Please note this meeting is scheduled to take place in the small room at the village hall and the agenda is very dull to be frank, as it is mainly procedual in nature being the first meeting ever
Given the lack of space ( say 15 public ) could I ask that if you wish to attend perhaps the next meeting might be more appropriate when the way forward will be actively considered
Of course if you wish to attend there is no reason not to do so
To avoid any confusion, through the incorrect position of name plates in front of people as we moved around the table for the picture, your councillors are:
From Left to Right:
Julian Halls, Neil Griffin, Martyn Lemon, Susan Hewitson, Tony Cleary, Robert Foster, Stephen Ward
Inaugural Parish Council Meeting and subsequent Meetings
I've just spotted in the agenda above that the topic of cutting the field was discussed. Please can I confirm that the field has been cut by staff from Wymondham High who are part of the same Multi Academy Trust (Enrich Learning Trust) as Spooner Row Primary School. This was arranged directly with Wymondham High by Robert Foster.
Julian Halls via Webstation
Agenda - Meeting held on Thursday, 20th June, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
The minutes of all Community Council meetings will be published on the new website at the following link: Spooner Community Council Meetings
Post a Council meeting the Clerk aims to have draft minutes completed within 7 days for circulation to councillors; although I was a absent from the last meeting I have seen the draft minutes for the February meeting.
Councillor’s then have 7 days to place comments / amendments through the Chairman to the Clerk. The finalised minutes will then be placed on the Agenda for our next monthly meeting, which is on 26th March, at which point the minutes will be published. This is the normal process for the publication of council meetings, followed by all councils across the UK.
I would like to see the draft minutes as soon as they become available, rather than wait until the following month for the approved version. Many local councils publish their draft minutes online for the public including Wymondham town council and Morley.
Many councillors live busy lives and only get round to comments sometime after the meeting and legally, it is ONLY the final set approved by the Chair ONCE all the councillors have agreed them which is the public record. Councillors can register the fact that they do not accept them as accurate but if approved by majority they stand. To release a draft version may set hares running unecessarily and the public can always attend meetings if they wish to hear what happens first hand.
For obvious reasons the meeting this week has been cancelled.
For urgent Health and safety issues please do let your councillor know and if in our power we will arrange for it to be sorted or will contact whose responsibility it is
As we cope with this situation please do be mindful of those around you who may be in difficulty for what ever reason. Put a note through their door with contact details, so no need to face to face so help can be offered.
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Spooner Row Community Council Agenda for Saturday 25th April 2020 at 9.30am - Online Meeting
So would the host of this meeting, Clr Martyn Lemon (or someone else on Council), like to explain to residents how they may join this Zoom video meeting given that it is meant to be open to the public?
I am sorry Anonymous that you did not see my previous posting.
Details of joining online are on this message board, the Notice Board situated at the Village Hall and I believe the Spooner Row Community Council Website.
The Community Council website is up to date in that the Minutes for 18/01/20 have been signed off by the Chairman but are awaited from the Clerk in the correct format, whilst the minutes for 27/02/20 are unsigned as Council has not yet met to sign them off.
The next meeting of the Community Council will be Saturday 25th April at 9.30 am via an online Zoom meeting. Those wishing to attend this meeting should email Martyn Lemon (Vice Chairman) on who will then provide the necessary meeting ID.
When published in either DRAFT of signed final form the Community Council minutes will be published at the following link: Spooner Community Council Meetings
Quite rightly we are being held to account for not publishing minutes in a timely manner, so I thought it worth explaining the current situation. All of the minutes that have thus far been published, up to November 2019, are final minutes but unsigned. These were signed as a true record by the Chairman at the next meeting, but the Council has only just scanned them in to Adobe Acrobat files which will now be published asap.
December 2019 - A meeting was not held.
January 2020 - Minutes were signed, but we have been slow to publish.
February 2020 - Minutes have been agreed at today’s Council meeting and will now be published. They were not published in DRAFT format as not all of the councillors agreed with the circulated DRAFT minutes, so this had to wait until the next Council Meeting for discussion and agreement. Due to the disagreement the minutes could not be published even in DRAFT.
March 2020 - The meeting was cancelled due to Government COVID-19 social distancing constraints; this resulted in a postponement of agreement of the February 2020 minutes.
To reassure you that we are always looking to improve how we undertake our business, the timeliness of minutes was discussed in today’s Community Council meeting and we have agreed the following:
The Clerk will produce a set of DRAFT minutes and circulate to councillors no later than 7 days after a meeting.
Councillor’s then have 7 days to comment back on the minutes through the Chairman.
Any amendments to the DRAFT minutes will then be completed within a further 7 days.
As we have scheduled Council meetings every month, the DRAFT minutes will then hopefully be ratified at the next Council meeting within one month and a final signed copy published straight after.
If we find ourselves in a situation where a meeting is cancelled again, then the Council will if possible publish the DRAFT minutes no later than one month after a meeting has taken place.
Again, please continue to hold us to account to these Community Council set deadlines. For information, there is no regulation on the timeliness of minutes, however the National Association of Local Council’s recommends DRAFT minutes should be published within one month of a meeting taking place.
I should also have added that you can find alongside the agendas and minutes on our website a Covid19 Statement from our Chairman detailing the regulations that back up the actions taken by Council.
It should only be a matter of days for the signed January minutes to go up and an agreed unsigned set for February (it may take a little longer to get the final signed set from the Chairman scanned in due to our last meeting taking place online). Remember the council and administration of the website is all done on a voluntary basis, so people have to fit administration of the website around their everyday lives. I will message those concerned though to remind them to upload them as soon as they can.
I can understand some concerns and the perception that minutes are being deliberately held up from public view.
Can I please reassure those concerned that we are in a bit of difficulty on this because of procedural rules.
Minutes of any meeting have to be formally accepted by the councillors and once agreed are signed. We cannot do this atr this time because of socail distancing rules which for some councillors in high risk category can be as long as 12 weeks
the last formal meeting we held when minutes were signed was January and the set for Febraury have yet to be signed. There was no meeting in March altough we did have a couple of informal on line gatherings
We have now progressed to on line meetings with a much reduced agenda and will be scanning them for posting in the unsigned form as soon as we can. You will appreciate that some councillors may wish to register concerns as to their content so this is a balancing act. Posting draft minutes then having to remove them to post in their final version can be a little cumbersome
I would say however that anyone who wishes can 'attend' the on line meetings but most of our business, at the moment is urgent matters, planning comments and payment authorisations.
If anyone has specific concerns it would be good to air them please. I would much prefer openly so we can respond accordingly.
Minutes need to be formally signed and agreed which on line is not possible
These are usually agreed at the next meeting which of course did not happen
It has been agreed however that they will be signed when we all meet again and a redacted signature version will appear
As an interim it has been suggested that we scan them un signed in DRAFT but concerns have arisen about having them posted having not been formally agreed by the whole council which is a legal requirement
Not satisfactory but in these very odd times much of what is happening is being made on the hoof as it were. We had a couple of admin meetings on line for payments and urgent matters but whether we post these or not is a matter on conjecture.
We have had one formal on line meeting since and will discuss how and whether we post them and the February minutes in Draft form at the next meeting later this month
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Thursday 28th May 2020 at 7.30pm - online meeting
Agenda Item 6, to hear an update from KCS Development Ltd, is that anything to do with the housing development on Station Road that was previously put on hold?
KSC Developments Ltd represent the land owner who in 2018 submitted the following application;
“2018/1950 - Outline permission for up to 40 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure with access via Station Road |Land East Of Chapel Road and South of Station Road Spooner Row Norfolk”
You are welcome to join us at this evening’s council meeting which will be conducted online via Zoom.
Please contact Clr Lemon for instructions and an access code.His email may be found on the earlier posted agenda.
Robert Foster
Communications Lead
Spooner Row Community Council
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Thursday 27th August 2020 at 7.30pm - online meeting
Don't forget this list of previous Agendas and some Minutes for reference. It is added to each month. Agendas and Minutes are also on the Community Council's website.
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Thursday 24th September 2020 at 7.30pm - online meeting via Zoom
Is the council going to discuss forwarding a response to NCC about the Newall application? The lorries will impact the village. The route is through Spooner Row.
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Saturday 16th January 2021 - virtual meeting via Zoom
I have looked at the documents for item no 7 on the agenda and it is for Change of use of existing waste processing/composting facility including in-vessel composting to an HCI (Household, Commercial and Industrial) waste processing and recycling facility to produce RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) and SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) grade material at Double Banks Farm, Carleton Rode.
I really don't like the way West Deepwade parish council has requested the lorries go via Spooner Row when visiting and departing from the site. In addition Old Buckenham parish council supports the planning application and wants the traffic routes to be followed at all stages of construction and use, it is concerned about its schools and considers its roads are not suitable. Lorries passing through Spooner Row will be detrimental to the village, its school, and pre-school situated adjacent to the traffic route. Station Rd and Bunwell Rd are not suitable roads for lorries either.
Spooner Row already has more lorries than it can cope with travelling through the village as it is.
When its for the same thing ? lorries through the village.
Councillor's have responded for other comments on this site and have made no comments at regarding this, do I really have to visit councillors to get a response ?
When its for the same thing ? lorries through the village.
Councillor's have responded for other comments on this site and have made no comments at regarding this, do I really have to visit councillors to get a response ?
You could attend the council zoom meeting tomorrow to discuss and have your say about this. I am pleased this is on the Agenda.
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Thursday 25th February 2021 at 7.30pm - virtual meeting via Zoom
This is just a reminder that this is an active thread of all the Community Council's Agendas since its inaugural meeting in May 2019. The thread may go down the list onto another page, but it will remain available.
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Community Council Agenda for Thursday 25th March 2021 at 7.30pm - virtual meeting via Zoom
In reply to Anonymous, please accept my apologies for the delay to this reply but I had expected the Chair or Vice-Chair to address this concern.
The Spooner Row Message Board is not owned or operated by Spooner Row Community Council.As such, any material that appears on this website relating to the Community Council is the responsibility of the original poster.Any comments or views expressed on this website are not those of the Council unless expressly stated.
As to the non-appearance of the Minutes for those Council meetings held in March and now April on the Community Council's website,, this question should be addressed to the acting Clerk Mr. Julian Halls.
This Council operates a strict protocol in that the final public versions of both Agenda and Minutes must be saved by the Clerk to our “Published Folder” within our back office system before they may be disseminated to the public.The Minutes for both March and April have not yet been published to this folder, so by default, they cannot appear on our website, nor can they be replicated elsewhere.
It is duly noted that this is not the first time that Minutes have been published late.
Please address any further concerns directly to Mr. Halls via email to
Robert Foster
Communications Lead
Spooner Row Community Council
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Agenda - Spooner Row Community Council Meeting for Thursday 17th June 2021, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Dear Anonymous, please accept my apologies for the delay in this reply but I had expected the Chair, Sue Hewitson, or the Vice-Chair, Julian Halls to address your concern. I can only assume that their silence after a week means that they are very busy, so I will assist.
As to the non-appearance of the Minutes for those Council meetings held in May and June on the Community Council’s website, whilst agreed by Council these Minutes have not been signed off by the Chair and as such, cannot be publicly displayed.
It is duly noted that this is not the first time that Minutes have been published late and I will raise this matter, once again, at our Council Meeting on Thursday 26th August.
Yes. Please do raise this matter. It is good practice to make the Minutes available for inspection as soon as possible. The NALC say they can be made available as a draft as long as they are clearly labelled as such. Many Parish councils do this, so why not here? It is unacceptable that we have not seen the draft of the previous Minutes before the meeting is held this evening.
What is the Community Council's protocol on releasing its Minutes of Meetings within a reasonable timespan ? The Minutes for May are now on the Council's website but nothing for June and July.
Our Chair and Clerk have now provided me with the missing Minutes to upload to our website. These have been added to "Agendas & Minutes" and they are available to view at
The protocol was that minutes be prepared "as quickly as possible" after each meeting, with a draft set issued to councillors no later than to allow issue with the agenda for the very next meeting. The accuracy of the minutes must be confirmed by resolution at that very next meeting and, once accepted, a hard copy signed by the Chair. Once signed, the Clerk will promptly scan and email to the Chair and myself as the Communications Lead, so as to allow publication to the public via our noticeboards (Station Road, Spooner Row and School Lane, Suton) and its website
Posted by Robert Foster
Communications Lead
Spooner Row Community Council
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Agenda (Draft) - Spooner Row Community Council Meeting for Thursday 23rd Sept 2021, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
I noticed the incorrect date and similar has happened before. (....edited....)
(Dear Anon,
Thank you for your post. The Community Council no longer replies directly to Anonymous messages. I think your queries would be best answered directly by the Clerk in this instance:
-- Edited by webstation on Wednesday 11th of May 2022 12:41:07 PM
The webstation comment does not really make sense when we all know that Cllr Halls is on this website daily. Then the post is edited to become meaningless. Who is protecting who?
(Dear Anon,
Thank you for your post. Cllr Halls does contribute to this message board regularly (not daily) as do many others. Everyone, councillors and residents alike, are welcome to do so. Incidentally, Cllr Halls has not contributed to this thread.
As a reminder, this is an independent forum run by local residents. Any questions regarding specific Community Council business should be directed to the Clerk.
-- Edited by webstation on Thursday 12th of May 2022 12:48:41 PM
up until this point the webmaster has quite correctly stated that I have not engaged in this post
However when Anon once again is choosing to engage is personal attacks I think I have the right to respond
Someone is making a massive issue of this , as far as I can see, for no purpose or reason other than to suggest that there is some sort of conspiracy in play, which is utter nonsense.
I often post here because I want the maximum number of residents to see or learn of issues that they may be interested in or affected by and see that as an important part of my role as a councillor. I make no apology for doing so and have in the past been pulled over the coals by the webmaster , quite rightly so, whose responsible editorial and independent control of what appears I know, really irritates some , who only want to communicate their message.
It is sad that at the recent Parish meeting not one member of the public turned up and I believe moves are afoot to try and genuinely improve engagement at this event and indeed at all Parish council meetings.
A sub group of the parish council are working very hard to bring you a really spectacular jubilee event , which does not include me, before someone has another 'go' and I genuinely hope any readers out there really appreciate the effort , the money being spent, your money, and engage in what has been a lot of hard work. It is a genuine celebration that is being underwritten by the Community council and by comparison with others ( councils) will be top notch.
Some positivity in these very difficult times should be welcomed with open arms, and I urge you to take part and enjoy it for what it is , a celebration with no hidden agendas.
Agenda - S.Row Community Council Meeting for Thursday 9th June 2022, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Two meetings within a week, what's going on? The confirmation of minutes on this agenda is for 4th August and not the meeting held last Thursday. Mr Halls you had a council meeting last Thursday where Mr Jordan of the school turned up to speak. Was this about the school expansion onto the playing field? If yes, why are you not telling us what was said?
(Dear Anon,
The Council meeting this Thursday would be the place to seek answers, the public can participate under item 4. I understand that it is a Community Councill policy not to respond to Anon posts.
-- Edited by webstation on Monday 5th of September 2022 11:52:11 AM
I noticed that and the agenda for the 1st September has now been deleted from this website. The rumour is that yet another councillor has resigned and it all got very heated.
(Dear Anon,
All Agendas published on this message board are archived. Go to the top of this thread and there is a link to view them all. I was not aware of the Agenda issued for 1st September but it is now available on the Council's website. To view this and all Community Council's Agendas and Minutes click on the weblink at the top of this thread
-- Edited by webstation on Tuesday 6th of September 2022 03:00:43 PM