Consultation - Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan: Reg. 18 Public Consultation - Ends on Mon 5pm, 2 August 2021
Just a reminder that the Housing Allocations Consultation ends in three weeks on 2 August 2021. The Preferred Sites for Spooner Row are: - SN0444 land west of Bunwell Road - up to 15 dwellings - SN0567 land south of Station Road and west of Queensland, Spooner Row & (Part) SN2082 land south of St...
Jul 13, 2021
by Webstation
planning inspectorate appeal AT LONG LAST !
There are in effect two appeals , see the reference numbers but they relate to the same matter. This is being run by the planning inspectorate and will be all day. Please see the contact details which are identical and I do not have any details of the format or agenda. The principal authority and lead on t...
julian Halls
Town & Country Planning Act - Plots 1 to 8 London Road, Suton
A statement from Sue Hewitson Chair - Spooner Row Community Council Spooner Row Community Council would like to express its relief at the decision received earlier today from HM Planning Inspectorate regarding the traveller site in Suton, located on London Road. The Planning Inspectorate has r...
The Community Council
Temporary road closure of Golf Links Road, Morley from 12 July to 24 Sept 2021 (footway construction works)
Subject: Temporary road closure of Golf Links Road in the Parish of Morley - footway construction works (STRO5263) IN LIGHT OF THE ONGOING RESTRICTIONS TO MOVEMENT, ALL WORKS MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT SHORT NOTICE Dear allPlease find attached the following documents in relation to a tempora...
Julian Halls via Webstation
Jun 28, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
General Question about Water Supply and Sewage in Spooner Row
Hello every one I am not sure if any one can help me on here. But I have a general Question about Water Supply and Sewage in Spooner Row. The Question I have is where does our Water Supply what we drink and use come from and also where does all our Sewage from Our Toilets and baths etc go too? I have searched...
Adam Keeling
Jun 28, 2021
by Robert Foster
A Question about all the Openreach Vans me and my family keep seeing here every day and a Question about Ultrafast Fibre
Hello every one Just a question here I would like to ask please and hopefully some one will know. How come me and my family keep seeing about 5 or 6 if not more Openreach Vans and about 8 plus Openreach Engineers at the top of our road which is the old London main road? We have being seeing Openreach Vans mo...
Adam Keeling
Jun 28, 2021
by Robert Foster
School expansion / playing field takeover
Residents of Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield have you picked up on the proposal from Enrich Learning Trust to fence off a significant element of the village playing field using 6ft metal fencing? Enrich is the academy that controls Spooner Row Primary School. I only found out about it by...
Jun 21, 2021
by Anonymous
Soil mounds
Does anyone know why there are great soil mounds in the front garden of the London Road house near Gurney Reeve? Is it flood defence or development?
Jun 17, 2021
by Anonymous
Metal detecting
Good afternoon all, I have been metal detecting as a hobby for nearly two years now and am in desperate search of some land to have permission to detect on. I'm in ym late 20s, a member of the national council for metal detecting which includes insurance cover for anywhere I detect. As a day job I work in c...
Alex N
new notice board suton street
i see one of the panes of glass in the new notice board has been smashed! who do i report this to? please
Regulation and Planning Committee Agenda 27 May 2021 (including LOCAL PLAN HOUSING ALLOCATIONS)
The meeting is over so I can now share and apart from some typo corrections was approved to go forward for consultationThe relevant pages of the 386 page report are 213- 219 and 346 and 347 The areas rejected on pages 346 are particularly pertinent to note in respect to the KCS development plans Cl...
Julian Halls via Webstation
Jun 8, 2021
by julian Halls
Barry Nicholls refurbished farm trailers
Hi.. I'm looking to find someone in Spooner row called Barry Nichols, who apparently refurbishes old lorry trailers and converts them for farm use. my email address is jp@julianprojects.co.uk
Julian Pearson
Temporary Road Closure (STRO5117 - Water Works) - Top Common/Station Road junction, 7th-10th June 2021 (merged)
Spooner Row STRO5117 PT-page-001 by spoonerrow, on F...
Julian Halls via Webstation
Church picnic benches
Are the picnic benches in the church yard for community use? The plot looks very pretty with “no mow May” and a lovely place to sit and contemplate life! Would be good idea to have them on the village playing field - what do you think?
Any five-a-side football players out there?
Hi I am part of a group who pre-covid regularly played five-a-side football at Wensum Lodge in Norwich, near the football ground. After a 15 month break we are starting again next week. We could do with a handful of new regular players, so if you would like to play and can play most weeks then let me know. K...
May 25, 2021
by Anonymous
Is anyone attending the council meeting to see the playing field plans?
May 19, 2021
by Anonymous
new election divisions for county
just days after the last election the totally independent ( ha ha) boundary commission have just published their final recommendations as to how the county will be divided up in 2025 election. No appeals but awaiting formal rubber stamp in law Spooner row , having been in Forehoe is now in the new divi...
julian Halls
May 19, 2021
by julian Halls
Black elderly cat Queens Street
Last week or so we have had an elderly black cat no chip possible sore mouth comes twice a day bit thin. Think possible male neutered. I have been given some cat soup he then heads off to the pub direction. Very long tail. He's popped through our cat flap a couple of nights. Is he yours? Jules
Jules Homes
County Council Election Results
Forehoe Daniel Elmer Con 1622 Vivienne Clifford-Jackson LD 979 John Morland Lab 531 Ian Boreham G 363 Tony Mathews RP 64 Wymondham Robert Savage Con ...
May 14, 2021
by Anonymous
Vacancies on the Norfolk Local Access Forum
Dear ColleagueFor information – and wider circulation. Norfolk Local Access Forum volunteer vacancies I am emailing to let you know that the Norfolk Local Access Forum is seeking new members and to ask if you could please promote the recruitment in your capacity as parish clerk (or parish repres...
Julian Halls via Webstation
May 13, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
120,000 tonne a year of "aggregate" to be hauled through Spooner Row
Dear Sirs Messrs Newalls for its Heron Farm NR17 sitehave submitted a proposal to Brecklands Planning to take building waste "aggregate" for processing . Reference 3CM/2020/0018/CM At issue is that the road route permitted takes it through Spooner Row. The impact on Spooner Row could be dram...
May 11, 2021
by Anonymous
Anyone know who's field banger it is going off at various times of the day and night ?? Driving me nuts !! Lol
May 10, 2021
by julian Halls
Hi, does anyone know what happened to the Harvey’s that lived in the old station house next to the crossing in the 1960’s.Particularly looking for Susan Harvey who was born 1954/55. Thank you.
Village Hall AGM
Spooner Row, Suton & Wattlefield Village Hall Committee AGM To be held on Tuesday 25th May 2021 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Chances Project - Norfolk
Dear Mr Halls, I want to promote a project that I’m working on to your parish and wondered if you had a parish magazine that I can put information in? The Chances project supports individuals in Norfolk actively seeking employment, together with those distant and disengaged from the jobs market. C...
Julian Halls via Webstation
May 6, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
Community Project - The Street That Saved
NALC Food Waste-page-001 by spoonerrow, on Flickr [u...
Julian Halls via Webstation
May 5, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
Chepore Lane Traveller Site
Hi there, Please can our Parish council request that SNC check the validity of the residents currently occupying the Chepore Lane Traveller Site. There has been an alarming increase in footfall in our small and out of the way community of unknown and unrecognisable individuals and groups of indi...
Daz, Suton
damage to fence outside Carousel Chapel road
At approx 0500 this morning a car clearly out of control heading into the village in Chapel road coming from Wymondham drove into the front fence at this property and was lucky enough to damage the conifer tree as well as destroy a whole section of the fence otherwise it would have taken out the supply po...
county council candidates - so far
please see below the candidates declared so far. I will add others as they come in and am being as neutral as possible using the exact words from posted biographies Labour Party Norfolk County Council Candidate for Forehoe Division About John Morland Originally from Rochdale, home of the Coop, (a...
julian Halls
Apr 29, 2021
by julian Halls
Attention all dog owners/dog walkers
If, like me, you've been alarmed by the increasing numbers of dog thefts and attempted dog thefts being reported around the country, including in Norfolk, are you aware of The DogHorn Yellow Lanyard Campaign, a nationwide campaign to help dog owners deal with rising threat of dog theft and bring co...
Apr 26, 2021
by Anonymous
A11 Surveys - Spooner Row to Thickthorn Interchange with Diversion Routes
609074 A11 Spooner Row-page-001 by spoonerrow, on Fl...
Julian Halls via Webstation
Apr 26, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
Council Tax 2021/2022
Looking at the latest council tax bill for 2021/22 is has increased by an enormous 3.9% on last year. I was pleased to see that the Spooner Row Community Council has decreased its amount by 3.6%. It is refreshing to see a council do this.
Apr 12, 2021
by Anonymous
small play area spooner row field
Dear all For health and safety reasons the small play area has been locked until further notice
julian Halls
JM Greethams
Does anybody have contact details for the trustees?
Apr 3, 2021
by Webstation
Dog Bins
There is a poll running on NextDoor to ascertain if the Community needs another dog bin located on Green Lane, the Bridleways between Guiler’s Lane and Potter’s Lane in Spooner Row. If you have a view please comment here, or discussion on ://nextdoor.co.uk/g/p8628rcbd/
Stephen Ward
Proposed Traveller Site on London Road (postings on this topic have been merged)
Hi. As you kniw SNCC recently refused the planning application for a traveller site on London Road and is pending an appeal. Yet work still continues to develop the site, right this very minute in fact and even sometimes in the cover of darkness. Residents have been in touch with the planning departm...
new recycle facility
NEWS RELEASE 18 March 2021 Construction of £1.9m Norwich south recycling centre starts next week Work starts next week, Monday 22 March, on the brand new £1.9m Norwich South recycling centre. The larger modern recycling centre is set to replace the current site at Ketteringham later this year. Con...
julian Halls
Casual Vacancy in the Office of Community Councillor
Martyn Lemon via Webstation
Mar 31, 2021
by Julian Halls via Webstation
NCC latest covid advice and broadband
Latest Information, Advice, Useful Links and Service Updates (Updated 25 March 2021) This is a very fast-moving situation and our focus right now is on delaying the spread of coronavirus and ensuring our services are responding well. This is clearly hugely important and requires all of our atten...
julian Halls
Mar 26, 2021
by julian Halls
Anonymity to be removed
Dear Anonymous, Thank you for your post. The Anonymous feature on this site has been discussed numerous times over the years. Please scroll through the pages to view previous discussions. The Anonymous feature will remain as it is a popular and sensible choice. Webstation
Mar 24, 2021
by Anonymous