This proposal is a part retrospective and a part prospective planning application. It is to expand the aggregates business to include a land change use from agricultural to open air storage. An impact assessment for vehicle movements to and from the access road and surrounding roads such as travelling through Spooner Row is apparently not needed. It says this business expansion will be covered by an existing extant permission and it will not generate extra vehicle traffic. Is this extant permission applicable to this application?
This seems to be a rehash of the previously refused planning application.
There are no tonnage specs, therefore as many lorries as they want can come and go, it's crazy. It's the same tactics with planners, they only need to be lucky once, the people trying to stop it need to be lucky every time.
Spooner Row council don't seem to care about traffic through the village, move to old buck, carleton rode, bunwell and your get a council who does everything it can to maintain a village life. Sure if doesn't always work, but at least they try, this council should be objecting on any application that increases HGV traffic and speaking to highways on a regular basis. It doesn't matter if it's a different local council or not, they have a voice, use it.
Been at home today and trying to enjoy the sun outside but being driven nuts by the amount of Newals trucks rumbling past at quite a speed. There were other lorries too but Newals trucks seem so much more noticeable. I have also noticed a terrible air quality today too. I don't suffer from hay fever so I don't think it's the oilseed rape. Hoping for a quieter weekend and have been wondering if the road will be closed for the jubilee celebrations. I can but hope!
Have you objected ? spoke to the council etc and anyone else about objecting, it’s all well and good saying on here what everyone is thinking but people in spooner row need to speak up. Newalls lorries are going through Bunwell too on a regular basis, people here are fed up with it too.
Highways Comment says, "On the basis of the information provided, and if you are minded to grant approval, I would recommend that an HGV routing condition be imposed to ensure that all vehicles enter and leave the site to/from the east".
To/from the east means that lorries are recommended to use the Spooner Row route. Has our council been informed? I would like to see these HGV's reduced on our village roads, not encouraged.
The Environmental Health Officers, "recommend approval".
Honestly, every 15mins or so today, back and forth, bang bang all day long, working from home with your windows open is a joke.
The application says lorries leave in the morning and return at night, this is a blatant lie, can the council not at least communicate with Breckland to tell them the true picture.
Wearing my OLD EHO hat, noise pollution unless continous counts for nothing as they average out the effect over a long period of time and of course it will come just above background level and with other cars contributing is an argument that , sadly simply will not hold water in the eyes of the law and does not count for planning purposes.
This is obviously purely in relation to lorry vehicle movement noise .
I have seen them waiting at the barriers churning out diesel pollution. They drive fast and I am quite scared walking past them. You would think residents of our village deserved better.
I have put a request on the community council's 'Grapevine' asking them to object to Newalls plans to expand, on behalf of the village, if they haven't already. I would also urge anyone else to lodge an objection before tomorrow's deadline, on Breckland councils planning website. The more people who object, the more weight is behind the argument. They need to know how this village feels.
I watched that meeting on youtube, planning just needs to change, who are those people making the decisions that change peoples lives ? are they elected ? it's ridiculous, a bunch of geriatric pensioners with no touch of what the people want absolute madness.
A planning officer that spouted complete lies, where is the due diligence.
I think some strategic parking by residents on Station Road would soon make Newalls reconsider their route. This would cause some inconvenience in the short term but would likely make the road unusable for HGVs. Parking a couple of cars legally on both sides could do the trick.
Actually, I've seen on several occasions how just one car legally parked on the road near the school pavement caused havoc for lorries. Everything was backed right up Station Road. This shows just how utterly unsuitable the main rural road through Spooner Row is for large trucks. Routes serving Newalls should have been taken into consideration with this planning.
Yeah this sounds very clever! you might slow/ stop the lorries but you are also stopping the emergency services, if a lorry can’t get through neither can a fire engine! honestly some lack common sense here
Yeah this sounds very clever! you might slow/ stop the lorries but you are also stopping the emergency services, if a lorry can’t get through neither can a fire engine! honestly some lack common sense here
It doesn't "sound very clever" that noisy polluting lorries are allowed to operate through the heart of the village. This unpopular planning application should at the very least have had a community & environmental assessment on how it impacts residents, the primary school and other road users in Spooner Row. An accurate log needs to be kept of how many there are now using this route.
this is the decision notice with approval for full planning permission
Breckland is a complete joke, if you look at their planning apps for the past years your notice a trend of every business no matter how ludicrous or detrimental to surrounding people all get recommend for approval, yet anyone trying to build a holiday let or house in their garden for a family member etc is refused. The only annex they ever approve are like tiny garden shed size, their policies are completely broken, who even writes them ? Don't even start in the 5-20 dwelling category with so called affordable housing that never happens.
Looking on here is seems South Norfolk are just as bad, something is very wrong with the system in this country.
This is not what this village needs! Breckland council won't be worried, it doesn't impact on any of their villages! Did our community council object? Couldn't find any decision to on any minutes, just consideration look at it. I had nobody look at my post on the 'grapevine' either. Don't know how many villagers objected but it didn't make any difference! Feeling let down!!
You are not the only one who feels disappointed that councils do nothing. How about we share the load for these lorries and Norfolk CC Highways let them turn in both directions in/out of Bunwell Road? We need to keep the pressure on this.