Besthorpe: Land adjacent to the Barn, Heron Farm, Bunwell Road, Besthorpe, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2LN: Change of use of land from open air storage (plant, materials and aggregates in connection with the operations of Newall Plant Ltd) to aggregate and soil recovery facility: Newall Plant Ltd
There is still no sign of a highway assessment as previously requested for this planning application. They can't ignore the important impact of HGVs on the wider residential area.
Am I being stupid as I can't find any reference to the impact assessment on the roads serving this substantial planning application? This will impact highway safety in Spooner Row and other villages where these lorries will travel through.
Is Spooner Row the preferred route for the lorries? If so, has the highway safety and suitability been evaluated for the lorry route? Where is the impact data? There will be thousands of tonnes of aggregate hauled through our village.
Thank you to the Community Council for submitting its objection to the planning application.
There is a Planning (Regulatory) Committee meeting to discuss this planning application on November 5th at 11.00am.
Agenda is here:
A link to a live stream of the meeting is on the first page of the above document
I watched the Norfolk Council Council Youtube video and the Committee supported the recommendation to refuse it. This was mainly on landscape issues. The video remains available.
There was some dispute and confusion over how many extra 20-ton lorry movements would be needed for 60,000 tons of waste per year. There were queries on whether it was 22 or 44 lorries importing and exporting to the site per day. No traffic movement survey had been completed. There was mention about complaints made from Mill Lane in Attleborough about the passing lorries, but locals were reassured that this was only temporary as Spooner Row was closed due to roadworks. As if it is ok to use Spooner Row as a thoroughfare for the lorries!
Wearing my District councillor hat I have let our county councillor know about this , although strictly it is not on his patch although I did advise him it most definitely affects some of those who do live on his patch in Spooner row
It is obvious that any new application would require it to be moved to a better location where it wouldn't impact the immediate neighbours and those who live alongside the route of the countless HGVs this business generates. It needs to go to a designated industrial area where this type of enterprise is properly monitored.