Carleton Rode,Double Banks Farm HGV generation
For some weeks Carleton Rode Parish Council have kindly kept me in the picture re the retrospective planning application regarding reorganisation of an in-vessel composting facility,installation of electricty kiosk,storage tanks etc at Double Banks Farm , Carleton Rode because one of the...
Cllr Hockaday
May 31, 2012
by Cllr Hockaday
Spooner Row: a 'Service Village' allegedly
The discussion Proposed New Houses for Spooner Row has moved away from the original topic of the specific plans for a development proposed by J. Alston so here's a new post for the related topic where we have led ourselves. (So it's worth a peek at the last few posts of that.) It has come to the attentio...
John Turner
Preschool Quiz and Chips 23rd June
Spooner Row Acorns Preschool are organising a Quiz and Chips evening on Saturday 23rd June at the village hall starting at 7.30pm. It will be hosted by the Bergh Apton Players. Teams of 4-8. Tickets £7.50 each. For tickets call Kirsty 07872 119740 or email secretgardenflorists@gmail.com
Kirsty Dobson
May 18, 2012
by Kirsty Dobson
Black and white cat
Does anyone know who owns a black and white cat with a distinctive white nose? Often seen with a ginger cat. It has been sleeping in our shed (Queen Street) and today it has a limp. I just want to know if it is a stray or is being cared for.
May 13, 2012
by Anonymous
Spooner Row Level Crossing
I have received one or two understandable concerns about the works that appear to have started at the level crossing. One concern is that the passenger shelter has been removed and it raises the query as to whether it will be replaced? Some old plans do not indicate a replacement.Clearly if there is a...
Diana Hockaday- Town Councillo
May 5, 2012
by Diana Hockaday- Town Councillo
proposed un manned barriers at railway crossing
It has come to my attention that Network Rail are replacing the level crossing gate's at spooner row with the un manned type this autumn. Is this correct ?
Apr 28, 2012
by Anonymous
Quiz and Chips
QUIZ and ChipsSaturday February 11th Starting 7.30 pm prompt. Teams of 4 Prize Raffle will be also held Entrance fee of £6.50 per person To reserve your table call Peter Frampton on 01953 602490 Bring you own drinkTea and coffee available
Peter Frampton
Feb 1, 2012
by peter frampton
Proposed Asda supermarket in Wymondham town centre
Wymondham Town Council have been secretly planning to sell King’s Head Meadow in the town centre for redevelopment into an Asda supermarket. The Windmill Public House (which is a listed building) and the Roman Catholic Church site would be included in development plans and be detrimental to the ch...
Tiffey Valley/Chapel Lane Wymondham
Please note that the last date by which to object to building in Chapel Lane - on the Tiffey Valley - is 18th November. Letters to the Planning and Housing Policy Team, South Norfolk Council, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE. Sites are :173, 624a, 624b, 624c, 654, SO203. This is the last chanc...
Nov 30, 2011
by Anonymous
Christmas Craft Fair
There is to be a Chrismas craft fair at the village hall on Saturday 19th November 1 pm to 4 pm Unusual gifts for Christmas Refreshments available with homemade cakes To book a table/stall Ring 01953 605569
Peter Frampton
kitten found
Hi Has anyone lost a kitten , approx 12 weeks old & black/grey with white feet. it turned up on our doorstep 2 days ago. If you have then call round to Warrenbank, Station Rd ( next to railway crossing ) to collect
Oct 27, 2011
by warrenbank
Afternoon Tea Sunday 3rd October 3.00 to 5.00 pm
There is to be an open afternoon at the village hall, where you can view the newly laid floor and have a cup of tea with the mayor. Also you will be able to chat to members of the management committee. It is also an opportunity to put forward what events you want to see happen at the village hall.
Peter Frampton
Planning application
Thought some of you may be interested in this planning application in todays' EDP. Appl. No :07/ 2011/0519 F 8 Parish: Wymondham Grid Ref: 608635 298059 Location: Mobile Home And Land Os 5990, Chepore Lane, Spooner Row Proposal: Change of Use of argricultural land to single family residential trav...
Oct 25, 2011
by xxDanPersonxx
Evening door knocking
Has anyone else been effected by someone knocking on their door and running away in the early evenings? Several times this is happened now and tonight we saw a couple of boys further down the street so not sure if it was them. It is very disturbing when I'm in the house by myself.
Gas gun / Bird Scarer all Night
Am I alone in my life being made an absolute misery by the use of these devises?It’s bad enough to have to listen to the damn things all day. Is anyone else hearing them going off all night? Particularly when there’s a full moon or little cloud cover?Spooner Row / Wattlefield / Bunwell area?
Proposed Gipsy Site at Stanfield Road
There is an article on page 33 of the EDP today. The Planning Inspector has Health and Safety issues regarding the suitability of this site (and the other chosen one at Earsham), and they are calling for the DPD to be withdrawn. This could mean that original/other sites could now be back in the running...
Mothers Day
I will have a range of bouquets for sale on Mothers Day, although I will be taking orders up to thursday evening for the larger ones. As I am unable to keep too many flowers outside due to thieves please ring bell as there will be more inside.
The Flower Garden
Glass recycling bin at the school car park S/Row
It was bought to my attention by a Spooner Row resident that the glass recycling bin in the school carpark Station Road, Spooner Row needs to be emptied more frequently. I raised the issue at the Wymondhmam Town Council last night - Tuesday 6th September 2011. It was stated that South Norfolk Council a...
Cllr Hockaday
Oct 24, 2011
by AmericanPanda
Spooner Row Resignalling
NETWORK RAIL PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING SPOONER ROW RESIGNALLING PROJECT 7PM WEDNESDAY 19TH OCTOBER SPOONER ROW VILLAGE HALL Works to upgrade and renew the signalling equipment between Ely and Norwich are currently being undertaken. As part of this project significant changes to Spooner Row...
John Eccles (via Web Station)
Oct 24, 2011
by dayanasoadfan
Quiz and Chips
There will be a quiz and chips evening at the village hall on 8th October Starts 7.30 prompt. £6.50 a person Teams of 4 For tickets ring 01953 602490 or 01953 602768
Peter Frampton
Oct 24, 2011
by evertrustme
I know we all don't really want to think about Christmas yet, but it's looming up on us quickly. I am taking any orders for wreaths, table decorations or even just gift arrangements now. That way the arrangements can be exactly how you want them. I will hopefully have fresh wreaths for sale as usual al...
The Flower Garden
Oct 3, 2011
by The Flower Garden
Baby groups
Hi, does anyone know if there are any baby/toddler groups around this area. I have a 1yr old and would like to meet other mums who's children would be going to Spooner Row school or live in this area.
Sep 23, 2011
by Anonymous
Fly tipping
I expect several residents will have seen the fly-tipped rubbish beside the stub end of Cheopre Lane. I reported it to South Norfolk Council today [1] because Environment Service want to know of all incidents; [2] in the hope it will be cleared up soon. It's a very open spot, so was probably dumped a...
John Turner
Sep 22, 2011
by John Turner
LDF (x-thousand new houses for Wymondham etc) -- Public Consultation events
As part of the consultation exercise going on until Nov. 18th, there are some more drop-in points being set up. I put a poster up on our board by the Village Hall, for the one in Waitrose car park this Saturday (17th), 09:00 - 16:00 in case you missed the corner of yesterday's EDP. There are others, if you...
John Turner
Sep 15, 2011
by Anonymous
Tour of Britain
The Tour of Britain cycle race is coming through our village on Saturday 17th September. Come and support the cyclists. Meeting in the Boars carpark from 12.15pm. See posters or the official website for more details
Sep 13, 2011
by Anonymous
an evening's entertainment
I forward apologies from the Time Travel Team who cancelled at short notice as there were no advance bookings. They had not made it clear in their publicity that they needed these and their email re cancellation was not received by the booking secretary- who was also looking forward to the show! ...
village hall bookings
Sep 4, 2011
by village hall bookings
An evening's entertainment for us all!
On Sat.Sept 3rd the 'Time Travel Team,' a drama duo from the Mattishall area are presenting ' Village at War ' from 8 -10pm in the Village Hall. " An Evening of live music & Life on the Homefront" Tickets £5 on the door or tel;07984 969162 or 07901 528849 As this is something new for the...
village hall bookings.
Stinky lorries
Has anyone noticed the increase in disgustingly smelly lorries coming through our village every day? I am sick of every time I go for a walk about 3 lorries pass one after the other and I find it really hard to breathe. The only the thing you can do is breathe the stench in as it lingers for such a long time...
Aug 12, 2011
by Anonymous
Technical Problems?
I gather some people are having technical problems with putting their postings on this Message Forum. If you are, please email me with details on webstation@spoonerrow.f2s.com
Photos of the 2011 fête
John Turner
Jul 26, 2011
by Anonymous
Annual Summer Fete
It is that time of year again and we are looking for anyone who has photo's of the village from years gone by. if you do have any photo's please contact me and I will tell you what we are aiming to do. The fete is on Sunday 3rd July 2-5 pm. Keep an eye out for the next news letter that will soon be coming out wit...
Peter Frampton
Jun 14, 2011
by Peter Frampton
Grazing required
Could anyone help or advise. I have 2 old horses that I need to find a new home for. I live in Spooner Row and if possible would like to keep then close to this area. They require a field with water and shelter or space for a shelter. Thanks Helen
Spooner Row Village Hall AGM
All are welcome to the Village Hall AGM which takes place on 26th May at 7.30. Any enquiries please ring me on 01953 602490 Peter.
Peter Frampton
May 5, 2011
by Peter Frampton
3 Legged Ginger and White Cat
Queen Street is being visited by a friendly three legged ginger and white male cat. Does he belong to you or do you know who he belongs to? Please let me know either by calling in or ringing me on 603962.
Julie / Chardley Cats Lodge
Apr 28, 2011
by Julie / Chardley Cats Lodge
Recycling at Wymondham
I have just got back from using the recycling centre at Wymondham and it is chaos. It is only open from Friday to Monday now - not every day like it was before. Everyone is trying to use it within the limited time it is open, resulting in lots of cars, people and a lorry all fighting for the same space. App...
Thank you
Thank you to all who bought Mother's Day flowers from me on Sunday. Remember me if you ever need any bouquets or funeral flowers. My flowers are always fresh and at a good price. Should you know anyone getting married this year I also offer competitive rates for wedding flowers and hire of Bay trees f...
The Flower Garden
Apr 4, 2011
by The Flower Garden
TABLE TOP SALE CANCELLED due to lack of support
Peter Frampton
Table Top Sale
There is to be a table top sale at the village hall on April 2nd. 10.30 to 2.30 If you want a stall ring Mavis Thurston on 01953 605569
Peter Frampton
Mar 31, 2011
by Peter Frampton
Estimated £100,000 was spent on Gypsy & Traveller Proposals
I have just had a LibDem leaflet through my door and it says that an estimated £100.000 was spent on the Gypsy and Traveller strategy at South Norfolk Council!! We did wonder how much all that cost us, paid from our hard earned money in local taxes. Do we get that sort of money spent on us? What about gettin...
A Spooner Row Resident
Mar 21, 2011
by Anonymous
Bygone Memories - new category on this website
For those who are interested in local history, there is a new category on this website called Bygone Memories which can be accessed via the Spooner Row Home Page. It includes memories by Edward Stone and Mr R Smith, who both lived in the village for many years. If you know of anyone associated with the...