I went out to take the dog for walk today tuesday on the field departing from my side road checking as you do, as there is a bit of a blind bend . A Mercedes cabriolet part reg KAZ was clearly speeding though the village going towards Wymondham and had to slow down fractionally to let me out , and whilst doing so the good 'lady' shouted a short obscenity beginning with C as she arrogantly flew past, top down of course.
Someone might know who this is and if so perhaps you could whisper in her delicate ear please
Perhaps I might add something here which has been building up for some time now - the increase in aggressive driving along Suton Lane. Most drivers are considerate and realise that someone has to give way, but there are a minority who just drive with no concern for the oncoming vehicle. I have been shoved into the bank more than once to allow such a driver to pass unheeded. I just wonder if anyone else has noticed this driving aggression and inconsideration which I think may have only come about in the last couple of years?