They never seem to try and reduce traffic, if this application stated all traffic was going through say Bunwell, their parish would be right on it trying to help the people they represent, ours does nothing, it doesn’t matter if they are consulted they should at least make a comment on increase traffic and dust the lorries generate.
There is a Council meeting Thursday, attend and ask if they will submit people's concerns to Breckland District Council. The dust generated by those lorries as they drive past, is more than a nuisance.
As the established route to serve the Newall Plant is through the heart of Spooner Row, surely there should have been some community involvement initiative for us to have a say. There will be an increase in lorries using Station Rd and Bunwell Rd. The Statement of Community Involvement concluded that all residents directly affected by the application were consulted. Clearly, this applied to Besthorpe only.
Looking at the planning application Consultation list, everyone except Spooner Row was consulted, as if a large number of lorries play no part in this business.
No mention of a successful appeal on the Appeals list.