Posting as District councillor I made a complaint and have today receved the following reply
The key message here is to keep the bins out
Good afternoon Councillor Halls
Apologies for you having to make this complaint and hopefully we can sort this out for you.
I have spoken to the manager at the Depot who was able to inform myself that unfortunately due to staff shortages we couldn't fulfil the round in Spooner Row on Friday but will be working to catch it up ASAP. We have managed to get a few roads completed today and would just ask residents to keep their bins out.
If your bin has been missed please let us know and will endeavour to do our best to empty it soonest.
The missed brown bins were collected yesterday afternoon. Give the guys a break, Covid is still with us and these things will happen from time to time. With what is currently going on in Ukraine complaining about a missed garden waste bin seems ridiculous.
For the increasing amount of council tax we constantly have to pay we should have a reliable service. Comparing it to Ukraine is a bit ridiculous in itself