has their own agenda and has wound people up on spurious grounds in an attempt to block this
  • Minutes in these troubled covid times cannot be signed so technically are not approved but as Stephen has indicated they can be viewed 
  • The proposed plans are already in the public domain but the council has yet to formally agree them and the terms of the lease.
  • Some matters are outside our control , e.g. planning so we have to be considered at a latter date
  • High number of comments are ANON and as such have little weight or validity. They are often inaccurate or just plain wrong.
  • 'Playing field takeover' is emotive and a massive exaggeration of the proposal which is actually before the council, to protect the school and the village's future.
  • consultation is not a right and as it is always those who are opposed who shout the loudest ,  the councillors have to make a judgement call and if you do not like the decesion made, may I suggest you stand at the next election, as is your democratic right to do so.



The playing field is a much valued village asset in this community. I would like to see our Community Council have a clear and robust policy on protecting its future use for all. Any future changes must be disclosed fully to residents. The Council must ensure that residents are properly made aware with open engagement, and the community's views as a whole supported. The type of changes would include, loss of use of all or part of the playing field. This would include long-term leases to the school or to any other party, or if all or part of the field was to be sold off, such as for housing. Many Councillors will come and go over the years and it is the Council's responsibility to safeguard this precious open-space resource for all the community to enjoy.

Like many, I don't know the details of what is currently happening with the playing field, but if it includes a long-term loss of this village asset without allowing the community to be aware, then that is appalling. There are too many councils selling off public recreation fields in other areas. I would be suspicious if our Council resisted making a long-term safeguarding policy to protect it for the future.



I very much agree with the comment that the playing field is a valued community asset.  Why is Mr Halls claiming that consultation is not a right and hostile in his choice of words?  Friends of mine live close to the playing field and nothing about the schools fencing off plans were made public to them.  Like anonymous I also don't know the details and I have been unable to find the plans mentioned by Mr Halls.    

julian Halls


Dear Anon

suggest you read the above from Stephen Ward where numerous references to this, when discussed and plans.

There is no automatic right to consultation , and if there were we would never get anywhere and achieve nothing, which may come as a shock to you is why we were voted in, as your representatives.

When the playing field at Wymondham was leased to the District council there was no consultation and for this reason.

The council have to make a simple choice here

Allow the school some fenced off area of the playing field , which the community by arrangement can use and certainly NOT the whole field, as some posts would suggest , and then allow the school to survive, which may not happen without it and if the school closes anyway we can re absorb, and as a LEASE it stays with the council. OR

We can refuse this and lose the asset which is the school and watch the village die. A bit over dramatic perhaps but there would be plenty of field left for community use, although reading some of these ANON posts you would not think so.

If we consult it will only be those who do not want this to happen who will comment and may indeed have their own agenda for the field and its future use, and it will of course bring further delay, so they get what they want, which is project death.

A secure and robust policy to protect the field?  So no additional play equipment without community approval for every bit of equipment we replace, or  would you prefer we remove all the play equipment? And I take it any proposals for play equipment enhancement such as temp demountable goals and outdoor table tennis tables would also require YOUR approval . Council has already agreed to this by the way 2 months ago. 

To be VERY clear, ABSOLUTELY no suggestion of selling off for housing for the future, which to be frank is extremely unhelpful scaremongering.  





But Mr Halls you havnt answered the question asked by Anonymous, where are the plans?  If you published the plans then maybe people would not jump to the wrong conclusion as to what you and the school were up to.  

julian Halls


read my first sentence please



Please post the plans for all the residents to view?



No plans on this website and no plans that I could see on your councils website.  I did notice however that this website seems to be your preferred soap box, so how about you just publish the plans (...edited...).

-- Edited by webstation on Thursday 15th of April 2021 09:17:28 PM



Who says by saying no the village will lose the school? A bit dramatic don’t you think?



You say as our voted-in representatives there is no automatic right to consultation, therefore it is a choice. Yet the Council chose to do a public poll consultation for an extra dog bin but chose not to do so for a controversial loss of playing field under a school expansion. This isnt consistent. Residents need to know what the Council intends to do with their playing field and why were we given no say? I didnt know anything about this.

julian Halls


It is not going to result in the loss of the playing field

You are very opinionated ANON so why not join the council and stick your head above the parapet

We have openly discussed this issue for sometime now but you obviously are hostile to the idea but perhaps you need to remember that there are more people in the villages than just yourself.

What the councillors chose to consult on is their choice but bizarrely on this occasion we have. We have to recognise that the playing is not just a dog toilet and the use of the field is a shared facility and that includes the school as a major user almost every day.




We must trust our council to act on our behalf and in the good of the communities as a whole and i agree with Julian to own your comments and stand up for the courage of your convictions.

The playing field has lain dormant for years and no one has bothered to try and engage in organised activities. Now the possibility of it being used is raised and everyone is going crazy.

If the school is going to expand then can we address the ludicrous parking first. 



Why such an argumentative response Mr Halls?  I have not lived in Suton long but I might just take you up on your offer. (..edited..)


-- Edited by webstation on Tuesday 20th of April 2021 12:58:13 PM



Please note, for the 6 May 2021 elections, please contact the candidates directly with your points.

These elections will be held for Norfolk County Council and for the Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)

Thank you,



-- Edited by webstation on Wednesday 21st of April 2021 01:15:29 PM



Others have asked for the plans to be posted and this request has been ignored each time! Please post the proposed plans so that the residents of the village can see what is being planned for the community playing field behind their backs and without consultation? Thank you



Thank you webstation ......yes please do contact me and I will do what I can.

Community council is NOT in anyway political and I hope never will be

For District council I can assist, if it is within my remit to do so and our area of responsibility

County council area is Forehoe, a stupid geographical mismatch of areas dreamt up by some idiot in London .

All the candidates appear elsewhere on this forum and if you want to ask them questions please do. I am not standing in Forehoe. 



Please can the Community Council publish the proposed plans on this forum for the villagers to view?




Yes, please publish the plans here or tell us where they can be found Mr Halls.  This thread is now over a month old and you have been asked repeatedly to provide more information.  The original poster commented that they were being kept in the dark and it is now starting to look as if you have something to hide.  Please publish the plans.



Mr Halls please do not ignore us?

Several villagers have asked for more information regarding the plans and yet you still keep us in the dark!

julian Halls


Nothing to hide

please see very clear post from Councillor Ward March 24th where all the plans were discussed and are freely available to view



Not sure what is going on here, but it would make sense if the plans were published, then there would full visibility and no need for anyone to suggest that anything 'fishy' is going on!



Please publish the plans Mr Halls.  I also have searched for them and they could not be found, so I am left wondering why the secrecy? 



As a regular user of the field for leisure I can safely say it is underused. I have no objection to the school looking to make better use of a part of it, and if it benefits the wider community then so much the better. What I would like to see though is a visual representation of the proposal. I have looked at the agendas and minutes mentioned in the post from 24th March and whereas it is clear that the matter has been discussed and further discussions are planned, what is missing is any graphic showing the proposed location and size in relation to the rest of the field (70m(ish) by 30m(ish) is hard to visualise). I think this would help people understand the proposals and be more constructive in any feedback.



You are continuing to actively post on this site Mr Halls whilst ignoring those of us on this thread who have repeatedly asked for further information and publication of the school expansion plans.  As to your comment that we should refer to Councillor Ward's post of 24th March, the Acrobat documents referred to do not contain the plans.  So why the secrecy and the continued failure to publish the plans?



Is there any update on how we can get detail about the plans?  I can only see that the topic is discussed and not the content of the plans.I agree with previous posters it is hard to visualise. I would also like to know which area of the field. Is the toddler playground going to be moved? Will the expansion encroach on the view for those homes that overlook the playing field? 



I would like to see the plans. The School clearly has full use of the playing field as I have seen the children playing on it. You say the school needs 15% fenced off for their exclusive use and if they don't have it the school and village will die. What an absolutely preposterous and stupid statement.  15% now, then what? 25%, 50%, 100%. This is purely aimed at enlarging the school and encouraging more development in the village. Keep the whole of the playing field available for everyone in the village to use.



This thread will soon be 2 months old and the expansion plans have still not appeared, yet councillor Halls remains very active in other parts of this website.  Why are those of us wanting to know more being ignored?



I am disappointed that some members of the Community Council want to fence off part of the playing field without sharing the plans or consulting with the community. It is evident that residents do not want the recreation area to be diminished. It is a pleasure to have an open area green space for ALL to use.

julian Halls


I see the scaremongering and personal attacks continue unabated and are not based in fact 

The council have openly discussed the plans and the suggestion that all residents want the field totally left alone and that we are going to develop 100% of it is nonsense.

It is not my personal decision on any of this, it is the Council's  as was the installation of the Table tennis table and some goal posts which are due to appear shortly but according to you no one wants this.

You are of course entitled to your own opinion but do not assume that it is shared by all and no need to get personal.

I am no longer Chair by the way    




I see no personal attacks on this thread, only a councillor being repeatedly asked to explain what is going on with the playing field.  If the council has openly discussed the plans then why the secrecy shown towards releasing the plans?  They are now a matter of public record, are they not?  As to the twisted comment about the table tennis and soccer goals I was pleased to see both of these in active use yesterday.  Congratulations to those on the council that are bringing these new activities onto the playing field.  Reading through the recent agendas on the councils website it is clear which members are getting things done and who are not.    




You need to keep that playing field for your community. I've seen what happens elsewhere. Your community council are not there to manage the school's development.



It is also very clear that there are some on here who have their own agenda and are determined to attack those who apparently do not conform to that agenda.

Well done the council  for the new facilities on the field and well done to those councillors who put them up or arranged for others to put them up although I am concerned that there will be an ongoing maintenence issue (cost) re marking out and goalmouth wear

One is deeply suspicious that there is an element of self congratulation in play seeking to gain praise, otherwise why would they be ANON or is this a blatant attempt to claim such  actions as their own personal achievement , when it was the whole council who made this decision 

I also see that ANON has not answered the questions about the nonsense of the field being used for development and like a stuck record keeps going on about the school as though they are some evil force determined to take over the village .

I think Mr Halls' comment on april 13th was very clear and I believe the council and the school are still in discussion as to what , if anything will happen for the future



I am also deeply suspicious. Considering the language and tone of this last message this looks suspiciously like Mr Halls replying anonymously. 

This thread is close to 3 months old and still no plan of what the school want.  An area plan is mentioned in the minutes of various council meetings, so why the reluctance to make this public?

julian Halls


me replying anon to myself is a bit devious and yet another accusation and attack on me personally,  which brings to the fore the phrase 'pot kettle black' if it were true !! I note that anon , whoever he or she is has not made any mention of the request for a comment upon  the suggestion that this is a school take over ( scaremongering )  and that the field will be used for development (more scaremongering) etc, or the fact that things have happened on the field that he/she demands we consult on in respect to the school, but is apparently okay not to do in respect to other matters such as football goals , a very sensible suggestion from a resident is school lane when we did the survey, by the way, and the table tennis table.

I say for the last time we have not made a decision on this yet but I am sure when we do you will be told, along with the parents of the children , about  200 adults I guess plus the school staff. In the meantime nothing changes, so does it matter if there is some sensible and lengthy consideration taking place or is someone stirring you up to further their own agenda.

Last time I looked it is the responsibility of the council to reflect the wishes of the electorate, as well protect the assets of the community  which can be hard to do when you have a very vociferous minority shouting you face at every turn and deliberately  saying things which are blatantly untrue to stir it up and support their viewpoint.

I let the majority of readers here decide what is the sensible and pragmatic course of action to take and ask you to question why anon remains anon and I do not, and ask yourself what  his/her agenda is and what is really in play here. 




We elected you to act on what the community wants not what the community council wants. None of us have been consulted.



That's a silly thing to say, you elect the council to do the best things they can on your behalf, you can't expect to have a vote of every decision they make, what's the point otherwise. Did the government ask the public if they wanted HS2 ? something with a lot greater importance than a playing field. I'm confident they will do the best thing in the interests of Spooner Row.



No, a silly thing to say would be talking about HS2 in relation to a thread that is entirely dedicated to the proposed school expansion. 

As to the latest comments from Mr Halls, the Minutes from the November council meeting state "Revised plan (3c) has been submitted by school", so if this was discussed at a public meeting why is it not on the website or being released by Mr Hall's?  The secrecy continues.


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