Changes to collection days
Not sure whether this will affect us or not ! Collection Day Changes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) - 15 March 2016 Outline From the week commencing the 6 June 2016, the days we collect waste and recycling will be changing. These changes however, will not affect all residents. Below we have pr...
julian Halls
Mar 22, 2016
by Anonymous
A11 road closure next week evenings
A large diversion in Place and affecting northbound traffic Important, please read Details about road works Dear Sir/Madam Work to repair the A11 between Thetford and Snetterton We are working on behalf of Highways England to repair the road surface of the A11 northbound near you. This work wi...
julian Halls
Mar 21, 2016
by julian Halls
Council Tax 2016/17
The Notice of Council Tax 2016/2017 in last Friday's EDP was indeed a shock horror. As Spooner Row comes under Wymondham, this almost equates with the likes of Loddon, Cringleford, Ditchingham, Long Stratton. Perhaps it is our bus and train services which gives us this hallowed status or am I missin...
Mar 17, 2016
by Anonymous
Flooding top end of Bunwell road
Following on from recent ditch excavation work , the ditch is now full of water , the road is flooding and also the front gardens of number 5 and number 6. I have no knowledge why this ditch was cleared but it would appear that the culvert is blocked and I have reported the matter to Highways as a matter or ur...
Julian halls
Mar 10, 2016
by Julian halls
Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday
On Good Friday, Spooner Row Acorns and Conkers are holding an Easter Egg hunt around the village, with activities and refreshments in the Village Hall:
S.Row Acorns via Webstation
Mar 5, 2016
by S.Row Acorns via Webstation
Revised Planning notice arrangements
Please see the attached and make sure you check the planning portal every 3 nanoseconds in case you miss something. For my part I will try and let the SR message board know of any contentiuos issues. The info is repeated here in full unaltered. Just astonished they haven't called it an improvement alth...
julian Halls
Feb 23, 2016
by Anonymous
The Boars
First of all we would like to express our thanks to all those who have expressed their concern/interest in the future of The Boars. You are welcomed with open arms if you wish to pop in for a drink and a catch up. If you fancy walking the dog and trying a good pint or stretching your legs before watching Mat...
Ruth and Tony Yeoman
Feb 12, 2016
by Ruth and Tony Yeoman
Just been told there have been a spate of shed and garage brake ins in and around Carlton Rode resantly so beware.
revision of ward boundaries
This may have implications for Cromwells ward and it might even be a process we could influence. I am not sure whether at this stage we qualify as a 10% variance but with Silfiled getting another 1220 houses ........... That is the good news ?? but the bad news is the Govt declared aim to reduce numbers of...
julian Halls
Litter pick
Any takers or interest. We need to be careful about our boundary however South Norfolk Council’s Big Litter Pick 2016 is launching soon. Working with the local community, schools and community groups this council run initiative helps reduce litter and improves the appearance of the district,...
Julian Halls
Jan 29, 2016
by Julian Halls
Curry and Band Night is back for the 3rd year running !
Time to buy your tickets for this popular event. It's been a sell-out in previous years !Curry and Band Night at Spooner Row Village HallOn Saturday 6th FebruaryDoors open 7pm: Food 8pmLocal Band.....Slippery StyxLicenced BarTickets £12.50Raffle on the evening with proceeds going towards a def...
Lyn Rout
Quiz and Chips
Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield Village Hall Association invite you to another ....Quiz and Chips Saturday 27th February7.30 startSpooner Row Village HallTickets £7, including fish and chipsTeams up to 4Donations for the raffle would be appreciatedContact Lyn Rout 01953 605450
Lyn Rout
One of our stalwarts is leaving the village and whilst we have been running below the minimum number for a while now this has called into question the continuance of the scheme. We are a result calling for volunteers. Training will be given but we need at least six active members for this to work. We aver...
julian Halls
Jan 25, 2016
by julian Halls
paperless consultations and charges for pre application advice
A fait accompli received from South Norfolk which relies on on line viewing of plans , assuming we all have fast Broadband. You will note the ridiculously short implementation time and the lack of consultation I personally do not think this is an improvement !! There is no seperate room at Wymondham T...
Julian Halls
Jan 16, 2016
by Julian Halls
Swishing - Clothes Swap Party Saturday 23rd January upstairs at Mr D’s Diner From 10am - 12pm
Ladies and young ladies, bring good quality laundered and pre-loved clothes (on a hanger if possible) lightly worn shoes, jewellery or hand bags. All from mid to high end high street shops. Please bring 1-5 items. You will be given tokens to exchange. Please drop off to Marie (07903 122593) in Suton...
Message Board
Just a quick message to thank the person who maintains this site. Having made the decision to move into Spooner Row this site has answered numerous questions and given me an insight into village life. It has reassured me that the short move from Wymondham to Spooner Row is the right one. (Welcome to t...
merry xmas to one and all
We hope everyone has enjoyed their xmas dinners and presents and hope we all have a good and prosperous new year
Dec 29, 2015
by Anonymous
wymondham Flexibus
Any comments to Judith direct please I know we are not a parish but as we are so big ..... The Wymondham Flexibus operates under contract to Norfolk County Council and the contract is due to be renewed from July next year and I am wondering if the service needs tweeking at all. I am writing to all Parish...
julian Halls
Dec 9, 2015
by julian Halls
Christmas Party/ Disco Cancelled
The Christmas Party/ Disco planned for the village hall has unfortunately been cancelled due to the low uptake of tickets.
Lyn Rout
What has happened to our District Council?
In the light of the topic, "South Norfolk and 106 Money" recently posted on here:What has happened to our district council? About 12-15 years ago, I was Treasurer of Spooner Row Village Hall and was involved in raising funds for urgent major repairs to the hall, without which the hall woul...
Nov 30, 2015
by anonymous
Village Hall Christmas Party and Disco
This year the village hall committee is organising a Party/ Disco for the local community.Please come and support this event.Saturday 5th December7.30 - midnightBring your own drinks and nibblesAdults onlyTickets £5 each Call Lesley on 01953 859770 07900 247764
Lyn Rout
Adoption of South Norfolk Local Plan
To view the adopted South Norfolk Local Plan, http://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/planning/1952.asp
Nov 17, 2015
by Anonymous
Message board under attack
From a source in South Norfolk , it has become very apparent that some of the posts being put on this site are not being well received there. The Planners feel very hard done by, despite being rightly castigated on immediate past performance, and the controlling administration are incensed by open di...
Nov 15, 2015
by Webstation
proposal to remove street lighting Norfolk CC
Not a political rant , a request for public opinion please and quickly ( Planning meeting next Tuesday) ragarding proposal to eventually remove and for the meantime switch off street lights on the old A11 The proposal is to switch off and remove the street lamps where they start on the old A11 near to Mo...
julian halls
Nov 2, 2015
by Julian halls
South Norfolk Local Plan Inspector's Report September 2015
The Inspector's report into the South Norfolk Local Plan - Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document; Wymondham Area Action Plan and Development Management Policies Document is now available: It can be viewed on SNDC's website http://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/local-plan-examin...
Oct 29, 2015
by Anonymous
Censorship of this site
If you are asking posters to use their names for views of a political nature surely this should be extended to cover all postings. You have always opposed this move on the grounds that some people do not like using their names for fear of a backlash etc. I think that this was a good policy and it should rema...
Oct 26, 2015
by Not-Anonymous
South Norfolk and section 106 money
Will not directly affect the residents of Spooner row but this is a copy of a post I have put on Wymondham matters which concerns the other half of the Ward. South Norfolk has earmarked part of the money (they have got from the developers of the Silfield monstrosity ( 1230 new houses ) to pay for their Leis...
Julian Halls
Oct 15, 2015
by Julian Halls
Land Behind 1 Cantley Villas. Appeal.
Jist to make local residents aware that there has been an appeal against refusal for the erection of 7 dwellings behind this property. The appeal is to be determined on the basis of an informal hearing. Date to be advised. Local PlanniNG Reference 2014/1851 DGLG ref APP/L2630/W/15//3003743
Oct 14, 2015
by Anonymous
.........just a few tables left......
Spooner Row Village HallQuiz and ChipsSaturday 17th October7.30 Starttickets £7 each (includes fish and chips)Tables up to a maximum of 4Bring your own drinks and nibblesBookings Caroline 01953 605312 Lyn 01953 605450
Lyn Rout
Family Ceilidh Sat 10th October
Friends of Spooner Row Primary School are hosting a Family Ceilidh Night on Saturday 10th October 6-9pm at the Village Hall. Come and join us for a fun night. Licensed Bar and Food Tickets £6 adults, £3 children. Available on the door or from Jo 01953604099
Macmillan Breakfast morning
We are holding our Macmillan Breakfast morning on Friday 2nd October in the schools hall from 8am to 9.30am. All are welcome, we will be serving warm croissants with tea, coffee or hot chocolate. We also have Phoenix Cards attending, so why not order your Christmas cards too whilst enjoying a cuppa...
Vicky @ SRCP
Sep 28, 2015
by Vicky @ SRCP
windows 10 and the Spooner row experience
Please note I am not a computer geek and almost certainly will not be able to solve your problems if you have any, but I felt i should share my experience with you. Finally bit the bullet yesterday and installed windows 10 Unlike the suggested 22 mins and 30 mins on line, my download took about 10 hours ! Fo...
julian halls
Sep 21, 2015
by Anonymous
Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival communion will take place at Spooner Row church on Sunday 27th at 11am. That afternoon the church will be open from 2pm-4pm to view the Harvest decorations. Do come along and see your village church. All welcome. Tea and biscuits provided!
Sep 19, 2015
by Anonymous
Quiz And Chips
Spooner Row Village HallQuiz and ChipsSaturday 17th October7.30 Starttickets £7 each (includes fish and chips)Tables up to a maximum of 4Bring your own drinks and nibblesBookings Caroline 01953 605312 Lyn 01953 605450
Lyn Rout
South Norfolk Planning, Housing and Gypsy sites
A recent judgement by a Planning Inspector elsewhere has set a precedent about the way the 5 year Housing supply is calculated. So what I hear you say ? Well, it would appear SNDC used the wrong method of the two on offer and we do NOT have a 5 year land supply, so this means developers can ask for Housing to b...
julian Halls
Sep 13, 2015
by Anonymous
Spooner Row Pop Up cycle Cafe
As many of you know The Tour of Britain passes right through Spooner Row on the 12th September 2015. We will be offering refreshments and cake from 9.30am-1.00pm to raise money for the official tour charity, leukaemia and lymphoma research. The idea is to encourage cyclists to come and watch and en...
Sep 11, 2015
by Lucy Arora
South Norfolk action plan/Wymondham Area Action Plan
SNC are consulting about changes again. Here's a link to [a copy of] a letter they sent me. http://bit.ly/1J4Bnap
John Turner
Sep 1, 2015
by julian Halls
community car scheme
I am thinking about setting up a car scheme to cover the sub parishes of Wattlefield, Spooner row and Suton mainly for Hospital appts , Doctors and perhaps shopping trips. We currently do not have a scheme covering these areas and of course Wymondham has quite good links via Public transport, so no nee...
Julian Halls
Aug 26, 2015
by Julian Halls
Planning Applicatiion Ref 2014/2472 - Reserved matters approval for Chapel Road and at Bunwell Road (33 dwellings)
https://info.south-norfolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NFNGE1OQK5V00 Details are: Ref 2014/2472 | Reserved matters approval for 13 dwellings at Chapel...
Aug 21, 2015
by Julian Halls
Tour of Britain cycle race Saturday 12th Sept
In case you are unaware the Tour of Britain cycle race will be coming through Spooner row from Wymondham on its way to Attleborough. This is the opposite direction to the last time ! Exact timings are unclear ( obviously) but expect traffic disruption as previously with the road closed with support ve...
julian halls
Aug 20, 2015
by julian Halls