The mid Norfolk Railway is owned and run by by the registered Charity. {Preservation Trust Norfolk Railway}. Majority of people involved are Volunteers.
Someone posted on this site about charging them a storage fee for the Old Signal Box temporary located on Spooner Row Playing Field.
REALLY? What is wrong with people. Is there really people with this mentality living amongst us in our rural community.
I suggest these people get out more. Go for a nice walk and have a good think about life.
yes. With that mentality wont be long before Spooner Row apply for city status. Just think of all that money building houses will generate for our council .
It looks like the signal box has now gone to its new location despite the high winds. I read on another website yesterday that MNR would be transferring it today even though Station Road is closed due to works.
I was wondering if any one knows what has happened to the Spooner Row Signal Box please? If so where has it gone and what will happen with it and when did it exactly leave our village please? Also does any one have any video footage or photos of it leaving our village please? Also who came and picked it up?
THANK YOU so so much for the information and the link you posted on here. That truly has made me so so happy. It truly is super as I have now looked at the link and the Mid Norfolk Railway Website and they have all the information I needed and what made it even better is they even uploaded photos as well hehe. So THANK YOU once again Char.
Anyone passing where signal box was, may also notice the concrete box has now gone too. It all happened yesterday. Also, though, on the station carpark are two dump bags of sharp sand. The workmen (Balfour Beatty) told us villagers can help themselves to it it was incorrect. They had ordered stones. They aren't planning to get it picked up.