New planning application of proposed demolition of Spooner Row Railway Signal Box, Ref 2021/1646. This is a resubmission of planning application 2016/0806. Proposed demolition works from 4-6 September 2021.
I am writing to you to let you know that we will shortly be relocating the Spooner Row signal box from its current location to the Mid Norfolk Railway (MNR). I believe this box is in your ward so wanted to make you aware of our plans.
This work will require the closure of the adjacent level crossing and will at times be noisy. I recognise that this may be disruptive so wanted to make sure you were aware in advance. For your reference, I have attached a copy of the letter we’ll be sending to residents to make them aware of this work.
I’m sorry for any disruption this work causes to people in the area. But as old signal boxes are often demolished, I hope it’s welcome that we’ve been able to find a way of preserving the box for future use.
I hope this information is helpful. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
Charles Baker | Senior Public Affairs Manager | Anglia route | Network Rail
julian Halls
Spooner Row Signal Box Station Rd, proposed demolition - Planning Ref 2021/1646, & Road Closure details 4th-6th Sept
The sharp eyed amongst you will have noted that signal box only made it the field . Apparently there was a breakdown of communication at the Wymondham end . A very costly one where the necessary road closures had not been applied for
The Chair, Sue Hewitson and myself as Vice chair approved an emergency measure to place it on the field to avoid it ending up as matchwood.
Safeguards re security were agreed and any necessary repairs to the field when it does finally get moved, which might be as long as two months, were also agreed.
There has been nor will there be any cost to the Council
Spooner Row Signal Box Station Road, proposed demolition - Planning Ref 2021/1646, & Road Closure details 4th-6th Sept
Is it just me, but I think it is excellent news that our signal box is now on the playing field. With a little bit of thought and action from our Community Council, the playing field can become its new home.
There could be lots of uses for it, particularly with future sports clubs and local groups and easily converted. It is now sited at a safe and easily accessible location.
This chain of events is a sign of good fortune for the future of our village signal box !!
Keep the Spooner Row signal box in Spooner Row!!
RE: Spooner Row Signal Box Station Road, proposed demolition/removal - Planning Ref 2021/1646
Are the clubs that use this facility all going to be used by teams with exceptionallly small stature. A clearly ridiculous and totally impractical suggestion
Instead it could be used as a small meeting room for locals or clubs or used as a mini library with donated books. That was an idea put forward for a telephone box but could be used for this instead. If it isn't large enough for a sports facility then be more creative. Not at all ridiculous.
A building such like this would be great to store the football goals and the new tables over the winter. The community council could even get their own mower and store it safely. A better way to look after the grass and no more mowing in the wet. I seem to recall that the resident down the bottom of School Lane used to cut the grass for the village.
Who is responsible for the security of the signal box? If it's Mid Norfolk Railway, do they know it's vulnerable I wonder? Whomever is in contact with Mid Norfolk perhaps could remind/inform them that it's unsecure. Perhaps our councillors could tell them or I could email them if they thought it appropriate.
You need to have a chat with Rob Foster. He will know who has responsibility at Mid Norfolk Railway. He is on the community council and his details are on their website or try Nextdoor.
Any building which is boarded up like that will attract vandalism. It either needs to be removed by Mid Norfolk Railway or kept for the community and refurbished. There have been several suitable suggestions for its use, so please, local councillors, decide and do something useful with it if it is going to stay there.
Anon posts will no longer be responded to by the Community council.
If you wish for a response please do so on the website where you have to be open about your comments or contact one of the councillors directly.
Several posts have been overly critical and might have a valid point but several have been spiteful and incorrect in their accusations.
Contact with councillors , if you wish to be anon, will always be respected by that councillor who, if necessary, will discuss at council so that any errors or assumptions can be corrected by the council in their response to you, if neccessary following a closed , 'below the line discussion' .
I cannot see anywhere on here where someone has expressed spiteful and 'incorrect' accusations against council. This is just people chatting about the signal box and what they believe is the best use for it. We don't want it to end up covered in graffiti like the dumped caravan at the top of station road. Leave people alone to exert their free speech. Not everything is about the council.