Its about time the village hall sorted out a new kitchen after removing what was an adequate kitchen to replace it with new toilets. I moved a party to Carleton Rode Social Club when I found out the kitchen was gone.
Your "small lumps" weigh about 15Kg and the cracks on the existing render suggest that more may come down. Falling masonry from a building regardless of height should be taken seriously. This area is open to the public and the village hall has a legal responsibility to protect the public. It should be fenced off. I am surprised ...(edited).... health & safety has not done so already. Does anyone know who the current Chairman of the Village Hall Committee is?
Mrs Saint, why does the calendar for the Village Hall website not show any future committee meetings past that held in September? Is the committee still meeting?
The committee meets monthly. If you would like to join the committee we are always happy to welcome new members. Or please feel free to contact us via the email:
I would also like to add that we are all aware of the masonry problem at the front of the hall and that the kitchen refurb has taken much longer than we anticipated.
We are doing what we can with the resources and time we have.
Mrs Saint, thank you for the reply. I waited but the calendar of your website still does not show any meeting for October and I also cannot see any future meetings of the committee showing in later months.
As previously stated we meet monthly. We don’t add these meeting dates to the calendar on the website as the calendar is designed to show availability of the hall for hirers. If you wish to attend a committee meeting or join the committee then please contact our chair on the email address previously posted.
I was puzzled by this response from the Village Hall committee, as I always wondered why they never published their meeting dates on the noticeboard and the information wasn't on the last newsletter either I seem to recall. The website doesn't say anything about them meeting monthly or the online diary just being for hall hirers or having to contact the chair for future meeting dates. Contacting the chair each time seems a bit of a faff, so why not just publish the meeting dates on the website or noticeboard?
I suspect it's because the monthly meetings are not open to the general public. Only the AGM, which is advertised broadly, is open to the general public. Attendance at the regular meetings through the year can be arranged if you contact the committe as mentioned previously. It's not really that tricky to understand!
But this is a charity and an organisation reliant on local support. I just don't understand the lack of openness. The Charity Commission website shows that they were late again this year with their accounts, so with their reluctance to publish meeting dates are they in trouble?
We are all pro active volunteers on the committee, are not in trouble and are a very open committee. As my fellow committee member said before you are very welcome to join us in some pro active support .
All charities must be open and transparent so why the reluctance to publish the committee meeting dates on your website? Placing barriers towards people asking questions or gathering information is never a good look for any organisation, especially a local charity.
So the committee know the date of the next village hall meeting but won't share it? I find it strange that so many committee members are on this website but remain silent. This thread is 2 months old and they still won't publish the meeting schedule. Why not?
It is not rude to ask about the meeting schedule. it is funny that you think that it is rude. I have just joined this discussion. can anyone attend meetings?
If you scroll up ... "...the monthly meetings are not open to the general public. Only the AGM, which is advertised broadly, is open to the general public. Attendance at the regular meetings through the year can be arranged if you contact the committe as mentioned previously."
I think the frustration you're seeing results from this having become a cirular discussion.
There really is nothing more to add that's what has already been said.
Why not just say when the question was first asked weeks ago "we welcome public participation and the date of the next meeting is xx". Instead we had a succession of smoke and mirrors. Here is a charity that accepts public money and grants yet it only wants you there if you are pre vetted by the committee. As someone else mentioned, it was late with its return to the Charity Commission, the website is out of date and the committee don't publish the meeting minutes so you have no way of knowing what is going on from one AGM to another. I turned up for the consultation for the new waste site last week and the hall was freezing. Was the heating off?