Heavy Construction Traffic
Dear Residents - you should have all received this through your doors today and thanks very much for listening to me. It's good to know how strongly you feel about this issue, and that we are not alone in fighting this development. There is an error on the note however: the web address should be as below....
Chris Hylton, Bunwell Road
Norfolk Rural Support Network, Seminar at village hall
This is for information The Norfolk Rural support network is holding a seminar 'Resourcing Rural Norfolk' at the village hall on Monday 14th March, 10.30am - 1.30 pm All are welcome but ring 01603 452406 or 01284 750498 or email gordon.hill40@ntworld.com for further details. NRSN describes itse...
v. hall bookings
Mar 7, 2011
by v. hall bookings
Thank you to all those who bought flowers off me for Valentines, hope they were appreciated!. Unfortunately, due to 2 little idiots who tried to pinch about £80 of the flowers they will now be kept indoors, so please ring the bell at any time you want some. The lads were local but not from the village and w...
Tina, The Flower Garden
Breckland LDF ASHAAP
I have been asked by a Morley resident to draw Spooner Row residents attention to the article in the Wym & Att Mercury on Feb 3rd 2011 page 2. The article covers Attleborough's concerns about the reliance placed on financial contributions from developers to fund much needed infrastructure im...
Cllr Diana Hockaday
Mar 6, 2011
by A Spooner Row Resident
Speeding Traffic in Spooner Row
There have been quite a lot of postings about traffic problems in the village over the last few months. The fact that we are on a designated HGV route is historical -- we're stuck with it. As far as speeding motorists are concerned, we do at least now have a measure of the problem. I am the Town Councillo...
John Turner
Feb 18, 2011
by John Turner
Breckland LDF ASHAAP - Attleborough meeting 17th Feb Cancelled
According to the EDP today, Feb 16th 2011 the "public meeting arranged by Attleborough Town Council has been cancelled. Cllrs had organised the meeting which was due to be held tomorrow evening at the Connaught Hall , to discuss their response to the Attleborough annd Snetterton Heath Area Ac...
Cllr Diana Hockaday
say no to people trying to get others out of jobs.
i think its a very unfair situation. that because some people do nothing all day and night, they think they have rights to try and get other people out of work.....
Feb 16, 2011
by Anonymous
Breckland District Council LDF Gypsyand Traveller Site (northern) and Distributor Route 3
We must thank Morley Parish Council for organising the Public Meeting at Morley Village hall regarding Breckland District Council's Consultation on their Local Development Framework (LDF) for the Attleborough and Snetterton Area. It was especially important because my request to both Sout...
Diana Hockaday
Feb 10, 2011
by Diana Hockaday Town Councillor
Show your loved one how much you care this valentines day
I'm now taking orders for valentines day but do need your orders by friday evening please. I will have bunches out over the weekend for those last minute buys. Just a knock at the door or tel: 607557 for any orders.
Tina - The Flower Garden
Feb 8, 2011
by Tina - The Flower Garden
Breckland LDF & ASHAAP
As your local District Councillor for Cromwell’s Ward I am writing to advise you that on Monday 24 January I attended a meeting at Breckland District Councils offices in Dereham in my capacity as Chairman of WymondhamTown Council Planning Committee. The meeting was also attended by two other town C...
N Ward District Councillor
Breckland District Council LDF - proposals in the South Norfolk Area
I attended Wymondham Town Council's Planning meeting on January 19th and outlined the reasons why I was requesting they respond to Brecklands LDF Consultation. I also requested that the Town Council explore with Breckland whether Distributor Road 3 which initially adversly appears to impact o...
Diana Hockaday
G&T Consultation. Responses/comments misrecorded on Breckland Website
I've just had a look at the consultation responses on the Breckland website. There are quite a few showing location A (Land North of Attleborough/Besthorpe) as the preferred location but if you read the comments they clearly object to location A being used. I suspect that if you don't select an opt...
Besthorpe Resident
Jan 18, 2011
by Besthorpe Resident
Details of Who to Write to - Breckland's Proposals for G&T Site and Distributor Road
Breckland Council's public consultation for a G&T Site and Distributor Road ends 28th January 2011, noonlink:http://www.spoonerrow.f2s.com/gypsy_sites%20Breckland.htm
Jan 12, 2011
by Anonymous
1. Planning Application 3PL/2010/0252/F Bunnwell Rd. 2. Possible G&T sites Breckland
I have rung Officers at Breckland District Council this morning. 1. Chris the planning office informed me that the planning application 3PL/20/2010/0252 /F New Industrial Unit Bunwell Rd Besthorpe has not been determined yet because negotiations are continuing regarding linking the new uni...
Diana Hockaday
Jan 11, 2011
by Anonymous
Village Notice board
Please note there is now a notice board for use of the people of the villages(Spooner Row, Suton, and Wattlefield) outside the village hall. This has taken over a year to get permission to erect Thanks for efforts by Di Hockaday and members of the village Hall committee in getting the board. Also th...
Peter Frampton
Jan 11, 2011
by Anonymous
Quiz and Chips at Village Hall.
The village hall committee are organising another Quiz and Chips evening The date is 5th February and starts at 7.30 Teams of 4. cost per person £6.50(includes cost of Fish and chips). If you would like to have a team for this popular event please contact me on 01953 602490
Peter Frampton
Jan 10, 2011
by Peter Frampton
Gypsy Site in Besthorpe - Breckland Council Proposal
A leaflet came through my door last week from Breckland Council. They are seeking to locate a 15 pitch gipsy site in one of two areas in 2011. One of the search areas runs from Silver Street in Besthorpe up to the Rory Holbrook site. There is the possibility of the site being shared between Breckland an...
Besthorpe Resident
old earth moving yard
why is it that outsiders move in the village to die then moan at what happens in the village if they dont like it dont move in the village in the first place the old earth movers yard had transport and a workshop in it since 1976 if there was a problem planners would have stopped it years ago think of the local...
Jan 7, 2011
by Anonymous "local"
Proposed Distributor Road through Spooner Row/Suton? - Breckland Council Proposals
While I was looking on Breckland Council's map at the proposed G&T sites, I noticed that one of their options for their Distributor Road from Bunns Bank Industrial Site to the A11 comes across into Spooner Row and Suton. If this is the option they choose, a road such as this will cut through our vil...
Breckland or SNC Resident?
Jan 5, 2011
by John Turner
Village Hall Opening
About three years back I attended a Quiz and Chips evening and very good it was too, I have because of other commitments been unable to attend since then. However on that evening one of the questions asked was when did the building open as a Village Hall? I think my answer was 1946 but it was declared as 1...
John Nickalls
Jan 4, 2011
by Peter Frampton
HGVs Station Road
I have been receiving concerns about HGV traffic being generated allegedly from two different sites one on Bunwell Road, Besthorpe and the other at a composting site at Carleton Rode. Whilst retaining industry and jobs remain a high priority it is also important that residentail amenity is...
Diana Hockaday
Nov 23, 2010
by Anonymous
Decorate Your Door This Christmas!!
Make your front door look extra special this Christmas with a wreath.I am now taking orders so pop in to Church View Spooner Row or call 01953607557 or 07979694143 to discuss your requirements. Table centre pieces and hearth decorations made to order too!!
Tina, The Flower Garden
Nov 20, 2010
by Tina, The Flower Garden
Does anyone know who owns the triangle of field that runs from the church down to the station on Station Road? I have seen railway equipment on there but nothing else any ideas ?????
Nov 16, 2010
by Anonymous
Are you missing a tabby cat?
Has anyone missed their un-neutered tabby tom cat? He spends most of his time with us, but sometimes stays away for a few days, so he may just go roaming and end up with us. He has access to food here, so may only come when his owners are out/away. We are happy to adopt him, but need to know that he doesn't al...
Nov 2, 2010
by Julie / Chardley Cats Lodge
Wedding Photographers and Florists
Can anyone recommend any local photographers and florists, preferrably from Spooner Row if possible, otherwise within the Norwish area Many Thanks Vicky
Oct 23, 2010
by Anonymous
National Osteoporosis Society Event - Swaffham
Dear Spooner Row Community Website,I would like to let you know about a FREE event The National Osteoporosis Society is holding soon. It's in Swaffham on 2nd October at the Community Centre, Campinglands 1.30 - 4pm. Doors open at 1.30pm for tea and coffee which will be followed by talks and displays o...
Tina Lindsay
Sep 26, 2010
by Tina Lindsay
Quiz and chips
Quiz and chips at village hall Saturday October 2nd Teams of 4 Starts at 7.30. Entrance fee 6.50. To reserve a table call me on 01953 602490
Peter Frampton
Sep 20, 2010
by Peter Frampton
Village Hall AGM
The Village hall is having its AGM on Thursday 27th May at 7.30pm. You are most welcome to attend. To see what has been acheived over the last year and to have your chance to say what you want to see happening in the village hall. Better still join the committee and help organise an event of the type...
Peter Frampton
May 24, 2010
by Anonymous
irresponsible dog owner
I would like to find the owner of a small Jack Russell with red collar. The dog came into my garden and chased the free range chickens and caused me to have to call a vet out to put 2 chickens down. The 2 remaining chickens are needing me to administer anti biotics and antiseptic cleaning of wounds on a daily...
Peter Frampton
Train Service
Peter Bayless posted 1/11/09 1:01 PM If anybody in the Spooner Row. Eccles Road or Harling Road areas is interested in working towards a better train service at these stations and would use it if provided please contact me on the above Email address
Peter Bayless
Mar 10, 2010
by Anonymous
Black Cables on Road
Does anyone know what the pair of black cables across the top of Station Road are for? I presume some sort of traffic counting? The only other place I have seen them recently (appeared at exactly the same time) is on the B1135 Wymondham/Hethel road right outside where the proposed G&T site is pro...
Pictures Of Spooner Row
Just wondering if anybody has any favourite pictures of spooner row Also does anybody no where this is or is it just an old photo
Shop Wanter posted 3/13/09 3:33 PM I want a bloody shop in spooner row!!!Anyone else want one..? Matt posted 3/13/09 4:18 PM Yeah i do a Tesco's would be nice ! Mo Pu Lady posted 3/14/09 11:49 AM A little village store would be lovely, where you could buy fresh vegetables, freshly baked bread...
Shop Wanter
Looking for someone
I am looking for a man called Christopher Robert Dyke, he is my father and i last remember him living in spooners row about 15 years ago, any info would be great, thanks
New proposed 'affordable homes' on Chapel Road
I am a resident of Chapel Road and have today recieved (with great anger) a letter from Saffron Housing Trust saying that they plan to build 6 new homes on the field opposite between The Bungalow and number 9 Chapel Road. I am looking to set up a group of opposition for the proposals. Anyone's help would b...
Feb 13, 2010
by Anonymous
Quiz and Chips
There is to be a quiz and chips evening at the village hall on February 27th starting at 7.30. It would be good to see more people from Spooner Row other than the hall committee and 1 or 2 other residents. Cost is £6 a person. Teams of 4. If you want to come but don't have a team don't worry we can sort someth...
Peter Frampton
Feb 11, 2010
by Peter Frampton
Its That Time Again!!
Yes its that time again!! So if you want to show the one how much you really love them pop in to see me at Church View Spooner Row to arrange a floral bouquet for Valentines Day. Any size, shape or colour and price, so if you want just a single rose for someone special or a dozen roses (or 2) we can help. Free Del...
Tina,The Flower Garden
Feb 6, 2010
by Tina,The Flower Garden
Giving way at traffic calming
hi, I wonder if like me you have had to give way to speeding vehicles coming into Spooner Row! I got so fed up I contacted Norfolk Police for advice and received a reply from PCSO Daniel Shelley who advised that if you are in this situation you should take the registration of the vehicle. They will then con...
Feb 6, 2010
by james and tina
Happy New Year
I would like to wish all the residents a Happy New Year! May it bring us all happiness and health
Mo Pu Lady
Jan 2, 2010
by Mo Pu Lady
Need A Wreath?
Do you want to finish your christmas decorations off either inside or outside your house? Then come to Church View (Pink House opp. Church) We have Christmas wreaths in various styles. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES!!!!!
James and Tina
Dec 13, 2009
by James and Tina