Plane crash
I have heard a rumour that a plane crashed into a field in Spooner Row during the second world war - can anyone confirm that story?
Nov 26, 2009
by Anonymous
Transport for the elderly residents
Hi, I am interested to know if there is anyone who can provide transport on an adhoc basis for an elderly couple living just outside Spooner Row? Sadly, the husband has terminal cancer and can drive but often is not well enough. Both are in their 80's and the wife does not drive and is therefore reliant on...
K Rymell
man with a speeding calculator today near railway!
hi there ive been watching today a man calculating the speed of the drivers thru our village! i do hope they dont go by these as he was more visible than the railway haha and ALL lorries vans mopeds cars etc all amazingly slowed down...to 16 miles per hour alot of them!!...this is ridiculous as most "...
Herbert Edward Lawrence
Does any resident of Spooner Row have any knowledge of my father Herbert Edward Lawrence who is beleived to have resided in the village. He served in the 4th Battalion Royal Norfolk Regiment but was killed in action in Singapore February 1942. His parents are also beleived to have resided in the villa...
Henry Lawrence
Jul 19, 2009
by Henry Lawrence
Good news?
Contact the Ombudsman about non-listening Council
I thought Wednesday's Public Meeting with South Norfolk Council went well, but it is obvious that they are still a non-listening council. Past behaviour is indicative of future behaviour, which in South Norfolk Council’s case is to totally ignore us. We need to go higher, to the Ombudsman perhap...
Let's do it
Jun 18, 2009
by Village Resident
Government Policy on Permanent Sites - correspondence
I have received a 2-page reply to my letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government regarding the Government Policy on Permanent Gypsy and Traveller Sites. Within the letter it addresses the subject for the identification of suitable locations for pitches which says, "....
Letter writer
Jun 5, 2009
by Letter writer
Enjoy the sunshine
Happy Bank Holiday - enjoy the sunshine! Wishing all the residents a peaceful sunny Summer!
Mo Pu Lady
Working Group Chairman
The Chairman of the Gipsy and Traveller Working Group is Ronnie Hoare. He is not a councillor nor a member of staff at South Norfolk Council yet he is the Spokesman for this group and plays an important role. Many have tried to find his contact details but to no avail. So who is he accountable to? He w...
Idiots guide to councils
May 1, 2009
by Another Fed-up Resident
Proposed Submission Document for G&T Sites
I have been 'perusing' the South Norfolk Council website and came across a document entitled ' PROPOSED SUBMISSION DOCUMENT' (Local Development Framework, Gypsy and Traveller Local Development Document). In this the sites that are proposed for the A11 are as follows: Preferred - Chepore Lane,...
Apr 30, 2009
by Suton Resident
PUBLIC MEETING re: Gipsy & Traveller Sites
Hi Everyone, Have just heard from SNC that there is going to be a PUBLIC MEETING at Central Hall, Wymondham on WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL - time: 7.30p.m. A notice about this should be in next weeks Mercury - not that we get it delivered - but I don't know if they'll put leaflets out to everyone. If we...
Lynn Kingsley
Apr 28, 2009
by Flat Feet
Another unfair selection process: Part 1
Richardposted 2/27/09 11:14 AM After the first consultation we were told that new sites would be identified. It seems that both the "new" Wymondham sites are non-starters. Why was the Stanfield Oil Depot selected by the Planners as a potential site when it appears to have a "pro...
Apr 24, 2009
by Turkey Lady
Speeding in the village: Part 2
ResidentDoes anybody else in the village get frustrated with the Amount of Scooters riding around with noisy exhausts riding on the playing field.They used to congregate at the village hall but now they just go everywhere.Trying hard to irritate everybody.Spooner Row ResidentOk, the public (i....
Travellers article in Saturday's 'Sun'
Did anyone read the article in Saturday's Sun newspaper about Gipsy & traveller's kids ruining a village school? They originally had 150 local children in the school, then the traveller's moved in! Now the school has only 50 kids, of which about 5 are local kids. I have sent a copy of this article t...
Spooner Row resident.
Apr 6, 2009
by High Voltage
Drop-In-Day Sessions, Wednesday 18th March, Spooner Row Village Hall
Karen posted 3/14/09 11:16 AM Just a reminder, that the Gypsy & Traveller Drop-In-Day Sessions at Spooner Row Village Hall is this Wednesday 18th March: Morning Session: 9.30am to 12noon, Afternoon Session: 2.30pm to 4.30pm, Evening Session: 7.30pm to 9pm. If you would like to read the Do...
Apr 1, 2009
by Just a Council Tax Payer
Planning consultation for the Norwich area
For anyone interested, there is a public consultation underway regarding the large scale housing development for the Greater Norwich area (this includes Wymondham and Spooner Row). It finishes on 24 April and there is a questionnaire for the public to complete. Details are: www.gndp.org.uk e...
Mar 31, 2009
by Kittyhawk
Empty Homes
As some of you may already know, there is a programme on ITV 8pm this evening. Jonathan Maitland is investigating these 870,000 empty homes. Wymondham are going to build 9000 homes which may or may not be lived in as told by Tim Horspole. If every council has to do this, then it won't be long before there a...
Mo Pu Lady
Mar 25, 2009
by Mo Pu Lady
Gypsy & Traveller Meeting
Cllr Andrew Pond posted 11/19/08 3:03 PM Dear ResidentsI have spoken to the Leader of South Norfolk Council, Cllr John Fuller,who informs me there will be a meeting at Central Hall Wymondham, on Wed 26th Nov at 7.30pm until 9.30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the current position in r...
Cllr Andrew Pond
Mar 22, 2009
by Webstation
Liberal -Democrat leaflet
Suton Resident posted 11/27/08 11:46 AM I read with interest the leaflet distributed and at first was convinced that this was the party to vote for in the forthcoming by-election.On reading further something caused me to maybe change my mind.Nothing at all was mentioned about the travellers si...
Suton Resident
Mar 21, 2009
by Suton Resident
councillor pond where are you now?
mandy posted 3/10/09 1:40 PM i see our councillors are not here to back us all up at such a crucial starting block?!... No No No posted 3/10/09 5:09 PM The by election is over...!!! Cllr Andrew Pond posted 3/14/09 6:09 PM I'm here, have you recieved the leaflet about the drop in days yet?Rega...
Spooner Row School
Carolyn Flemingposted 3/5/09 8:50 PM My mother Dorothy Farmer was the infant teacher for many years in the late 1940's untill we moved to Harlow in Essex in the early 1960's. We lived in the school house as the then head master John Wilkie had a house in Wymondham. Is the chestnut tree still standin...
Carolyn Fleming
Mar 20, 2009
by Heather Etteridge
Another unfair selection process: Part 3
Anxious Residentposted 3/10/09 12:45 AM Thanks for letting me know about this as I couldn't work out why the link I was clickling on was not working. Well spotted! mandyposted 3/10/09 12:50 AM it is obvious, with all the trouble wymondham has with the illegal site there, that they are not goin...
Bird Scarer?
Norfolk Ladyposted 11/26/08 10:17 PM Can any Spooner Row residents hear the loud banging at certain times of the day? Sounds like a gun shot in the distance. Is it a bird scarer? Mo Pu Ladyposted 11/27/08 7:32 AM Hi Norfolk Lady. I think you may be hearing a bird scarer,especially if it is a single...
Norfolk Lady
Mar 19, 2009
by Norfolk Lady
Gypsy site proposal on endangered birds habitat
Karen posted 10/19/08 4:25 PM Along part of the proposed Spooner Row Gypsy site is a Conservation Walk for us to enjoy as locals and forms part of DEFRA’s Countryside Stewardship Scheme. On the white notices (on the fields and on this website under “Conservation Walks”) it explains how the farml...
mandyposted 3/10/09 11:56 AM hey there, where are we all sending our objection letters again k please? are we all sending multiple ones again to useless jf etc etc etc?also if we are going to let all the village know about where to send objection letters again, when do they have to be in by and dont we...
Another unfair selection process: Part 2
Concernedposted 3/5/09 8:47 AM Have SNC spent all our hard-earned money on this farce of a document. Basically they have picked the same sites and thrown in one that will be rejected for good measure. Do these people think that we, who pay their wages are stupid. It is about time the community stand...
Speeding in the village: Part 1
Residentposted 1/23/09 12:27 AM I think its absolutly shocking some of the speeds cars and motorcycles come speeding through the village.Dont people know its 30 for a reason. Spooner Row Residentposted 1/24/09 10:54 AM Yes, I completely agree. I think the village would benefit from having...
Site Notice at Spooner Row
BTCposted 3/12/09 8:14 AM As I drove past the Spooner Row site on my way to work this morning, I saw a Site Notice sign has appeared (didn't have time to stop and read it as I was already late due to the tarmac chaos that was in full swing in the village!!). Has anyone read the sign? Usually a Site Notice im...
No No No
No No Noposted 3/10/09 1:16 PM The latest efforts by the Council to prove they are acting fairly looks like a questionnaire for everybody concerned to select their favourite site and to comment on the selection process. This is positive discrimination towards smaller communities. People are u...
No No No