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Post Info TOPIC: Planning application for 45 dwellings at land North Of Bunwell Rd & South Of Queens St - Ref 2024/0879
SRCC via Webstation

Planning application for 45 dwellings at land North Of Bunwell Rd & South Of Queens St - Ref 2024/0879

Information forwarded by SRCC Clerk:

Reference 2024/0879

Applicant: KCS Development Ltd

Location: Land North Of Bunwell Rd And South Of Queens St Bunwell Road Spooner Row Norfolk

Proposal: Outline application for up to 45 dwellings and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except for access, landscaping and layout.

Application Type: Outline Planning Permission

Copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line at HYPERLINK https://info.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=SANM4UOQMO300

Planning Application 45 dwellings Bunwell Rd - Queen St-page-001 (2) by spoonerrow, on Flickr


Planning application for 45 dwellings at land North Of Bunwell Rd & South Of Queens St Ref 2024/0879

To view previous message board conversations on this topic click here: https://spoonerrow.activeboard.com/t70429413/consultation-by-kcs-development-ltd-regarding-proposed-devel/


RE: Planning application for 45 dwellings at land North Of Bunwell Rd & South Of Queens St - Ref 2024/0879

It is essential that this outline planning application is posted on a board or post by the site;  perhaps this has been done already?    Need to check that this has been done with South Norfolk Council.    Replies by 25th April 2024.



KCS development. How on earth do this company know, or anything to do with our area. 
through the landowner and local people/ person feeding them info etc

where are all the local company’s. 
talk about carbon footprint and saving the planet 



Where's the transport improvement infrastructure to accommodate this development? It promotes cycling in the village with no mention of the increased lorry movements from Newalls on an existing dangerous HGV route. Apparently we have a bus service positioned at the rail station on Station Road. Has there ever been one there?



BBC News - New housing development near Wymondham proposed - BBC News





Most should have received a letter from South Norfolk today regarding this. We only have until 25th April to make comments . Please get yours in asap. 



Anonymous wrote:

BBC News - New housing development near Wymondham proposed - BBC News



I've read the BBC News and see that Councillor Foster supports this development. It does not affect him directly. Has he engaged with all the residents that it does affect to find out what they think? He was elected to serve local people.

The old cliche that this development will keep the village alive is a stupid thing to say as everyone knows that Spooner Row has recently had several developments resulting in dozens of new dwellings. The village is not dying and this development is not needed to keep it alive.

What happened to the 15 affordable houses for Chapel Road? If the village needs these, then these should be built first. What is Councillor Foster doing about this?



Has the community council engaged with the villagers about anything !!


(Dear Anon,

This planning application is on the Community Council's Agenda for this Thursday 11th April https://spoonerrow.activeboard.com/t70605018/agenda-srow-community-council-meeting-for-thursday-11th-apri/

It says the public has the opportunity to participate.


-- Edited by webstation on Tuesday 9th of April 2024 12:59:19 PM



I would suggest that the people that have objections to this development attend the SRCC meeting on Thursday and make their voices clear . we need their support. 

A spooner row resident


KCS Development Ltd needs to engage with Spooner Row residents and provide an open day due to the large size of this development. This area of roadway recently had a flash flood making it partially impassable.

This development is not in the District Council's local plan as claimed. The next local plan which is currently being prepared only recommends, repeat recommends 15 new houses. There was a recent public consultation asking for views to possibly increase that number to 35. Nowhere does it include 45 houses.

More careful thought and engagement needs to be made before taking this further.



I’ve just had a look at some of the reports on the application, KCS claimed previously water would be managed on site and wouldn’t impact the rest of the village, however the environmental impact report states that the water will go into the ditch on bunwell road, the exact area that flooded last time! 



After the council meeting last night were 7 people attended and put their views across - the council were to vote and decide how to respond. The council advised that as many residents as possible should comment on the planning application on the south Norfolk planning website. Please can we get as many as possible to do this. Closing date is 25th April . 



Did any of you anonymous's go the the community council meeting last night? If so what did they say on this matter please? I couldn't get there myself.



Currently there are not any comments objecting to this on the planning application. There may be a delay in publishing comments . If nobody cares to object then we will see this go through unopposed. 



I understand that residents will have 3 weeks from the date of the site notice ( rather than the date of application validation ) to make comments to South Norfolk.

The date of the Site Notice is Monday 8th April 2024.

The placing of the Notice at the site has been chased and should be erected there very shortly. 




The public comments on the planning portal seem to be being “held up”. I know of three people that say they have commented but they have not yet been published. 



After speaking to South Norfolk planning this morning, apparently their system is down and they have over 500 emails in the inbox relating to comments on planning.There is also a staff shortage 😬 They are a good week behind. 



Aren't they normally short staffed? Where does our council tax go?



I still haven’t seen a site notice yet? If it’s 3 weeks from 8th April then 2 weeks have already passed without a notice in place, will this be extended? 



Well we have plenty of residents comments and objections in now all with valid reasons not to build this unnecessary and unwanted development and 1 resident supporting the development. What happens now? 



This development site is included in the new emerging South Norfolk Local Plan as Site/Policy VC SPO1. See the weblink https://southnorfolkandbroadland.oc2.uk/document/12/1228#d1760. If The Bunwell Rd site is included when the new Local Plan is adopted then any planning applications will just be a formality as it will be considered as an accepted site with legal status. The School Lane site, for example, has ongoing serious planning problems yet was still included in the current Local Plan (adopted in 2015), with questionable planning consent given a year or two later. I wonder how much communication goes on between the Council's planning policy team with the actual planning team during these site selection processes as why do problematic sites like School Lane get selected and included? Our late Councillor Julian Halls (who was very knowledgeable on this type of thing) had strong concerns with the School Lane site as did many residents.

At https://southnorfolkandbroadland.oc2.uk/document/12/1228#d1760 click on the green information button and you will see there were only three responses to VC SPO1 in the 2023 public consultation. These did not include any reaction from the public, which does beggar the question if people were aware of the significance of this public consultation. Anglian Water Service along with KCS Developments supported this site, while Historic England objected.

The Bunwell Rd site was also included in another recent public consultation (2024) for the Local Plan/Village Clusters changes as VC SPO1 REV with a question to increase the potential 15 new houses to 35 https://southnorfolkandbroadland.oc2.uk/document/17/3061#d3061  Currently the Bunwell Road site is not included as an adopted site within the current Local Plan, therefore, there is an option for the Council to still reject planning permission at this stage.

Ten years ago when the current Local Plan was being formulated it included an assessment that Spooner Row could support 15 new houses, yet no infrastructure improvements have been made since then but many houses are continually built here. 



Very surprised to see a support comment for the new development, this person either doesn’t live in the village or has interpreted the information very differently to everyone else and doesn’t have much respect for other members of this community who have suffered with flooding over the years. Interesting to see they also think the farmer manages the land really well, clearly they didn’t know about the treatment plant for the other development on Bunwell Road was leaking raw sewage for over 6 months with no one bothering to do anything even when notified!  



Really disappointed with the Community Council’s response to this planning application. 

Whilst the official council response objects to the application, it only does so in its current format and essentially asks for it to be revised, not rejected. It was clear from the last council meeting that the overriding concern from all residents present was that relating to flooding, yet the Council’s response left the flooding concerns to the end in their objections. 

I also note that another Councillor from Spooner Row is actually supporting the application. 

It would also seem that the Community Council has “forgotten” that there is still a development on Chapel Road that hasn’t been completed which will give the village the affordable housing it so desires. 

I have to say that from my perspective, it would appear that the community council is not putting forward the views of the residents and their electorate.

Anon 123


Anonymous wrote:

Very surprised to see a support comment for the new development, this person either doesn’t live in the village or has interpreted the information very differently to everyone else and doesn’t have much respect for other members of this community who have suffered with flooding over the years. Interesting to see they also think the farmer manages the land really well, clearly they didn’t know about the treatment plant for the other development on Bunwell Road was leaking raw sewage for over 6 months with no one bothering to do anything even when notified!  

The only resident I know of who is is support of this development is Community Councillor Robert Foster. 

The Community Councils website states

"Our activities fall into three main categories:

• representing the local community

• delivering services to meet local needs

• improving quality of life and community well being"

It doesn't feel like this Councillor has the interests of local people at heart.

Please bear this in mind when voting for Community Councillors in future elections!




You are right that the Chapel Road affordable houses are still to be built. The BBC news article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cv2y725p1lvo  states Councillor Foster supports this proposed Bunwell Rd development for 15 affordable houses. Why doesn't he chase up the affordable houses for Chapel Road first if he is so concerned? The 15 affordable houses for Chapel Road, when built, will be sufficient for Spooner Row.



i am also disappointed in the Community council response which really only asks for a few less houses. Some of the councillors must view these posts . It would be good to get a response. To me it looks like they have admitted defeat and that this will be built and they are just trying to get a bit of a win by asking for a few less than 45. 



Anonymous wrote:

You are right that the Chapel Road affordable houses are still to be built. The BBC news article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cv2y725p1lvo  states Councillor Foster supports this proposed Bunwell Rd development for 15 affordable houses. Why doesn't he chase up the affordable houses for Chapel Road first if he is so concerned? The 15 affordable houses for Chapel Road, when built, will be sufficient for Spooner Row.

 Of course Chapel Road affordable houses are right in Councillor Foster's back yard whereas Bunwell Road isn't.  When others are accused of nimby'ism this makes you have to wonder?

Anon 123


Richard wrote:

Really disappointed with the Community Council’s response to this planning application. 

Whilst the official council response objects to the application, it only does so in its current format and essentially asks for it to be revised, not rejected. It was clear from the last council meeting that the overriding concern from all residents present was that relating to flooding, yet the Council’s response left the flooding concerns to the end in their objections. 

I also note that another Councillor from Spooner Row is actually supporting the application. 

It would also seem that the Community Council has “forgotten” that there is still a development on Chapel Road that hasn’t been completed which will give the village the affordable housing it so desires. 

I have to say that from my perspective, it would appear that the community council is not putting forward the views of the residents and their electorate.

Absolutely, it is outrageous to build any houses on there. I am all for affordable housing but not in an area which will cause flooding to other residents. My guess is they would build the big houses and drop anything affordable as usually happens! We needed a stronger objection to this from our community council.




If you are waiting for the community council to act on anything to do with the villages you are going to be very disappointed.



Anonymous wrote:

i am also disappointed in the Community council response which really only asks for a few less houses. Some of the councillors must view these posts . It would be good to get a response. To me it looks like they have admitted defeat and that this will be built and they are just trying to get a bit of a win by asking for a few less than 45. 

 You could attend the Community Council meeting this Thursday and express your concerns about their reply to this planning application. Could they be open to revising it to reflect more of the views of its residents? The Community Council is elected to represent the interests of its residents and not developers or any other party.



Usual waste of time because the community councillors are. always arguing amongst themselves, never agree on anything, don’t achieve nothing much and certainly don’t engage the community! 



Anonymous wrote:

Usual waste of time because the community councillors are. always arguing amongst themselves, never agree on anything, don’t achieve nothing much and certainly don’t engage the community! 

 I don't agree. The community council has lost numerous good councillors due to one particular individual who sits on the council, this has been documented on this website and in the local press. The councillors who resigned in protest included Julian Halls and Stephen Ward. This has not benefited the local community, and from what I can gather nothing much has changed. I think the council is doing its best in the circumstances. I hope Stephen Ward returns to the council. You could always offer your services and serve on the council.



Anonymous wrote:

The community council has lost numerous good councillors due to one particular individual who sits on the council, this has been documented on this website and in the local press. The councillors who resigned in protest included Julian Halls and Stephen Ward. This has not benefited the local community, and from what I can gather nothing much has changed. I think the council is doing its best in the circumstances. I hope Stephen Ward returns to the council. You could always offer your services and serve on the council.

 I completely agree with what you said here.
I cannot speak for Stephen but he is a good man and was an excellent councillor.
I feel that he is unlikely to come back after receving continual abuse when he was a councillor and then returning to help with the accounts (completely voluntarily) and being belittled for doing so by 'that one particular councillor'.

I see from the main council's website planning page that there are thirty objections to this proposal and only one in support . . . again, from 'that one particular councillor'.
The fact that the CC has passed this through just shows you how out of touch they are with village feeling and appear to operate on 'their own agendas'.
They are not a benefit to the community. I've lost faith in them completely.



Reading the planning responses to this unsuitable planning application, many have objected on grounds of flooding. The Community Council has also objected because of flooding and other issues such as the lack of infrastructure and public transport. What do our two District Councillors say about this? Has anyone contacted them?



The environment agency have responded to the application and have no objections, they do mention flooding but as they are not building in a flood zone it looks like they have given it the go ahead, such a shame they don’t consider the risk to the existing properties when assessing these applications! 



As far as I am aware, the Environment Agency only considers areas situated within a floodplain which involves the sea and rivers. It doesn't overview flash flooding from downpours with inadequate village drainage. Although the drainage in Spooner Row does flow off to the river, it is the poor and often blocked drainage system itself that is the problem. Who is responsible for this? Who will be held responsible when properties flood? Once a property has been flooded getting further house insurance can be difficult and expensive.



With regards to the EA “approval “ and if this is allowed to be built. Then further unsuitable housing schemes will be built without any hurdles in the village. Who if anyone is liable if the existing properties campaigning against this are flooded due to this development and the recommendations of so called experts? Is there any legal case that would allow the homeowners to go after the council or builders, experts or agencies who ”approve” these ridiculous schemes when it us evidently clear there are flooding issues in this specific part of the village. And although they claim to be building just off the flood plain area it will increase the flood risk to the existing already suffering properties. 



The emerging Local Plan Village Clusters Report dated 08 July 2024 proposes SNC Cabinet to agree to the recommendations which include an extended allocation of 15 to 35 dwellings for Bunwell Road. This contradicts the Lead Local Flood Authority objection to this site in the pending planning application 2024/0879. Is this recommendation considered sound?

https://democracy.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/documents/s7221/2024-06-26%20-%208%20July%20Cabinet%20-%20VCHAP%20Focused%20Reg%2019%20-%20Draft%20Report.pdf   -  (paragraph 4.1)



Lots of new documents have been submitted for this, addressing some issues and resubmitted for approval

to the relevant authorities but not addressing any of the issues highlighted by residents! 



It’s going to be even harder now that the new government are looking to push through developments with very little consideration to the villages. They just want numbers built. 
we need to get together as a collective to voice our concerns as a few little voices will not make any difference .

Christian Shadlock


For those interested or following the proposed housing development by KCS off Bunwell Road / Queens Street, a list of related documents is here (with thanks to Dawn our CC clerk):


It is my opinion (regrettably) that nothing is going to stop this from going ahead in the current political climate.




It is not unusual for Spooner Row to experience significant flooding throughout. The rural drainage system is ancient and was never meant to provide for dozens of modern houses. Those involved in the planning process should keep this in mind and ensure that robust and proper drainage infrastructure and treatments are included which will be expensive. If this is not achieved then it will be likely that water pollution and contamination will be added to the existing flood events. Not good for people and not good for the environment.



Many people are concerned and objected to the proposed planning application due to concerns over flooding, and it is pleasing to see that the LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority) has objected to the planning proposal

On 21st January Quote:
The LLFA object to this planning application for full planning permission in the absence of
an acceptable flood risk assessment / surface water drainage strategy / supporting

If this DOES go ahead as is, and flooding occurs as a result, I can see compensation claims forthcoming.



Some interesting reading . . .

Norfolk based house builders to be held liable when their schemes trigger flooding elsewhere.




We are going to email George Freeman with our concerns, if anyone else has time it may help

if several people highlight this! 


(Dear Anon,

Our MP for Spooner Row is no longer George Freeman, it's Ben Goldsborough. His details can be found here https://members.parliament.uk/member/5205/contact


 -- Edited by webstation on Tuesday 4th of February 2025 02:10:33 PM



How will your MP know how you are when you write to him anonymously?



They will fold if there was ever a claim and emerge again under a slightly different name. Tbh this sounds great but extremely unlikely that in the event of a bad flood anyone affected would firstly be able to prove it was due to them being responsible and secondly as said they would fold if there was big money to pay out.  The best thing is to fight the proposal and stop this ridiculous development being built in the first place. It’s all about money. There is not a need-for so many new homes in the village. Homes are for sale and have been for a while. 



Anonymous wrote:

Some interesting reading . . .

Norfolk based house builders to be held liable when their schemes trigger flooding elsewhere.


 An interesting article, I hope George Freeman is successful with this private members bill and other MPs support this. Developers should be held accountable but more than that, I believe it is councils that should be held more accountable, as it is the planners who approve and sign off the developments that go on to flood and cause misery. If they get it wrong, then the responsibility is with them.

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