Today is the 20th anniversary of the launching of the Spooner Row message board and website on 28th November 2003. The initiative was originally set up by two members of the Wymondham Community Partnership in the days before the social media favourites of Facebook (est. 2004) and Twitter/X (est. 2006) were established and in the public domain. Spooner Row was one of the first villages in Norfolk to have its own online forum.
The message board is currently hosted by ActiveBoard which has provided this service for the village since March 2009 (the previous host site ran from 2003-09). From 2009 the ActiveBoard statistics show that the total views to date are 1,704,209; the total comments/posts are 8,628; and the number of topics initiated is 1,863 (including deleted items). These figures are quite remarkable for a small village.
The Spooner Row website is still mainly in its original format and simply covers items of interest and local features relating to the village. The information on the website will be updated shortly.